is it possible to "like" facebook fan page directly from iPhone app - iphone

is it possible to "like" facebook fan page directly from iPhone app using graph API?

There is no graph api method to have a user like a page (that would get abused). The only way would be to embed a Facebook like button inside a UIWebView.

The easiest way I have found is to use a UIWebView and either load the html portion of the LIKE code, or use an external .html document with the LIKE code. The only issues I have come across in this method is the user usually needs to login unless logged in from MobileSafari.


How to fetch the event page from Facebook, NOT just the data

Is there way to display Facebook event page in my website, it should contain all the functionality as there in Facebook.
Using graph API and SDK I can get the content, but I want all the buttons (attend, maybe, etc)
with Facebook design.
You can use Facebook's content but you can't try to make a mirror of the page, which is proprietary.
Use an inline frame (iframe) to display (not copy) the page you want in your own website.
Could you possibly do a curl request for the page and just output the retrieved call into your site?

Like an object on Facebook outside Facebook

I've been trying to use the Like button generator to get a Like button for some content on my fan page:
What I want to do is show the likes this photo got on Facebook in the like button on my site and vice versa.
This seems to work for the actual fan page url but doesn't work for individual photos (haven't tested other objects).
You are able to see the likes the object on Facebook got through the graph API call: So shouldn't that be available on non-Facebook sites as well?
Anyone know a solution to this without having to make a custom handler to show and post likes on site?
Why don't you just use the API to read the comments and likes on the object? Any user's access token will work if that user can see the object

facebook app all integrated in one page (no reloading)

I am currently developing UI for a facebook app. Basically, the game is shown on the canvas page and it has navigation in a tab form.
What I need is that when a user clicks "friends" to invite people, the page will show over the game(the game is still in background, and running as it should be). So the page must not reload. To do this I placed the url of the friends requests in the src of an <iframe> and using jquery to hide/show the divs but the problem is the <iframe> will also contain the header, footer and all like, but I just want the content because the user is already on facebook. Is there a better approach than what I'm doing? How would I accomplish this?
A good visual example is the navigation of "City of Wonders" facebook app.
You'll need to write a server side script that uses the facebook API to get a list of friends. Then you simply generate the HTML that is necessary to display and use this information.
Also, instead of using a an <iframe></iframe>you could just use a <div>, and use javascript to populate it's innerhtml (via ajax).

Create a Facebook "Like" programmatically?

I'd like to replicate the "Like" button functionality in an iPhone application using a native widget. The URL associated with the Like would be a product page with details on the manufacturer's website. Unfortunately, Facebook's Like Button [1] only supports the iframe version. Is there any way to have a user "Like" a URL without using the Like Button?
There's no API to actually create a Like connection.
Looking at the Facebook Developer info, it appears it is possible to Like an Open Graph Object if it already exists in the Open Graph database. Look for the "/OBJECT_ID/likes" method under the "Publishing" section of the API Reference. It says you can "Like the given object (if it has a /likes connection)".
But I do not believe Facebook provides the ability to create NEW Open Graph objects (for, say, a webpage) programmatically. If anyone knows how to do this, I would be interested to hear about it.
There looks to be an assigned bug about not bing able to create new Graph Objects via the API:
We want to have our own "Like" system with an additional "Dislike" option, and if the user "Likes" something with our system we want to create a Facebook Like in the background. It seems we will need to pre-Like all of the objects (thousands of pages!) so this won't work for us. :(

How to embed a Facebook page wall, into a website, with all actions of "Like", "Comment" on posts?

Is there a way to embed a Facebook page wall into a website? Without using Graph API?
I want to have the wall exactly as styled from Facebook, with all actions to Like, Comment and Share but from my website.
I'm sorry but there is no way to easy reproduce your wall on your website. You can easily get contents (but it will not reflect the facebook's wall as some content is filtered), using facebook's javascript sdk or graph api, but you won't be able to add universal like button using javascript sdk for every posts, as facebook requires to like some objects (like pages) directly with their like social plugin.
You can check a lot of facebook widgets you can easily implement on your website using Javascript SDK on the fbrell application.
Happy facebook programming!
Based on these requirements, would an iframe produce the desired effect? Maybe even a regular frame? (I haven't used those in a long time, so I don't remember if there's some restriction that would prevent loading external content with them).
When you say you want these actions "from your website" what exactly do you mean? Do you just want to wrap the Facebook content with your own (in a frame) or do you want to actually do something locally with these actions, intercepting them somehow?
You will need to use FBML. or custom code from for using Graph API, i dont think you can do it any other way. look up facebook documentaion for details.
There is no way you can embed the same wall, yet you can use paste your wall's contents on your webpage,
If you want Share, Like and comment button to perform action on your webstie then you have to create your own db and user management
Share, Like and Comment buttons which will effect your original wall in facebook is not possible.
double think. I have been working on a Wall Feed for Pages for some time now, what you are looking for can be done, but you would need to use the Graph API to accomplish..
Sample Here Likes, Commenting is disabled.
Emulates the Wall for
I used a combination of Graph API "PHP-SDK 3.1.1", "Javascript SDK". This can be done with pure client side Javascript though.