problem sending mail from backend file not found iphone - iphone

i'm trying to use the skpsmtpmessage to send emails from backend. In the README.txt it says:
To use this in your app include the following files in your project:
That should mean that i have to include the .h .m files in my project. Now, after i've done that i get an error NSData+Base64Additions.h not found, so i imported the missing classes for this 'skpsmtpmessage' project but i get tons of errors like:
Undefined symbols for architecture armv6:
"_kCFStreamSSLLevel", referenced from:
-[SKPSMTPMessage parseBuffer] in SKPSMTPMessage.o
i get the same errors if i even remove the import lines. I cleaned the project but it doesn't help at all.
Has anyone used this library before? Have you experienced this errors before? I need some guide.
Thanks in advance!

Have a look at the header files for the project you've downloaded. You'll see this:
#import <CFNetwork/CFNetwork.h>
This means that the class uses the CFNetwork framework. You will need to add it to your project in Xcode and make sure that your target links against the framework.


Use Private FRamework in Xcode Celestial

I'm a Xcode beginner so I would really appreciates if the answers were as much detailed as possible (if image could be included it would be best)
I would like to use the celestial private framework, I do not care if it get rejected by the app store since it's a private project.
I would like to use the AVSystemController in the celestial framework.
If I go to the xcode directory, I find only an exec file in the framework.
I found the headers files at:
The questions are:
1-Do I add the framework that's included in the xcode directory the one that has only on file (exec named Celestial)? or should I add a headers folder first and put all the downloaded headers in it?
2-IS Github a trusted site? btw I couldn't help but noticing that the downloaded zip file headers (at least the AVSystemContriller.h ) are different then the ones you directly open on the website
3-After adding the the celestial framework (in the linked Binary with librairy of the project ) to use it I should use #import but I get an error not found
The purpose of this project is to turn the iphone to silent profile by code.
Please Help, I've been reading threads all over the internet and I wasn't able to solve it.
P.S.: Like I said before I am a beginner so it would be appreciated to detail you answer as much as possible
Thank You
dumping private header is for helping you to find functional without documentation, to load private framework you just type on your code like this :
NSBundle *b = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:#"/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WhatEver.framework"];
that mean, you will load/use private framework at your iDevice :)

Gsoap undefined references

I'm trying to use and web service with gsoap. I've already generated all *.h and *.cpp using wsdl2h and soapcpp2, included all libraries, at least I think so, but when I build the project it gives me the message of undefined references to a lot of methods. The thing is all methods are declared in soapH.h (the prototype) and in soapC.cpp (the implementation).
Any help will be appreciated.
It seems that you included some generated header files in your build, which should not. (e.g. the .h file generated from wsdl) There are descriptions in the comment section in each generated files, and you'd better read them to get familiar how to use them.
Also, if you use openssl, the library should also be included during linking process(-lssl)
Solved, All I need was the original header file, I was getting one from the wsdl.
In case anyone encounteres this problem: you do not have to include all the .cpp files in your makefile - some of them are included by the other. What you need also depends on whether you are building a client or a server.
Consult the documentation here to see which files are needed and for what.

unable to use Libxml on iPhone

im trying to use libxml2.2 to parse an XML file in my iPhone app but I'm having problems. i keep getting errors like "error: libxml/tree.h: No such file or directory". after doing some searching on here and on the internet in general i found that you need to add "/usr/include/libxml2" to the Header Search Paths. i have done this and i'm still having the same problem. anybody have any idea what is going on?
also the exact same code works just fine on a coworker's computer but not on mine.
Did you add "usr/include/libxml2" or "/usr/include/libxml2" (there's a forward slash at the beginning of the path)
Also don't forget to add -lxml2 to Other Linker Flags

iPhone HTML Parsing using TouchXML and tidy

I'm trying to parse HTML using TouchXML. However, it seems that the data I want to parse (I do not control the source, it's downloaded from the internet) is partially malformed - I get various errors during the parse. Therefore, it seems that I should be using the inbuilt tidy support to fix the HTML but I cannot seem to find any documentation or information on how to enable it or link libtidy successfully into my project.
If anyone has any information on how to do this, it'd be much appreciated. Alternatively if there's another tool I could be using to do this - do tell me!
Actually, you can both link to the framework and include the headers, without needing to download the source.
Link to the existing framework libtidy.dylib
Add /usr/include/tidy to HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS
Turns out that although the framework can be linked in to an xcode project, the headers are missing. I have got around this by downloading the HTML Tidy Source (src and include directory) and added them in to compile as part of my xcode project.

How to invoked methods of external .h files in iphone

to all
In my iphone game I want to add external .h and .a files. I am adding them by using add project option given in Xcode. It get added but I want to invoked the methods given in the header files. As per instruction given to us we have to call one method which is declared in external header file. We have to call that method inside AppDelegate's applicationDidFinishLaunching method . But at the time of compilation it gives one error that is referenced from: and symbol not found. I don't understand how to invoked this method and how to get referenced for the method.
I am sending one link please see that. The same problem with my application is coming.
In that three screen shots are given by some toddburch on Jan 24, 2009, 07:37 AM
The same error for my methods are also coming but my code is in Cocoa with objective-c not in ruby.
If anyone know the solution please reply me As soon as possible.
The .h is not enough. You also need the implementation, either source code or compiled framework.
Do you have access to the source code itself? Try dragging the .h and .m/.c files from the framework directory directly into your project. It's a little messy, but I think it will solve your problem based on the error messages you are getting. You can put them all in a group so your project doesn't look so crowded after you drag them over if you like.
You currently have two files
A *.h header file which describes the classes and functions available in your third party library
A *.a static library file which holds the pre-compiled code for the functions described by the *.h file.
Assuming you've got to the stage where you can #include or #import "xyz.h" and compile your application, the bit which is missing is linking your executable with the *.a file.
The symbol not found error message is the linker telling you it knows some of your code is calling a particular function, but it can't currently find another code module that provides an implementation of that function.
One thing to check is that your *.a file is correctly configured within your project to be passed to the linker. One way to do this is to expand the "Targets" section of the main XCode window. If you drill down into the section representing your application you should see a subnode labeled "Link Binaries with Libraries". Your *.a file should be listed, if it isn't one way to add it is to simple drag and drop the file into this section.