submit an app to iTunes without owning the device? - iphone

Can I submit an iPad app without owning a iPad? In other words can I build and compile an app without the device and submit it. Obviously without the device the build will Fail. Or is there a way around this with the simulator builds?

You can.
You can't submit simulator builds because they are compiled for Intel and not ARM, but you don't need an iPad to build and iPad app.
If you set up your certificates and provisioning profiles properly, the build will NOT fail even if you don't have the device.

You should be able to build with "iOS Device" and get a working app.


Visual Studio for Mac - Configuration doesn't target device. Your configuration doesn't target a valid iOS device

Error Message:
Configuration doesn't target device.
Your configuration doesn't target a valid iOS device
I want to publish an iPhone app to App Store. So, I tried to perform Archive for Publish an iPhone App by selecting at the top main menu bar:
Build > Archive for Publishing
I have already select a device from the drop down menu at the main top menu bar. But I still receive above error message. What should I do?
I don't have a physical real iPhone. All I use is the iPhone Simulator. Is it a must to use a real iPhone to sign the App and submit to App Store?
A physical iOS (iPhone) device is no more needed to archive and submit app to AppStore.
You need to plug in a real physical iPhone into the Mac Laptop.
and target it as target deploy device. Then, this problem will solve.
Update: A physical iOS (iPhone) device is no more needed to archive and submit app to AppStore.
For build device, select "Any iOS Device (arm64, armv7)" or Generic Device
The last option in the list of build devices is a Generic Device, under the heading Build Only Devices. This option works fine for those without a physical iPhone.
Dont know if this is still an issue, but I ran into that issue today: the problemn was that in the fourth column it didnt say "remote device". Click on in so it reads: Release, iPhone, APPNAM.ios, Remote device.
Than your good.

Could I submit app to appstore without ios device?

Today I want submit my app to app store, I created apple ID and prepared app for upload. I created Distribution Provisioning Profile and I prepared everything in xcode but when I change
iPhone Simulator 6.1 -> iOS Device (button archive is unavaible)
Check dependencies
Code Sign error: A valid provisioning profile matching the
application's Identifier 'com.etomek.Ukladanka' could not be found
I thought that I need Developer Provisioning Profile? But I don't have any iPhone/iPad
So Could I submit app to appstore without ios device ?
You do not need a device, and can archive when it's set to iOS Device. The best bet is to test on as many devices as you can, and archive when it's plugged in. Although when it says iOS Device, you can archive. The reason it's grayed out is probably an error in your provisioning profile or certificate. You may want to look under Organizer under profiles or under your build settings.
You need a development certificate for testing locally and distribution certificate for submission to the app store. You need to create a request in keychain then submit it using iTunes Connect, and then download the proper provisioning profiles and certs, and install it in XCode Organizer.
Best bet is to purchase a cheap device like an iPod Touch or iPhone, that can test most of your capabilities (iPod doesn't have most capabilities). You can compile for iPad with iPod or iPhone. So you just need an iOS device that can support your version 4.3+ or 5,6,7.
My previous answer was not correct, but this one is. Trausti was actually correct.
From Official Apple Documentation
To create an archive
For iOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps, choose a generic device or your device name from the Scheme toolbar menu in the project editor.
You can’t create an archive of a simulator build. If a device is connected to your Mac, the device name appears in the Scheme toolbar menu. When you disconnect the device, the menu item changes to the generic device.
Choose Product > Archive.
The Archives organizer appears and displays the new archive.
So you don't need an iOS Device to create an archive and distribute it on the App Store or for beta/ad-hoc testing.
Yes, you can submit your app to app store without having a device.
The error you have is most likely because of incorrect name of your application.
No you can not. Also if you are wanting to do a clean distribution you will need to get a distribution license so you can do the distribution directly from xcode. Here is a good tutorial.,_testing,_and_metrics/app_distribution_overview/publishing_to_the_app_store
You will need to have a device in order to submit:
You cannot archive the app if xcode is set to simulator
You do not have to run the app on the device, but you must connect
it in order to archive it. That is why the menu is not
avalaible(grayed out)
PS: Also , you do not want to submit an app wihtout testing it on a real
device, that's just my opinion though.

test iPhone app without an iPhone

I've been sent an iPhone app package (.zip file) that I would like to test. The app is not yet available in the app store and I don't own an iPhone. What are my options for testing this app? I can probably get my hands on a Mac (with some difficulty), but ideally I'm looking for a way of running the app under windows/Linux.
I was hoping to find a website that would allow me to upload the package, and I could then test the app in a browser, but haven't found anything like this so far.
You try what you want, the app code will not run on any other platform then an iOS device.
The best option is the get the source code so you can run the app on a Mac with Xcode and the iOS simulator.
But this is no real replacement for device testing.
Also be aware that iOS ad-hoc app arre linked to device and can there not be installed on device which are not in the profile with which the app is build. The devices are identified by there UDID.
The app you linked is indeed an ARM only binnary and can only be installed on devices that are in the profile used to build the app. Mach-O executable arm
I also took a look at the app bundle and it seems that the app is native, there for you can not simply extract any thing an present it as a webpage. There is no known app to HTML tool available.
In order to test an iOS app the developer of the app must add your UDID to his Member Center under devices. Without that limit everyone could share apps around the globe with no real use for the appstore.
There's no way for you to test it, even if you'll get a Mac and an iPhone.
If not an iPhone, you can test it on an iPad or an IOS simulator... NO other way possible at all...

iPad distribution question

I just updated our app to an universal app for iPhone and iPad. I made all the changes (classes, nib, targeted device family, icons and so on) and it worked just fine on the simulator and my iPhone/iPad developer devices. I submitted the app to the app store and yesterday it got 'ready for sale'. The problem is that it shows just the iPhone Version and Screenshots in the app store and when I install the app on the iPad it just shows the iPhone version.
I have no clue what I've could make wrong?
Does anyone know what it could be? Does it need a special certificate/provisiong profile or something else? I found nothing on google about that.
try to check the "Release" target configuration of your build to check if the Target Device Family field (TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY) is set to iPhone/iPad.
Check to see if your Distribution configuration settings match your Release configuration settings for your Build Target, except for codesigning and verification, of course.

How can I test my iPad app on my actual iPad?

I am developing my first iPad app using the iOS SDK 4 and Xcode 3.2. I have written a simple Hello World and have been able to run it in the iPhone simulator. I would like to figure out:
How can I get an iPad simulator?
Is it possible to test my app on my actual iPad without signing up for a developers license for $99?
There are unoffical ways to get your app onto your device, you have to jailbreak it and install software called AppSync from cydia. This voids your warranty if Apple find out (restoring the device to it's original settings using the restore button in itunes means they can't tell, so jus trestore before you go to an Apple shop) and if they do find out it might prejudice them against you as a developer (but chances are very slim)
(I have no problem giving specific details as the US Government has said that jailbreaking is legal)
The SDK includes an iPad simulator. I don't have my Mac in front of me, but you should be able to choose which device to target when you launch the simulator. You can also switch between iPhone and iPad mode from within the simulator - check the Hardware menu.
Yes, you have to have a paid developer membership to deploy code to your device. That's the only official way.
If you have jailbroken, then install app sync from the repo. Just sync your app in iTunes without signing it. It will work easy as Pi!
This is yet another way to keep flash from getting to iPads, if you could put your own on the device without going through apple then you could also put someone else's. I think it should be allowed, but if something doesn't work on software that isn't officially released it shouldn't be supported by Apple.