Post-Install of Plone, can't locate folder "zinstance" - centos

I have a fresh install of Plone on a CentOS 5.6 server. I used the Unified Insatller and used ZEO ... I can't seem to find my "zinstance" folder. when I do a 'locate zinstance' it gives me the within the installer it's self, no where else. . Any ideas?

If you installed with ZEO there will be no "zinstance" folder. Instead you'll find a "zeoserver" folder, and a "bin" folder with a bunch of scripts.

On linux the unified installer install to /usr/local/plone by default I believe.


Unable to load MemcacheD extension in PHP 8.1.7

I am running the PECL PHP-Memcached 3.2.0 on PHP 7.x and PHP 8.1.0 Windows servers without problem.
Unfortunately, it's impossible to make it work under PHP 8.1.7.
Unable to load dynamic library - The specified module could not be found
I obviously specify that the DLL extension is in the right directory, and that it is of course the x64 TS VS16 version.
The two dependencies DLLs (libmemcached.dll and libhashkit.dll) must be copied under c:\windows or in any directory belonging to the %PATH%
Restart your webserver service.

Moodle plugin as exe file

I was trying to create windows .exe file to install moodle local plugin.
Is this doable installing plugin with .exe file?
Appreciate your suggestions. Reference to documentation access!
Are you trying to install Moodle? There are packages available for installing Moodle on a Windows machine:
Otherwise, using an exe to install a local plugin doesn't make any sense. You just need to copy the code to the local folder. Or unzip the code into a local folder.
Then either upgrade via your site yourmoodlesite/admin/ or use the command line:
php admin/cli/upgrade.php

PostgreSQL driver does not load with PyQt5 [duplicate]

I have some trouble when I want to add a database.
_dataBase = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QPSQL");
After calling this method I have an error:
QSqlDatabase: QPSQL driver not loaded
I include to PATH variable paths to:
Also I copy folder sqldrivers to Debug folder. Also tried to copy dlls drom this folder to Debug. Doesn't work either.
I came here googling because I had the same problem in Windows.
In my case to solve the issue I had to install PostgreSQL for Windows 32 bits since my Qt target was MinGW 32 bits.
Additionally, I had to add the PATH to the PostgreSQL bin and lib directories so Qt could find the right .dlls.
#SET PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\9.6\bin\;C:\Program Files (x86)\PostgreSQL\9.6\lib\;%PATH%
The PATH can be set before launching Qt Creator or using the Qt Creator itself via the Build Environment in the Projects pane.
Add the system variable QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1 if you want to get full information of why the QPSQL driver has not been loaded.
Probably you will discover that Qt is not able to find it. Copy and paste the output here to know what exactly happens.
Use depends.exe on qsqlpsql.dll and found that this dll need libpq.dll from PostgreSQL\9.3\libfolder. Add libpq.dll to Debug folder and it works:)
Try pip install PyQt5 event if you already installed it using conda or installer. It helped me.
I got same problem with deploying Qt application (windeployqt didn't help). I had to copy more .dlls (libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll, libiconv-2.dll, libintl-8.dll, libpq.dll, libssl-1_1-x64.dll, libwinpthread-1.dll) from postgreSQL bin path (c:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin) next to .exe file (according to dependency walker).

symfony plugin installation fails on windows because it is "unable to unpack" the tgz

I tried to install the sfTaskExtraPlugin using
symfony plugin:install sfTaskExtraPlugin
and received
Installation of "sfTaskExtraPlugin" plugin failed: unable to unpack (...)sfTaskExtraPlugin-1.3.3.tgz
I know I can simply install it manually by unpacking it to the plugin directory and including it into the ProjectConfiguration.
But I would like to be able to install all that is possible through the installer, as it is way more comfortable.
My system details: symfony 1.4 on Windows 7 (64 bit) with XAMPP 1.7.4.
Not an expert on this but my guess is that you're missing a utility/program that would allow Windows to unpack the tgz file. I'd Google around, install the relevant utility(ies) and try again.
I'm using the exact same setup as you as my dev environment and don't have that problem.
I have same problem and I have no solution.
One solution is: try again and again and again. It should work! :)
I'm not kidding. To install symfony 1.4.8 via pear on my Windows7 by using xampp 1.7.4 I just stupidly repeated installation.

Where do I get libpq source?

I want to write application which uses Postgresql as DBMS.
To write client application do I need libpq library and header files?
If yes where I would get libpq library and header files.
Libpq is included in the full PostgreSQL source code. You can use just libpq without the rest of PostgreSQL, but must download the full package.
You can download it from the PostgreSQL Downloads page.
Once you extract the full package it is inside src\interfaces\libpq.
The PostgreSQL installation guide details how to install only the client libraries in the Installation section, under Client-only installation.
Libpq documentation is also available.
In postgresql sources, src\interfaces\libpq.
And yes, it is possible to compile only the libpq.
get the lipq from repo, {for debian} :
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
I was also facing this issue but didn't got a clear answer:
This issue clearly states that while installing diesel-cli system is not able to locate libpq.lib
First of all you should have a Postgres installed on your machine.
Also diesel require visual c++, thus download and install it if not already, the size of setup will be ~5gb.
Once above installations are done you need to setup environment variables:
In my case path of Postgres installation is C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL thus add 2 environment variable path under User variables add new in Path where your libpq.lib is located in my case it is available in both C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\lib and C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin
Once this is added create one more environment variable PQ_LIB_DIR and set path as shown below
Note: Once done re-trigger the installation command in a new cmd window
Source: pq-sys and github-solution
For Windows users, it's in (version may be different)
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\lib
There you find libpq.lib. Provide this directory to Linker input.
Don't forget to include C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\include directory for include directories.
I fix this problem reccently. This is a solution if you don't want to install Postgres in you windows.
At first, you need download Postgres Binaries. The version I download is 13.6, but it's seems like any version is fine.
Unzip the zip file.Copy libpq.lib from pgsql\lib to shomewhere like C:\Program Files\Postgres\lib.
Execute the following command in cmd window.
setx PQ_LIB_DIR "{where_you_copy_to}"
Open a new cmd windows and install diesel_cli
cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres
In linux vertify you get the libpq.
1st, there is an app: pg_config:
after you found out the pg_config absolute bin path.(if you installed multi version of postgressql) Then You can get
Print the location of C header files of the client interfaces.
Print the location of object code libraries.
Then try to compile/build some example code:
Some common failure example:
You can install Postgres locally from but select only "Command line tools" for install.
After that, you can found libpq.dll in C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\15\bin