Deployment in Webmatrix to IIS 7 removes Rewrite Rules - deployment

We are using Webmatrix to host and test (locally) our Silverlight 4 app that is hosted in a web app. The Silverlight client also calls a WCF service on the web app.
We want to take the app to production and deploy it in IIS 7 ( We are using Discount Asp).
We used the FTP deploy from within Webmatrix and it deployed the app successfully. The problem is that this operation cleans all the Rewrite Rules that we defined on the IIS server on Discount ASP.
When we want to update the Silverlight client, we can work around this and avoid using the FTP deploy on webmatrix, and instead just manually copy the replace the new XAP file. This works fine.
But if we want to update the server, for example add new method to the service, Just copying and replacing the Service.svc , Service.svc.cs and IService.cs won't do the trick.
The new methods can't be seen and the client can't use them (Trying to Add Service Reference from VS won't show the new methods either).
1) Why using FTP Deploy from Webmatrix cleans all the rewrite rules ?
2) Is it possible to use the work around and update the WCF service ?


What's the best way to redeploy core web api on IIS without stopping the application?

For now I've to (re)deploy core web api on Windows server with IIS. I know how to deploy and its working currently in production. The issue is every time I make a change I have to stop the website/recycle the apppool to be able to copy the application dlls. This is a pain as I'm looking to ultimately setup CI/CD using some provider however without this knowledge I'm unable to move forward.

Using the Web template in service fabric produces a non-managed ASP .NET5 project

Working on a sample Service Fabric app. I created services and tested them. Now I wanted to add an API Gateway that acts as an entry point to my in VS, I right-clicked on the services and chose the Web Template ASP.NET 5. It did create a regular ASP .NET 5...not managed by Service Fabric...there is no Package Root or Program.cs for example.
What am I doing wrong please? Of course, a regular ASP .NET 5 works ...but I wanted the whole app (including the gateway) to be managed by the Service Fabric.
When you right-click to add in a service it is a common mistake to select the solution root (like you would normally do) to add in another project. But, in order to add in a new fabric service (including ASP.NET 5), you have to right-click the main service fabric project (the one with the ApplicationManifest.xml) and then select Add => New Fabric Service. You will then get the dialog box where you can select ASP.NET 5 Web Api.
Right-click here first:
Then select Add => New Fabric Service:

Deploy the MVC 2 web application to the IIS 7.5 getting issues

I have developed the mvc web application. whereas my macine is configured with IIS 7.5. I want to deploy my web application with source code to the IIS so that i can attache the process and debug it run time. I choose this way because few functionality , like file copy and file create not performing after simple publish.
I tried by ,
Create the web application in IIS 7.5 manager. installed ASP.NET utility. As i browsed , I got asked by to enable directory browsing.
Which i enabled. where as in IE I found file structure which definitely did not want. I expected direct my LogOn page which is configured in globle.asax after deployment.
What else i need to check. or is any step i have missing?
I am using Visul web developer 2010 express edition to develop the application.
Please guide me.

Deploying Hybrid ASP.NET webform and MVC project on iis7 - MVC Routing does not work

Hi Stackoverflow,
Im trying to deploy a hybrid ASP.Net Webform/mvc-project onto iis7 but the mvc routing does not work.
This is what i have done so far:
Added all required mvc-related dlls.(i have double checked bin-catalog to make sure that everythings there on the deployed installation)
Added MVC wildcard by adding the IsapiModule handler to iis handler mappings.
The Server has .Net-Framework 3.5 SP1 installed.
The web site Managed pipeline mode set to classic
Our project requires the app pool to be running in none-integrated pipeline, but im not sure what MVC requires of the app pool, may i run ASP.NET MVC(2) in a none-integrated managed pipeline?
The web application loads and i want to use the MVC-routing to load javascript but the mvc routing does not responde to the request and instead Webforms gives us a 404-response,
this only happens when the project has been deployed onto the server.
Does anyone has a idea of why the ASP.Net MVC routing does not fire?
Thanks and Best regards,
I found the error, the installer did not update production web.config,
so there was some missing mvc-required references,
i used this article to find out what was missing, it describes how to setup a hybrid WebForm/Mvc project in a simple way.
And now im able to run a hybrid webform/mvc-project on iis7 classic without any problem.

InstallShield MVC2 Application deployment on IIS

I want to be able to deploy a MVC2 application as a web application on IIS using the installshield. When I try to deploy the application it just simple copies the whole solution to IIS instead of converting it to a web application. I created an MSI using VS2010 which converts the code into web application and then called that through installshield installer (which basically does some other stuff as well). But it creates two references in installed programs visible through Add/Remove Programs which in turn makes me uninstall both in order to completely remove the application. Any suggestions on how to go about at this?