What are the max dimensions that should be used for showing facebook photos? - facebook

I am grabbing the photo's of my user's friends on my site. And, the photos of the friends look very dull, and photos seem to have a very low resolution.
How can I make sure that the photos are sharp ? Do I need to do any post processing ?
What are the max dimensions that should be used for showing photos ?

If you're grabbing profile thumbnail, it's because they get resized when you upload them to Facebook. Facebook does this automatically. If you want higher quality photos, you need to use a different API method than the the one used to get profile photos:
I'd suggest "Photos" or "Photo albums" method.
EDIT The actual dimensions for a profile photo are 50x50. If you try to display them larger than this, you're going to get loss. Non vector graphics can only contain so much data per pixel.


Get largest image from Facebook graph api photo node

I'm using the facebook graph api v2.6. I'm accessing the photo's of a user via "me/photos?fields=images". This provides an array of various sizes of the given photo. Obviously I could just run through the list and pick the largest one but I wanted to know if there is a way to limit the results returned to the largest one to reduce the payload size since I only care about the highest resolution one.
Also, please note that "type=normal" does not return the largest image (nor does it seem to work on the photos node anyway) and the "source" field is not the largest image either and that field is depreciated anyway. Thanks.
Update: please note I am not trying to access the profile image of a user, I am trying to access the photos node of the user which is all of the photos they have been tagged in. Here is the documentation: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.6/user/photos
It returns a list of photos as documented here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/photo/
The various sized images are in the "images" field and I want to know if I can restrict that to just the largest image. It doesn't appear so in the documentation but Facebook's documentation has been historically lacking...
You want get a picture for a Facebook User?
Try this way

FaceBook get the bigger profile image

I an using this url to get the image profile of user:
But i noticed that i get image profile in 180*135 and i see that the image profile in my face book profile is more big then this.
It is possible to get the real image? or the large is the maximum?
Well, there is. You would have to create a facebook app, request access to the users picture albums, retrieve the images from the "Profile Pictures" album and scan that album for the currently used image.
If you have luck, its always the first image in the album. If not, you are in trouble and would have to do image comparsions.

Creating a Post with a larger photo size

When using the Facebook Graph API and including a Picture with a post, the picture always appears as a small thumbnail. Is there a way to make the picture larger like it appears when you upload a photo and share it?
No, the size of that photo is controlled by facebook and the only thing you can do is playing around with the relative size of the photo you use so that it would look slightly bigger (you should use pictures with landscape layout as opposed to portrait to get a 'slightly' bigger photo.
The hack you can use to do that is what apps like Instagram and Path did: Each time someone uploads a photo, they upload the photo to an album named "Instagram/Path photos" and include the link to the original photo in the caption (in your case,the link to the original article).
However, in order to do that, you users must grant you additional permissions on Facebook and they may not like the idea of uploading photos to another album, so I (personally) wouldn't go that way.

Facebook api: access friends' photos

I've been asked to create a contest page for a radio station. The page should allow users to select a few of their Facebook friends that they want to participate in the prize event. After the friends have been chosen and confirmed the page should generate a collage of the friends' profile pictures.
I know I can get the 200px wide version of anyone's profile picture(assuming it's public) using the graph api. Is there any way to get the picture even if it isn't public? How about getting a bigger version of it?
I have no experience with the FB developer side, so I will appreciate any links to other useful resources.
Taken from the Facebook Graph API documentation:
You can render the current profile photo for any object by adding the suffix /picture to the object URL. For example, this will render your public profile photo:
<img src="https://graph.facebook.com/facebookid/picture"/>
You can specify the picture size you want with the type argument, which should be one of square (50x50), small (50 pixels wide, variable height), and large (about 200 pixels wide, variable height): http://graph.facebook.com/facebookid/picture?type=large.

How to replicate facebook photo view and show photos very fast from web

I have to create same functionality as facebook has does like all the photos display at one view and from that user can choose photo and it goes to large photo. This photos are showing very fast. I have 5 photos from web but it take so much time. Does anyone know how they shows photo very fast.
I don't know the answer but I suggest you look at the three20 source code on github. Joe Hewitt (who wrote the Facebook app) published much of its code including the photo view. There is also a Google group that discusses three20.
I don't know about the iphone app in particular, but I do know that the main facebook website prefetches images in photo albums.
Facebook creates multiple sizes of each photo when it is uploaded. They also convert all the photos to png I'm pretty sure, likely reducing the file size of the original photo. I know creative has often complained about the "quality" of photos after uploaded to Facebook.
This allows them to deliver the appropriate sized image (both dimensions and file size) for quick display rather than delivering a full sized image and having the client resize it.