How to post a COMMENT with FB application profile photo? - facebook

It is possible for a 'facebook application' to post a COMMENT on a POST when there is a valid ACCESS_TOKEN. API call for the same is: /xyz_profile_id/comments/?access_token=...
ACCESS_TOKEN being generated by allowing the "facebook application" to get access to xyz_profile_id. The post done will have default FROM ID as xyz_profile_id showing his/her profile photo along with the comment.
My requirement is this: How to change the FROM ID as appilcation_id so that the profile photo of the application is shown beside the posted comment.

Can you please provide more information on what you are doing and how you are doing it. Not sure about 'FROM ID as application_id' requirement.
E.g. posting comment to a post:<post_id>/comments?access_token=<token>&method=post&message=hi
will generate a story like this:
How do you want to change this?

In this case, you will need to authenticate your session with an application access_token, as opposed to a user access_token. Make sure the application has been installed on that particular page you want to update comments on.
Read more:


Get URL (Link) for facebook post using post ID

I am trying to get a post from a company Facebook page.The link is for an application i developed that feeds of information from another applications database that uses the Facebook API.
i want to create a link eg{postID} that will take me to the specific post.I have tried numerous articles and all seem to send me to a 404 page. Please help.
My Application uses the facebook api that accepts data related to a facebook page content (i.e posts,photo's,statuses etc).part of the api is that it saves the actual post id pertaining to a post for e.g. 302961133120433_576487772434433 into my applications database.As you may see that the post id has 2 parts separated by an underscore.So i needed to make a url based on this post id.
Solution for the link is:(2 parts of it,first being page id and second being actual post id)
Hope this helps.
You have facebook API doc on post here :
the URL you want is called "permalink_url" as field name, so the API call to get that link is in this format:
URL = '' + postId + '?fields=permalink_url&access_token=' + facebookToken
Here is a screenshot for my testing in FB API explorer.
If you want to get a list of posts on IDs on a particular page, it doesnt seem to be documented but this works:<TOKEN>
If anyone only needs to redirect to the post URL, just put the post id after and it will be automatically taken to the post.
more information from the official docs

Facebook Graph API get all comments

I've put a Facebook social plugin comments box on my site, in which i specified a Facebook Fanpage, as the comments target.
Now what I want to do is get all comments that are present in the comments box on page my page. I'm using this:
In place of xxx I placed my fanpage url (displayed comments just from one day even with limit set to 10000) and when this didn't work I tried my page url, which resulted in nothing being displayed.
The correct syntax to read comments from the Facebook Graph API is as follows:
GET /{object-id}/comments
So your URL would look like this:
Here's a live example that looks at comments on Coca-Cola's cover photo:
You can read more about reading comments via the Graph API here.
check this stackOverflow topic
You need to call it from a secure request https and provide an access_token (19292868552_118464504835613 is Facebook post) :
( (19292868552) is the page or group id and (118464504835613) is the post id)
Added the object from the post document. Try clicking the comments connection and then remove the access_token and try and see the difference.

Get all pictures and related comments from a Facebook Group page

I need to get all picture and their related comments which has been made to a particular facebook group page. How can I achieve this through facebook api?
Sure, you just need to make a request to
Example here:
The Graph API is really easy to figure out. You have the base url ( and then you can make requests to any object on facebook (user, page, group, checkin, etc) by just calling It's all on the front page:

How to find a post when all you know is the post_id?

I have a simple app for submitting data and after submission I have a share option.
When a user actually shares something he is redirected by Facebook to a specified URI.
Facebook also provides the post_id by appending it to the URI (like http://my-redirected-URL?post_id=100001175803635_321643121201516).
So, without asking anything from the user, I can tell if he shared information or not, and I have his post_id (but not his user_id or name).
But how can I see what he actually wrote? I have his post_id. Where can I look?
I've tried the open graph but with no luck.
I thought this was an answer: what is the url to a facebook open graph post id?, also no luck.
Any ideas?
If you have user access_token for user who shared the content you can issue GET request to Graph API to get the data by post id (100001175803635_321643121201516 for example):
Response is the Post object which will have non empty message property if user added some text to shared content...

Where is the Facebook Status feed URL these days?

I know that it was previously possible to display your most recent Facebook statuses on your website as an RSS feed, but it seems they've changed their setup and I can't figure out where to find the feed anymore....
I saw some people searching for this a while ago, but since Facebook just released their new layout, I didn't know if this might have changed again.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Try this for a feed in JSON-format.[uid]/feed
Facebook appears to have killed all the public status feeds in the name of user privacy. The only way to fetch it is to build a facebook application that gets your status updates, and then associating your facebook account with that application to give it permission to access your status updates so it can put them somewhere else.
Thankfully, someone has already done that for us. Just go to while logged in to facebook and grant the app permission. Then it will give you a public URL to an RSS feed of your status updates.
Just keep it simple... This is an easy way to load your latest status(es) using through curl / php. Includes a quick simple function.
Easiest way to load your latest facebook status
I found this site which you authenticate, and it will then give you a working rss feed.
I have found that it does have some limitations, but you can see it here:
If you wan't to display status updates only, you can use:[uid]/posts
This URL will return a JSON string of user [uid]:s status updates.
To get your status feed, follow these instructions:
Log into Facebook
Go to
Click the link titled "Your Notifications" at the bottom of the box to the right of the list of notifications
That will bring you to a feed of your notifications, which is not what you asked for. This url will be something like feed:// XXXXXX&key=YYYYYYYY&format=rss20
Change notifications.php to status.php in the URL (preserving all the URL parameters).
That should be a feed of your status updates.
Start at and click on the "My Friend's Notes" link. Change the friends_notes part of the url to friends_status, and you should be good to go.
Programmatically specifying user to query status updates for
(Note: This is a server-side solution)
It's possible the feed you're looking for has been deprecated for security purposes.
Alternatively facebook FQL on the Status table might provide an answer because it allows you to specify the user ID (for example, your own) for which to retrieve status updates, and a time frame can be specified to limit them as desired.
A raw fb FQL query example, for status updates:
select uid,status_id,message
from status
where uid in
(select uid2 from friend where uid1= uid)
AND time > {time in the last week}
The main FQL guide starts here.
Poking around the Internet you can pick up sample code of FQL code being called from PHP and other platforms.
PHP example:
$q = "SELECT name FROM user WHERE uid='$id'";
$query = $facebook->api_client->fql_query($q);
The facebook client API library for your platform of choice can be downloaded and used to issue FQL statements.
There is also a Test Console hosted online for facebook developers to test API statements against their own account.
You can also use a RSS feed generator for your Facebook Statuses (or Photos) like the RSS Feeds application on Facebook.
It will help you generate a RSS feed for all your statuses and photos while maintaining the privacy modes.
Although, I am not a fan of the user interface the application has, but the functionality is what is awesome :)
Theres also anther way to do it..Which is simple and easy...its not an rss feed but a plugin can be developed to output as an rss...Theres a tutorial of it on