How to make a torrent application for iphone? - iphone

I was wondering if we could make an iphone app in which we can use torrent to download content.
Is it even possible can anyone give me the direction i should follow since m sort of new to iphone.
Thank alot in advance

Consider forking this project:
It uses the GNU Lesser General Public License (for better or worse) but it is still open source and you can fork it all like...

I think this would be quite difficult:
1: the iphone can't realy download stuff and if it downloads stuff you can't use it in other apps like ipod or something. So you should think about what you want to download?
2: I don't think that this kind of app would make it to the app to the appstore, so you need to develop for jailbreaks.
But nevertheless good luck.

Well, torrentula is a popular iPhone bittorrent client, so you might want to start by taking a look at that.


How to create iphone webapp on windows? (I can use my friend's mac for finishing)

I know a lot of similar questions have been asked, but my case is a little different.
I have a windows machine on which I want to do the development. I can borrow my friend's mac for signing/publishing to store or other things.
Is it possible to do this? Can I create a "Dynamic Web App Project" in eclipse, do the coding and finally use a MAC to finish it? My app is 100% offline app.
Where can I find the directory structure for the HTML/CSS files?
How can I achieve the iphone look and feel of buttons and other UI?
I know that many people have done this but I cant find any tutorial. Please point me to one if you know about it.
Thanks in advance.
Sounds like this would be a great job for phone gap.
They provide wrapping software to make your web application run natively on the phone.
It sounds to me like you should look at phonegap for the coding.
For getting your buttons, backgrounds, icons and such to look and feel more like native iOS apps, take a look at this list of graphics for iOS. Most are free. There are .zip files with pre cut images, and a number of .psd files for you to choose from. If you are not using xCode or Titanium to build the apps, these are a nice way of getting that native look and feel.

Is it possible to embed one iPhone app into another?

Is it possible to incorporate one iPhone app into another in order to redistribute it?
We're going to publish few apps owned by other developers and need to create some pre-rolls with our branding and some other similar features. The original developer could build the app for us, but won't provide us with a source code.
Sorry if the question sounds stupid, we haven't very big experience in the field, just need to clarify some things
Thank you!
No you can't. You are only allowed to execute your own app, you can't embed an other app in your bundle.
It is not possible to embed an app into another app, or better, you could do that, but Apple would reject it and anyway you would not be able to launch it on a non jailbroken device.
More to the point of your specific case, if you have only the binaries you could try and modify the resource files (i.e., .nib and .strings files) to modify the UI to some extent. Of course, you would then need to regenerate the signature for the app (and hope that everything works ok).
It's just a thought, but maybe you could include the other developers apps as static libraries. The advantages would be that the other devs wouldn't have to surrender their sources, you wouldn't face any code signing and bundle id related issues and including static libraries is perfectly safe.
The only disadvantage would be that the devs would still need to deliver the content seperately and they need to learn how to build a static library. An entry point for each app / each library to call it would also be needed, maybe even a small interface to allow the container app to learn about the individual apps status, to cancel them etc.
As I said, this is just an idea, there may be issues with that approach that I do fail to see right now. But maybe others can comment on this...
You might want to check out this link to learn a bit about building static objective c libraries.
Check apples Custom URL scheme, it might find useful for you. Just help=>

Help asked for iPhone and Android app

Im new to the development of apps and i've got some questions.
First let me tell you about the app i need to make.
As an intern at a company i need to develop an iPhone and Android app, they want me to create an app that is based on a existing CRM database.
I need to get data from the database and show it on the iPhone, this data should be edited and send back to the database.
The company itself does not has experience in the development of mobile apps.
The requirements i wrote above are the basic of the application, it will have alot more functionality implemented after the basic has been made. Something like an auto sync, either the database or phone will sync with each other once in a while. And when you are called on the phone it will also check the number in the database and if found the name is displayed instead of an unknow number. Just 2 things that should be implemented after the basic app
Is such a thing possible with an iPhone/Android?
As i have no experience with Objective-C, and little experience with java
Is it easy to learn, i have good knowledge of C#
What platform could you suggest for me?
As i need to develop for both iPhone and Android,
What is the quickest way of developing for both at the same time?
i've done research but as i do not have an mac at the moment i can't try stuff out for the iPhone.
Titanium Appcelerator is something i liked, and since this works for both iPhone and Android i think this might be a good option. But as i do not have any experience i want some good advice from those who have experience before i start programming.
tnx in advance,
~kamikze the rookie
You can also try PhoneGap.
You can use web services to connect to databases
As per your requirements, use Titanium Appcelarator, which will make you write your code in JavaScript, and will generate apps for both, iPhone and Android.
What you're wanting it to do is fairly simple and shouldn't introduce a lot of complexity before you.
Go ahead with Appcelerator, if you don't want to spend a lot of time learning Android SDK and Objectiv-C
It sure is possible to access/change databases.
If you have good C# knowledge then getting started with Java should not be an issue for you.
I think it should be quite easy to implement for Android, but I also have no experience in iOS development (donĀ“t have a mac)

DragonFireSDK and iPhone development on Windows

So in previous questions about iPhone development on Windows, the basic/easy answer has been "just get a mac." However, I noticed a comment that mentioned DragonFireSDK. But no one else said anything about it?
Has anyone tried this? It look pretty legit to me, but I'm new to the iPhone world. I just find it weird that no one has discussed this yet. I mean, it looks like the perfect tools for the Windows users.
Oh's the link to DragonFireSDK: DragonFireSDK
EDIT: This app is for my website, We, the Pixels. Any comments on if Dragonfire would be a good fit for an iPhone version of my website? Thanks!
DragonFireSDK is good, I have been developing several apps with it, the first of which is now available, a game called Firefox Fun:
Yes, I use DFSDK and got my apps published to apples appstore using the sdk. they have good API it lets you use c/c++ to create your app.

Is it possible to mass update multiple iPhone applications?

I'm not all that familiar with Apple's iPhone development system, but I'm trying to figure out if theres a way for developers who create custom iPhone apps to update their apps on a mass scale. For example, would a company who publishes hundreds of apps have to resubmit every app they've made manually if they find a minor bug that affects all their apps (assuming they have used a template)? Or is it possible to somehow use or build a custom program that can make this process easier, by automatically generating or updating apps? I don't believe Apple has an API or anything, but it just seems like it would be a nightmare for these developers to fix bugs, and thought maybe I was missing something.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Apple provides no way to automate this. In theory you could write a program to simulate a browser to login and upload new binaries for you, but I'm not sure Apple would like that very much, and it would be a lot of work.
In addition, one might argue that if the apps are similar enough to warrant this automation, it should probably be one app instead of many. But that may be an over generalization without knowing your use case.
There's the Application Loader
(requires login)
It doesn't do bulk uploads, but it does provide a maybe more accessible interface.
Isn't there that separate application that you can use to talk to iTunesConnect? (Though I still don't think it's possible to do mass updates.)