Question on running iPad application - iphone

I would like to know that, is it possible to run iPad application in the start up of iPad device ? also apple approves that kind app?
Please help me out, wherever i search i cant find firm answers.
Thanks for any insights!

You mean automatically run an app of your choice when a user turns on an iPad? Like a startup app?
No, that is not possible. It is only possible to run an app when a user taps on the app icon on the launch screen.


Can you modify the iphone password screen?

Is there a way I could make an application to add a button to the lock screen (enter your password)? For iOS/iPhone devices?
Is there a way I could make an application to add a button to the lock screen
No, I don't believe that there's a public API for that sort of thing. Apple can obviously do it, since the iPad lock screen has a button that shows you a photo gallery. But that doesn't mean that third party applications have that capability, and I'd be very surprised if you could pull that off without jailbreaking your device.
No, this is outside of your applications sandbox. Unless you jailbreak the device, there is no way to run outside the application sandbox(with minor exceptions such as playing music).
You can't. This is against the sandbox policy.
but there are apps in cydia that do this kind of thing
To be simple, there is no such API to make customizations on the iOS itself. Neither does Apple allow it.

Is there a way to detect the running app, while my app is in the background in ios?

I need to detect the running application when my ios app is in the background. Basically I need to know if the user launched the Safari app?
Is there any way to do this? as I know when an app is in background, it may suspended or it could do only a minimal of things. Any help is very much appreciated.
you can only detect if your app is going to the background, no info is available regarding others apps.
One caveat is that within your app, you can test for another app being available:
- (BOOL)canOpenURL:(NSURL *)url
This can tell you whether the current device has a specific application installed IF that application is setup to handle url schemes for launching from another app.
Apple's Docs
No, there is no such way. Anything you're trying to know outside the scope of your app is forbidden by Apple.

Iphone Lock Screen

friends, I am new to Iphone development, I am creating a simple analog clock, infact I have already created one ( i am basically an Android Developer - created same as widget for android too), Iphone does not seem to support widgets, but I was wondering if it is possible to create a lock screen app or something (i.e. when screen locks iphone shows a clock) is it possible that my clock replace the iphone one, any ideas , thanks in advance
It is impossible to replace the lock screen of iOS devices with a custom one. iOS apps are not allowed to "lock" the system by any means. Can't avoid the user pressing the home button.
No it is not possible. There is no public API for the lock screen.
Although you may be able to find a way to accomplish your goal in development, it will almost assuredly be rejected by Apple. Here is an excerpt from the App Store Review Guidelines
10.4 Apps that create alternate desktop/home screen environments or simulate multi-app widget experiences will be rejected
It is 100% possible but not approved by Apple. You can develop an app but will never be part of the app store... You can however use it for personal use or share it through a Cydia repo (jailbroken devices). But it is possible.
Not sure with all of you, although i agree a long time ago.. I Just browsing the app store and found an application that can change the way user unlock the iphone after it lock.. Here's the app "Slide your phone"

Disable Home Button

I know this has been asked previously however I would like to disable the home button for an in-house app which will be distributed internally across iPads.
I have searched for a solution both on here and Google and would like to stop users from putting the app into the background. I have seen one solution which doesn't seem to work under iOS 4.0 which opens the app up again when the home button is pressed.
Could I make use of any private APIs to do this seeing as this is an internal app and won't be reviewed by Apple for the App Store?
I don't know why this is down voted so much it is a perfectly legit use case for an internal enterprise application. Kiosks, POS etc.
Anyway anyone wanting to know how to do this should see my answer here Lock-down iPhone/iPod/iPad so it can only run one app
Whatever your reasons are you are not able to do this.
Apple provides no functionality to perform this action through their API. You might want to re-think your strategy. Look maybe instead for a physical barrier.
Additionally you might want to look into JailBreaking and iPhone since you say it is only for internal development and won't go to the appstore. A jail broken phone might allow you access to change the home button behavior, though I cannot confirm this since I have never had need to code on a jail broken device.
If it's your iPad, glue or bolt a cover over the home button. Connect the iPad to Xcode or iTunes to halt and/or reload your app.
But note that knowledgable users will still be able to reboot the device by holding down the lock button.
Jailbreak and add incarcer app can disable the home button (admin has a code to allow activation). Then you're locked in your app. If you're up for jailbreaking, seems like a great solution.
There's a new hardware solution, adhesive-backed aluminum home button covers. They allow home button activation through a pinhole, using a paperclip (similar to many popular metal encosures).

Launch emergency App/Do emergency call without screen-unlocking the iPhone

I want to run my application without opening the slide lock of iPhone the icon of the app should be displayed on the home wallpaper or screen. by tapping on the icon the app should run its an emergency service application. So is there any service provided by apple like calling emergency numbers without opening lock.
please suggest me
No. You have to launch all Apps through the home screen (Springboard).
There might be a way to do this when jailbreaking the device, though.
That same functionality, which you speak of, is exactly what runs on the iPhone BEFORE it is "activated". I wonder if there is a way to use this already built in app to create what you're shooting for.