Visio Formula Units - visio

Could anyone be so kind to provide the full table of all possible units and they acronyms for Visio shape values (like Width, Height, etc.)
I know that default units are inches, also know how to specify millimeters (mm), like that "".
I guess there are other kind of units. I tried to find this info on msdn, but failed. If anyone can provide this info, please share.

Hopefully nobody says "let me google that for you" here...


Change Shape Fill based on Shape Data in Visio

Wondering if someone can help me with what I thought was a simple Shapesheet issue.
I'd like the fill colour of a shape to change based on one of the shape data values. I thought I could do this easily:
FillForeground: If(Prop.Colour="Blue",XXX,YYY)
But this doesn't work? (Visio 2021)
I've 5 list values for the data and would like a different fill colour for each? Weirdly, I can see that the value does change based on the data selection, but the actual colour seen in on the page doesn't.
Obviously, I'm not much of a coder, just an enthusiastic meddler.
I've stuck at:
(The shapes to colour are within a group)
Steve !
FillForeground: If(Prop.Colour="Blue",XXX,YYY)
But this doesn't work? (Visio 2021)
For compare strings in ShapeSheet you must use STRSAME function
Use syntax like this:

Way of formatting Word so that a line occur at a given distance from page border?

I don't know how to properly specify this question, but basically I would like to format a document like specified here :
It's on the 3rd page of the PDF document. So I need to input a line at the exact distance from the top border, while another line occurs at some exact distance from the bottom.
Does MS Word give the flexibility to do this?
Someone points out this question is off-topic for this forum but just in case someone is here anyway: use multiple text boxes can be the solution.
A user can adjust a text box's relative position on a page and thus achieve the formatting needed.

Calculating transform-origin of two overlapping elements

I have an image (represented as green) overlaying a box (represented as blue), and the image is going to be transform: scale()ing in size. When this happens I need all edges of the image to complete their transformation at the same time.
To do this I need to calculate the transform-origin based on where the image is located overtop of the bounding box, using JavaScript. Assume I know all the coordinates that getBoundingClientRect() provides, for both elements.
In the six examples below I’ve placed a red dot where the transform-origin percentages should intersect.
I just can’t figure out the math to get there. The closest I've come to finding an answer is with this question, but it's a little vague and I'm not sure I fully understand the answer itself. I would greatly appreciate help with this, and will happily provide more details if I'm missing something.
After fiddling around, I figured out the formula is:
(box.left - image.left) /
(image.width - box.width)
) * 100

imregtform giving "Registration failed because optimization diverged." error in matlab

I am trying to align an atlas on a brain section via shape similarity. I converted both images to grayscale and filled them in white like so:
I tried aligning them by similarity using imregtform. However I get the error "Registration failed because optimization diverged." Is there a value in the optimizer that needs to be changed?
Or is there an easier way to do this in MATLAB?
I do not actually have the Image Processing Toolbox, but you should take a look at some of the help files. For instance, Mathworks has many sections online discussing how you can do image processing, including alignment. This link is somewhat a top level discussion ( and this seems like it might be a great tool for you to do image alignment using the control point alignment technique (
I hope this helps point you in the right direction. With out having the toolbox, I can't try the suggested tools.
Unfortunatly, Matlabs image registration only offers linear (geometric) transformations atm. That is, only translation, rotation, scale, and shear is allowed. This is not enough for your images since you have local distortions.
What you need is a non-rigid (elastic) registration. You can find some codes for this in the file-exchange.

SSRS 2008 Change Axis Scale Options based on Parameter

I have some data in a chart using SSRS, sometimes we want to see the data on a logarithmic scale - I want to have a parameter that allows me to check this on and off and possibly provide the log base. (I don't want to provide a second graph).
I can't see anywhere to modify this using an expression. Does anyone know how to do this?
It doesn't look like this is currently possible.