How do i consume .net webservice with java eclipse genymade - service

im have created a webservice with .net and it is running perfectly fine,now i have to develop an application on another platform which is java(eclipse,genymade)which call the web service that i have created in .net im not sure how to get started,can someone help me on this,or probably can share some article with me.thank you.

if you want an article this is probably what you want? Consuming web service in java.
Anyway it also depends on what kind of data format you are gonna parse. it may be either JSON or XML..


How to create an API REST?

I want to reach the data saved in a mysql server for an Android phone. I thought about to connect directly the phone to the mysql but it is a bad practice because someone can get the user/pass of the DB.
However the REST architecture maybe it's a solution for my problem. I found the toolkit GWT but I don't know if it's the best way to solve my problem and what I need to use the GWT.
And I got 2 questions basically:
The GWT is good for my purpose?
Need a Tomcat server for example to set the GWT code?
One annotation, the data is for an app Android, there is no HTML interface .
Nowadays I'm working at localhost. Thanks for the answers.
As far as I understand, you want to implement a RESTful service (Web API). GWT targets the Web UI to be able to build it using Java and compile it into JavaScript. I think that it's not what you expect.
Here is a link that provides you hints about concepts of REST: It will describe you what is a RESTful service and how to design it.
There are several technologies to build RESTful services (server-side frameworks). I can list two of them:
Restlet (see this link and
JAX-RS and its implementations (Restlet, Jersey, EasyRest). See this link for example:
Hope it helps you,

Converting SOAP to REST?

I have a web app, that also has an iPhone and Android app using the same API. It hasn't yet been made publicly available, so I wanted to look to convert from SOAP to REST.
I was only able to find a few tutorials that go into thorough explanations of how to code a REST web service, and of those I only found the MSDN one useful. The problem is I got really confused when they started using URI data types inside the object.
My question is, if you are converting SOAP to REST, do you have to recreate all the objects to add the URI? Am I not able to just have a REST entry point, then call one of the classes that retrieve the data?
Once the REST service is made it will only be used by my mobile apps, but not the website (since that can directly access the classes), which makes me not want to change the objects to add a URI. Is that a correct assumption to make, or should the web services also be called by the website?
Sorry if these are newbie questions, but I am struggling to get my head around REST, and I haven't had much experience creating the architecture of potentially high user base apps.
If anyone is able to point me to an actual code set, that would be helpful.
Edit: I am using VS2010, coding in C# and .Net 4.
Thanks a lot,
Im doing a very similar thing right now :). Rest via wcf isnt too hard, you do have to sometimes add your endpoints in the web config and give it the [webget]/[webinvoce] attributes in the refrence.cs of the web refrence when consuming though c# which is annoying.
Here is a code set i used when getting started. There are a few more on code project too.

Blackberry and RESTful services

I'm looking to develop a blackberry application to consume a RESTful service. At the moment we plan to develop a REST layer which we will use to perform searches on a back end database and return the results as JSON.
I have used the Jersey framework ( ) for consuming (and developing) REST layers in the past.
This is the first time we plan to develop such an app for a blackberry. From looking around I'm not sure if jersey is supported on the blackberry for consuming RESTful services.
So I'm wondering could someone offer some advice (on jersey or any other purpose built JARs) for using RESTful services on Blackberry? Otherwise we will have to build from scratch the code for consuming the RESTFul service. Or even use SOAP which I prefer not to have to do if possible.
Take a look at the website, they have lib in Java to parse JSON data(I'v manage to make it work for BlackBerry without to much modifications.
The only thing left to do is a connection to the web service by passing the parameter you need to it. And then parse the response with the JSON lib to rebuild your data model in your native client.
And please don't use SOAP for mobile application.
Please read RIM doc for socket
You can use a httpConnection too

How to start use webservice

i want to read and write data to a website (server on web) and don't have any information about webservices and other things that related to it
Does anybody have any idea about how to start it (mean offer complete books,papers,tutorials,websites,… or what should i learn at first mean is it necessary to learn xml,soap,... and other things)
Thank you
I've used Google App Engine with great success. You would format your data to output as JSON and use an iPhone library to read it. I've used this one (though Touch JSON seems to be more popular).
Read about REST, ROA and AtomPub. Thats got me started. I'm about to implement some webservices in WCF (WCF now acts like a RESTFul webservice, but you can also use plain old SOAP). Before I got to WCF, I experimented with RoR. RoR uses REST "out-of-the-box".

How to user web service with help of soap method

Hi i am new in iphone development. i have task to develop the application to get the web service.
I try to find source but i found some source but it cant give me any output.
So please help me and provide any example if it is possible.
I use ASIHTTPRequest for most network needs. However, it does not directly support SOAP. I don't know of any iPhone library that does. If you can address your web service without the overhead of SOAP then ASIHTTPRequest will make it simple for XML or JSON. If you really have no choice but to use SOAP then the following may help