How can i run perl script from anywhere in unix environment? - perl

I have this perl script that I need to distribute to my coworkers who want to run the script from anywhere in the unix environment. What can I do on my part to make running this PERL script easy for them? For example, they can just have the PERL script somewhere in their directory and run just typing
./ ttt.conf
with no path declared (like /home/abc/bin/ddd/ ttt.conf).

The way I used to do it is add a "bin" directory in your home directory, and add it to the $PATH variable.. then you can add any script you want to use to that directory.
I am no longer familiar with the exact syntax, but something like:
in .bashrc:
$PATH = ( $PATH , $HOME/bin )
Then place the script in /home/user/bin (assuming $HOME == /home/user). When you reload the shell, it will be usable like any normal command/program.
ETA: See robert's comment below on syntax. Also, to allow your co-workers to use a script of yours, you can simply use a hard-coded path, such as /home/patrick/bin.

Put the script in /usr/local/bin (or anywhere else in $PATH). Your sysadmin may have to help you.

The technique I use is:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
This is a common way of getting the command interpreter to find Perl without either (a) moving the file, or (b) declaring the explicit path for Perl in the shebang.
It's mentioned under portability at:

You all are kind of right... but that perl script can sit in your path till the cows come home... and it ain't gonna run... until you set the executable bit....
:bin localadmin$ ./perlextip
-bash: ./perlextip: Permission denied
:bin localadmin$ chmod +x perlextip
:bin localadmin$ ./perlextip
Exit 0! Yeehaw.
Also, it should be noted that it need not be IN your path.... You can just call it by the full path, preceeded with a period and a slash, to execute it..
:/ localadmin$ ./ServiceData/UNIX/bin/extip
Exit 0! Yeehaw.
You can also create an alias for such a command in your ~/.bash_profile, or the such, which will let you make a system-wide shortcut of sorts, and you can even throw in a sudo, or the like, if you were so inclined... Then just call that "extip" by name anywhere, you'll be prompted for a password and, all will be well in the world.
alias extip='sudo ./ServiceData/UNIX/bin/extip'


Unable to execute Perl script unless Perl is inserted before script name

Running Lubuntu -
Beginner Perl programmer
Script is located at ~/projects/XXX/
First line is the shebang
Permission to run is set to Anyone.
In directory ~/projects/XXX, the command
~/projects/XXX$ perl
works as desired, but the command
Fails with command not found
What am I missing ?
The two usual options to execute your Perl script are:
Both ways assume that your current working directory contains the script, otherwise it won't work.
As already pointed out by jm666 in the comments, you can usually not execute a program or script from your current working directory without prepending ./, primarily because of security reasons. Now, you may wonder why it's necessary.
Your shell uses the contents of an environment variable called $PATH to find out about where external commands (non-builtin programs) are located in your filesystem. If you want to see what's in $PATH, just type the following in your shell:
echo $PATH
Now you can see that the $PATH variable does NOT contain your current working directory. The consequence is that your shell is not able to find the program By prepending ./ you instruct the shell to execute the program which comes after.
But there are two requirements if you want to execute your Perl script with ./
The script has to be executable (check with ls -l)
The first line (shebang line) has to be #!/path/to/your/perl because your shell needs that information to find the perl interpreter in order to run your script
However, #1 and #2 are NOT required when you execute your script with
because it invokes the perl interpreter directly with your script.
See how to make Perl scripts executable on Linux and make the script itself directly executable with chmod for some more details.
Can the script be found?
Is . in your path? If it's not, add it to your path, or use ./ instead of
Can the script be executed?
Do you have execute permission to the file? Fix using chmod u+x
Is the interpreter correct?
which perl will tell you which interpreter is used when you use perl That's the path that should be on your shebang (#!) line.

Perl backtick ignores everything past the first space

I have a command
my $output = `somecommand parm1 parm2`;
When I try to run this Perl script I get the message
Can't exec "somecommand" at .....
It seems it is not seeing anything past the first space in between the backticks. I have a friend who runs this in a different environment and it runs fine.
What could I have in my environment that would cause this? I am running Perl v5.20 but so is my friend.
Perl's not ignoring the command parameters, it's just mentioning only the part of the command that it has a problem with -- it can't find somecommand
Whatever your somecommand is, it's not a shell command and it's not in a directory listed in your PATH variable
Change PATH to add its location to the end and it will work for you. You can do that system-wide or you dan modify it temporarily in your Perl code by manipulating $ENV{PATH} before you run the command

UNIX: Physical Location of "wc" command. It ain't "/bin"

This has be stump. I wrote a shell program in C that allows the user to execute several commands. Based on my research so far, all the commands such as "ls" and "cat" are located in "/bin/".
The "wc" is not listed in this directory - "/bin". If I fire up a terminal, I can type "wc fileName" and it works. I ran "find . wc" from the "/" directory, and I still can't find the "wc" command.
Does anyone know where "wc" is hiding?
Try typing which wc into your shell...that should tell you where it is.
On my machine it is in /bin/.
However, if you just want the path resolution to be done on it's own, you can use the system() function (see man 3 system for more information). As you can read in the documentation, that's really the same as invoking the Bourne shell (or wherever the symlink for that points to) for the path resolution, so if you don't want that overhead, you will want to stick with whatever method you are currently using.
I tried whereis wc and I get it in /usr/bin/wc
If you don't want to worry about where individual utilities are, but you do want to avoid the overhead involved in calling system, then you should try the middle-level function execvp, or one of its friends (also listed on that page). Sadly, there is no execvpe.
You can try whence, which, or whereis to find any program in your exec path, depending on which shell you're using.
Utilities like wc are usually located in /binor /usr/bin, or in places like /usr/local/bin or /usr/site/bin.

How do I fix "bash: perl command not found"?

Maybe it's dumbest question in the world, but I seriously have problems with it and could use help. I am trying to run perl script on linux. It's a simple text editing script, nothing fancy. I googled for it and I found that I had to chmod +x it and then just run in the console. Since it's supposed to modify a text file I did > myfile.txt after chmoding it
But it doesn't work. I get: bash: perl command not found
Unless is in your path you will need to specify the current directory.
$ ./
You can check if the current directory is in your path with $ echo $PATH. If you're frequently using this script you can put it in the path by moving it to a directory that's part of your path, usually ~/bin.
Or by adding the current directory to the $PATH environment variable. Check the documentation for your shell for instructions.
Can you post the first few lines of your script?
Specifically, if you have #!/usr/bin/perl are there any typos on that line, extra spaces, etc.?
Also do a ls /usr/bin/perl (or whatever is on that line) to make sure it's actually there.
It doesn't look like perl is installed on your Linux machine. Do you get the same thing when you try this: # perl -e 'print "hi";' ?
As Chirael said, it sounds like your shebang line (the directive at the top of the file, that tells the shell how to run the script) is invalid somehow. You can bypass the shebang line entirely by invoking your script as:
perl > myfile.txt
You also don't need to set the script's executable bit, as with this method of invocation, you are only reading the script, not executing it (from the shell's perspective).
According to this thread, it could be from different representation of the new line.
Have you written the script on a windows box and copied over to your linux box?
What is your text editor?
I had the same issue, and traced it to DOS line endings (^M). Running dos2unix on the .pl file fixed the issue.
Please use,
./ > outfile.txt
to give the current directory path

Why can't my Perl script load a module when run by cron?

I have a bunch of Perl scripts that all run fine, yet need to have use Plibdata; up top.
I set up a cron job that runs (I get the confirmation email from root) and it spits back the following error message:
Can't locate in #INC (#INC contains: /install/lib /opt/perl58/lib/5.8.8/IA64.ARCHREV_0-thread-multi /opt/perl58/lib/5.8.8 /opt/perl58/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/IA64.ARCHREV_0-thread-multi /opt/perl58/lib/site_perl/5.8.8 /opt/perl58/lib/site_perl .) at ./x line 5.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./x line 5.
Line 5 is... you guessed it.... use Plibdata;
I am also attempting to set the environment as such:
use lib "$ENV{CARSPATH}/install/lib";
so maybe if I found the location of this plibdata, I could explicitly direct it that way?
My cron commands will be executed using /usr/bin/sh says crontabs...
Any suggestions?
This script works from the command line.
You don't say what Plibdata is. You also don't state if this works at your command prompt. I assume that it does.
Try this:
perl -MPlibdata -e 1
Assuming that doesn't spit the same error, try this:
perl -MPlibdata -le 'print $INC{""}'
That will tell you where. (It's probably in your PERL5LIB env var if this works.) Then you can just add the appropriate "use lib" to the directory is in.
Also, be sure you're using the same perl in both locations - command line ("which perl") and in the cron job (try "BEGIN { print $^X }" at the top of your script).
Cron uses a different user env than your env when logged in. Are you able to run the script from the command line? If so, just set your env variables inside the cron above your current commands.
Clearly, is not installed in the default module paths on your system:
/install/lib /opt/perl58/lib/5.8.8/IA64.ARCHREV_0-thread-multi /opt/perl58/lib/5.8.8 /opt/perl58/lib/site_perl/5.8.8/IA64.ARCHREV_0-thread-multi /opt/perl58/lib/site_perl/5.8.8 /opt/perl58/lib/site_perl
You have three choices:
Install in a known Perl system path (site_perl is the classic option).
Make the PERL5LIB shell environment (or the equivalent command line -I option for Perl) include the installation path of the module.
Use use lib in your script. Remember that the use lib action is done at compile time, so your variable in the path may not be initialised. Try using the variable in a BEGIN block like this:
my $env;
$env = $ENV{CARSPATH};
use lib "$env/install/lib";
Running your program from a wrapper script as others have suggested is probably my preferred method, but there may be a few other solutions:
If you're using a modern cron you may be able to do something like this in your crontab entry:
* * * * * CARSPATH=/opt/carsi x
replacing the asterisks with the appropriate schedule designators.
This will set CARSPATH for the x process and allow the use lib statement that passes the environment variable to work.
You can also, depending on your shell and cron implementation, store your environment setup in a file and do something like:
* * * * * source && x
Where contains lines like (for bash)
export CARSPATH=/opt/carsi
You may also be able to set environment variables directly in the crontab, should you choose to do so.
cron does not setup an environment for you when it runs your code, so the environment variable $CARSPATH does not exist. I suggest only running shell scripts from cron, setting the environment inside of the shell script and then running the program you really wanted to run.
example wrapper script:
source ~username/.bash_profile
cd ~username
If you are using ksh or sh you may need to say
. ~username/.profile
cd ~username
Remember to replace username with your username on the system. Also, if the script is not in your home directory you will want to execute it with the path to it, not ./.
You say source, or period space, to load a given shell script in the current shell. You load it in the current shell so that any environment settings stay with the current shell.
~/.bash_profile, ~/.bashrc, ~/.profile, /etc/profile, etc. are all files that commonly hold your environment setup. Which one you are using depends heavily on your OS and who set it up.
Although its not an 'answer', I resolved this issue by using DBI instead of the Plibdata.
Which is kind of milky because now I will have to change a couple scripts around... ahhhhh I wish there was something I could do to make the Plibdata work
I'm still going to try Chas. Owens answer to see if that works
didn't work for me... "interpreter "/bin/bash" not found"maybe it would work with people who have that interpreter
* * * * * CARSPATH=/opt/carsi ./x