Reading values from a file txt or xml - eclipse

I'm developing a simple bpel process that takes data from an external file (txt or xml).
In detail, i'm trying to develop a process that takes in input 2 strings (user and pass) and checks if they are in my "Account" file. If so, output return 'true', if not 'false'.
I'm using eclipse and i can't find anything that could help me. I read something about 'file adapter', but, in eclipse, palette view doesn't show this option. Any idea ?

There are two possibilities:
If your BPEL engine supports XPath 2.0, you can use the doc() function to load an XML document and look for certain entries.
doc("users.xml")/users/user[#id = $uid and #password = $password]
should return the user node where id and password attributes match the values stored in the BPEL variables $id and $password. You can place that expression in an if activity.
If your engine does not support XPath 2.0 and you need to stick to standard BPEL, you should write a simple Web service that performs the lookup. Use an invoke activity to call this Web service.


IBM i Access Client Solutions - Printer Output but using an API

I want to replicate the functionality of the IBM i Access Client Solutions "Printer Output" tool that is used to retrieve PDF's of spooled files from our IBM Db2 environment. Instead of a user interface, I want to replicate the functionality as an API.
I want to construct an API which takes inputs such as the filter parameters pictured below:
The output of the API would be PDF(s) of the printer output spooled files that match the parameters specified.
I figure that if I am able to access the i Access Printer Output tool, then I should be able to use my credentials to access the spool files using an API or something like that.
Where would I start in constructing something like this?
Also, are there any IBM guides that contain relevant information? I have looked but been unsuccessful. The Programmer's Toolkit is, also, not available with my version of i Access.
Also, I don't have developer roles, so if this is possible, it would need to be something that I can do with little authority within the IBM i servers and the Access client.
First off, IBM ACS is Java based. Thus everything it does can be found in the IBM Toolbox for Java, aka JTOpen aka JT400.
You're going to want to look at the reading a transformed spool file example
The transformation actually happens on the IBM i side, by specifying the appropriate workstation customization object, QCTXPDF in this case rather than the examples original QWPTIFFG4
// The following examples demonstrate how to set up a PrintParameterList to
// obtain different transformations when reading spooled file data. In the code
// segments that follow, assume a spooled file already exists on a server, and
// the createSpooledFile() method creates an instance of the SpooledFile class
// representing the spooled file.
// Create a spooled file
SpooledFile splF = createSpooledFile();
// Set up print parameter list
PrintParameterList printParms = new PrintParameterList();
printParms.setParameter(PrintObject.ATTR_MFGTYPE, "*WSCST");
// Create a transformed input stream from the spooled file
PrintObjectTransformedInputStream is = splF.getTransformedInputStream(printParms);

Is it possible to get shell properties for an item not in the shell namespace?

Short Version
How does the shell get the properties of a file?
Long Version
The Windows Shell exposes a rich system of properties about items (e.g. files and folders) in the shell namespace.
For example:
System.Title: A Quick Guide for SQL Server Native Client OLE DB to ODBC Conversion
System.Author: George Yan (KW)
System.Document.LastAuthor: rohanl
System.Comment: To learn more about this speaker, find other TEDTalks, and subscribe to this Podcast series, visit Feedback:
System.ItemParticipants: George Yan (KW)
System.Company: Contoso
System.Language: English (United States)
System.Document.DateCreated: 6/‎10/‎2014 ‏‎5∶16∶30 ᴘᴍ
System.Image.HorizontalSize: 1845 pixels
System.Image.VerticalSize: 4695 pixels
System.Image.HorizontalResolution: 71 dpi
System.Image.VerticalResolution: 71 dpi
In order for the shell to read these properties, it obviously has to use a lot of sources:
Windows Media Foundation IMFMetadata works great for images and movies
Windows Imaging Component (WIC) probably has a lot of APIs for reading metadata
I'm not sure if IFilter can retrieve Title, Author, Subject, Comments etc from Office documents
Either way, it has to read the file contents stream and do something with the contents of the file in order to get all these fancy shell properties. In other words:
IStream \
+ |--> [magic] --> IPropertyStore
.ext /
Can use it with my own stream?
I have items that are not in the shell namespace; they are in a data store. I do expose them to the shell through IDataObject as CF_FILEDESCRIPTOR with an IStream when its time to perform copy-paste or drag-drop. But outside of that they are just streamable blobs in a data store.
I'd like to be able to leverage all the existing work done by the very talented and hard-working1 shell team to read metadata from a "file", which in the end only exists as an IStream.
Is there perhaps a binding context option that lets me get a property store based on an IDataObject rather than a IShellItem2?
So rather than:
IPropertyStore ps = shellItem2.GetPropertyStore();
is there a:
IPropertyStore ps = GetShellPropertiesFromFileStream(stream);
How does the shell get all the properties of a file?
Bonus Chatter - IPropertyStoreFactory
This interface is typically obtained through IShellFolder::BindToObject or IShellItem::BindToHandler. It is useful for data source implementers who want to avoid the additional overhead of creating a property store through IShellItem2::GetPropertyStore. However, IShellItem2::GetPropertyStore is the recommended method to obtain a property store unless you are implementing a data source through a Shell folder extension.
IPropertyStore ps = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_PropertyStore);
IInitializeWithStream iws = ps.QueryInterface(IID_IInitializeWithStream);
But CLSID_PropertyStore does not support IInitializeWithStream.
Bonus Reading
MSDN: Initializing Property Handlers
Property handlers are a crucial part of the property system. They are invoked in-process by the indexer to read and index property values, and are also invoked by Windows Explorer in-process to read and write property values directly in the files.
MSDN: Registering and Distributing Property Handlers (spellunking the registry for fun and reading contracts from the other side)
(Have some experience in Property Store handlers) How I see a solution:
Get PropertyStore handler CLSID for your file extension. You should use 2 regkeys key:
Create two objects with CoCreateInstance
If you have 2 object you can combine them into single object with PSCreateMultiplexPropertyStore
Query for IInitializeWithStream (also you can try to query IPersistStream).
If the PropertyStore object supports IInitializeWithStream/IPersistStream: you are lucky - just init your object and query the properties you need. If does not - you still have (dirty) variant to create temporary file and then use IPersistFile.

How to make a section optional when mapped to optional data in a Word OpenXml Part?

I'm using OpenXml SDK to generate word 2013 files. I'm running on a server (part of a server solution), so automation is not an option.
Basically I have an xml file that is output from a backend system. Here's a very simplified example:
<my:Name>Customer Template</my:Name>
<my:Date>19/04/2017 10:16:04</my:Date>
<my:Date>20/04/2017 10:16:04</my:Date>
Then I use Word's Xml Mapping pane to map this data to content control:
I simply duplicate the word file, and write new Xml data when generating new files.
This is working as expected. When I update the xml part, it reflects the data from my backend.
Thought, there's a case that does not works. If a customer has no order, the template content is kept in the document. The xml data is :
<my:Name>Some customer</my:Name>
(see the empty order list).
In Word, the xml pane reflects the correct data (meaning no Order node):
But as you can see, the template content is still here.
Basically, I'd like to hide the order list when there's no order (or at least an empty table).
How can I do that?
PS: If it can help, I uploaded the word and xml files, and a small PowerShell script that injects the data :
Thanks for sharing your files so we can better help you.
I had a difficult time trying to solve your problem with your existing Word Content Controls, XML files and the PowerShell script that added the XML to the Word document. I found what seemed to be Microsoft's VSTO example solution to your problem, but I couldn't get this to work cleanly.
I was however able to write a simple C# console application that generates a Word file based on your XML data. The OpenXML code to generate the Word file was generated code from the Open XML Productivity Tool. I then added some logic to read your XML file and generate the second table rows dynamically depending on how many orders there are in the data. I have uploaded the code for you to use if you are interested in this solution. Note: The xml data file should be in c:\temp and the generated word files will be in c:\temp also.
Another added bonus to this solution is if you were to add all of the customer data into one XML file, the application will create separate word files in your temp directory like so:
Here is the document generated from the first xml file
Here is the document generated from the second xml file with the empty row
Hope this helps.

How to start Microsoft Word from Java FX with parameters to run a macro

I have a document management system which stores files in a MS Word format. In my application, I would like to be able to open that document in Word.
I would like Word to handle all of the file system access out of the content management system. What I need to do is the following:
1) Create a new document based off a template, and then provide information that can be parsed and placed into specific fields.
I see I can do this as follows:
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Office/Office15/winword.exe /ttemplate_name");
My assumption here is that the template is installed on the local drive. However I would like to provide some data so that fields could be prepopulated and I am not sure how to do that?
2) I would like to be able to run a macro to open the document directly from the content management system. I think I can run a macro as follows:
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Office/Office15/winword.exe /mmacro_name");
However, in this case, I would need to provide the document id from the content management system so that it can retrieve it and open it.
I am unsure what switch or parameter I can use to provide the additional data for word?
Word provides no command-line facility to pass arguments or data when opening or creating a document.
As long as macro code is available, the macro can read data that's stored somewhere, such as in an XML file. But the file path would need to be hard-coded or derivable from a known location (path).
You don't necessarily need to call a macro in a document (or template attached to the document). If the macro is named AutoNew or AutoOpen it will execute automatically when a document is created from the template or, respectively, when a document is opened.

HTML form to invoke XQuery files

We have quite a number of .xqy files in several folders.
Sometimes, I need to invoke an .xqy file (via Marklogic's CQ) to test if it's working.
But I find it rather cumbersome to have to know what parameters to pass in and specify them in the xquery in CQ.
Is there a tool out there that would generate an HTML form that presents to me the parameters of a given .XQY file and invokes it when I press a "submit" button ?
If there is none out there, would somebody here know of how to make such an HTML form ? Right now, I can't seem to find any readily-available xdmp or xquery commands to tell me if an .XQY file is invocable or what parameters it expects to be fed.
The XQuery standard doesn't support introspection, nor does MarkLogic provide any functions that help with that. The closest you can get with this is using the XQDoc documentation code that is capable of parsing the XQuery code itself and producing descriptions of all function signatures within modules.
You can find more details about it here:
It doesn't provide a 'Submit' button, but using the XML output of xqdoc, you could make that yourself..
Good luck!
Another option would be to convert your XQuery to XQueryX and you can then process this as XML using XQuery (or XSLT) to generate an XForm or XHTML Form.
Since Danny mentioned unit testing, I'll risk plugging my own framework for that:
I usually run XQUT test suites in a cq buffer, but it would be easy enough to wrap one in a simple web page - with or without a form.