Error while doing facebook integration - iphone

I am using open source code sharekit for facebook integration in iOS but i am getting error as "FT_Load_Glyph failed: glyph 65535: error 6". I tried same code on another mac machine its working fine.I tried it for all 4.0 versions but not getting any success.
Please let me know if anyone know regarding this :)
Thanks in advance.

Check this error exists with iOs 4.2
Errors on creating a multipage PDF
I was getting the same errors when showing text in languages other than English.(Your Facebook news feed may contains many languages.)


Failed to fetch the following dependencies:

I am using Unity 2019.3.6f1 and Google Mobile Ads Unity Plugin v5.0.1. I have imported the plugin to my Unity editor. When I try to resolve, error message appear and ask to look at console. Message at console "Failed to fetch the following dependencies:". This is my third time making game using unity but first time happen to me. Hope anyone can give me idea what is happening and how to fix this.
"Can you confirm that you have the externs.cpp file in Assets/Plugins/Android (included in the Google Mobile Ads Unity package) and that it is checked for inclusion in Android builds, as per below?"
Answer taken from Issue in v5.0.1. See this.

How to solve Apple LLVM compiler 4.1 error?

I am a beginner in iPhone developing. I want to integrate Instagram in my app and for that purpose I downloaded the api of Instagram from Github but it gives the error of Apple LLVM compiler 4.1 error Command
/Applications/ failed with exit code 1
Please give any suggestion which how to solve this error.
I found this is the simplest and step by step tutorial for integrate instagram in my iOS app
How To Create an App Like Instagram With a Web Service Backend – Part 1/2
I had the same ARC problem but if you will follow this you will its so easy and helpful
btw for the error you having just look below word, in that page and see you need to made some changes in Xcode for Libs, and you will get it working.
Thanks to raywenderlich :)

Facebook API not working perfectly for IOS5

I ve Downloaded Facebook API fro IOS 5....But its showing some errors regrading the memory release...Since apple has introduced autorelease in IOS 5....
I referred this and tried blocking ARC for certain files ,bt it doesn't work for me...
Is there any other methods to stop ARC in IOS 5?
How to overcome this?
Any one plz provide me the link for downloading the Facebook API for IOS 5...
If you use official SDK, you should compile it as a static library, not with your code, and then link your app with that library. You could see how it is done in SDK examples, and also here is some information about building process. Hope it will help.
Here is the link with working Source Code:
Download complete source code from "Source Code/Downloads"

Uncaught TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON

We're using the fb:registration plugin to sign up users on our site. Today I noticed the registration redirect is no longer working in Google Chrome and Safari (latest public release). I know for sure it was working with the same code as recently as last week. It seems to be getting stuck on submission with this error, which is coming from:
Firefox and IE have no problem, so it seems to be Webkit specific. Any ideas?
There is a bug report tracking this on Facebook's developer site.
Please go there and tell them you are seeing this issue too.

Integrating Twitter API into iPhone app gives errors

In my iPhone app there is a requirement for Twitter API integration.
Here the problem comes when I integrate the Twitter+ OAuth SDK into my app. It gives errors as shown below in the screen shot.
I have added the xml2.dylib library to my app but still it gives some errors.
I got the answer.
I am posting it here because I don't want to put answer to my own question to earn reputation :). I made a silly mistake.
I didn't add the "Header Search Paths" in project settings as "\usr\include\xml2".
Remove the header file(s) which is importing "xmlversion.h", "tree.h", "xmlIO.h" from your application target.
In one of my project, I am using MGTwitterEngine libray. I was facing the same problem while inegrating the library with my application. Then I read following link which helped me to solve the problem