application calling a web service - service

I have a web application which calls a third party web service to return data which is then populated to a gridview.
When I run it locally from the visual studio built in IIS, it works fine.
When I publish to our servers and try to repeat the same action, it times out. I have checked all possibilites...if it is running locally, what happens when it gets published to the server machine.

Is it possible that your production machines may have a more strict firewall configuration that is disallowing outbound connections? Or maybe only allowing connections to whitelisted IPs?


Hosting REST api in web server or application server

I would like to know if there is any difference in hosting REST web service APIs in a web server or application server, is there any reason one is preferred over the other?
So i think you are confused about what are application servers and web servers.
Application Server is the name of a machine/server which is running any application used by an organization and it depends of any other servers to run the application functionalities correctly, like Database Servers, Caching Servers and other kind of servers.
Web server is a software which puts an application online for being accessed by clients through the web.
An application server commonly has a web server running inside it, as part of a stack needed to run the application in the server, like libraries and other sofwares need to execute the application objective.
So you can run a REST api inside of an application server with help of the web server application.
Some examples of web servers are Apache, Nginx, LightHttpd, etc.

IBM MobileFirst issue with securityTest="wl_unprotected" in IBM Containers

My adapter is running in an IBM Container. I have marked all my procedures as securityTest="wl_unprotected".
Everything works fine locally when testing with browser simulation, but fails when I try the same after deploying both the app and adapter in container.
I do get my first page pulling data correctly, but subsequent calls for navigating to other pages of the application fail. All I see is following error messge
With status as "404 Not Found"
I am not sure why this is failing in a container but working fine locally
In an external server environment there is no preview available - the servlet that allows previewing of an application is not present, which is expected.
Previewing applications is available only in the development environment, locally.
If you'd like to preview your application once moving to an external server environment (QA, UAT, Production... bluemix or not), you'll need to test it in a device. Alternatively you could add the Mobile Web or Desktop Browser environments as well, which will allow previewing in the browser (but of course may not have all capabilities available to a Mobile app).

Understanding lightswitch deployment

I wish to deploy a lightswitch application for a small company. I want a central server hosting the database and then the silverlight client to run inside the network connecting to the server and updating the database with clients, etc.
I have made a working system using the intrinsic database in VS2013, but now I come to deploy it and am having problems, despite hours reading MSDN and following tutorials.
I create a deployment package on my development machine, which I then install on the server, but I then need to create a client only package, which points to the server? Does this mean I need to specify the central database as an external data source? Or does this switch happen automatically? Can I publish only the server, and install that on the server machine, (I have already installed the web server package) then publish a separate client package for installing the application on the clients? I need all the clients to update a single database, not all have their own local copies and local databases...
When you "create a client only package" the intrinsic database is running on the client, so nothing point to the server.
A external data source is always external regardless of the app type.
What type of a LightSwitch Application you've selected?
A 2-tier desktop application runs on an end-user Windows desktop. The
database and server components are deployed to the end-user computer.
A 3-tier desktop application runs on an end-user Windows desktop. The
database and server components are deployed to an Internet
Information Services (IIS) server or to Windows Azure.
A 3-tier Web application runs in an end-user web browser. The
database and server components are deployed to an Internet
Information Services (IIS) server or to Windows Azure.

Access local network SVN through Web VPN

I'm facing some problems using VPN Web authentication:
We have a local protected network on which an https SVN server runs.
Accessing it locally within Eclipse makes no problems.
We have external people which have to access this SVN through Web VPN.
The problem is, this web VPN only works in the specific web browser context, and we are not able to connect eclipse directly through this VPN then.
Accessing the VPN through the browser works though (but no commit/versioning is possible).
Is there any workaround?
Problem has been resolved by activating the JSAM (Java secure application manager) on the WEB VPN. It activates the link between installed clients (external people) and specific IP Connections (allowed by gateway).

How can I remotely deploy a rich client in .Net?

Currently we run our web applications on a thin client browser IE 6 and it is slow.
We are a non-profit organization. All our offices are linked via VPN.
Opera 10 browser allows one to convert one's PC into a server.
I am thinking of deploying our application and Opera 10 on every client, meaning that the every client would run a server which in turn would run our application.
Therefore, the clients would connect only to our database. This would speed things up.
However, I would need to deploy updates to our application from time to time.
How can I deploy a web application to the clients PC's remotely?
Our app is .Net.
You might want to take a look at click-once deployment which can handle auto-updating applications (I believe however, they should be .Net based)