Search on the different page webapp - forms

I have three simple html or php file that I'm going to create.
What will be include in there is that a content such as video's name or let say a person name
in total it will be almost 2000 of them
but I will split it to three different pages or maybe I will make it one page with different categories.
now my question is that how will I make a search form that can be search from a different page while they are still on the page index
this is what I'm currently using <div class="searchbox"><form action="index.php" method="post"> <input type="text" name="q" value="">
this search form is a live time search result
but I will it to be able to search from other page as well or from a different categories
but where should I put the tag or anything to the content in order to get the search show the result.

I guess something like that could be done with javascript but it isn't really my forte. But one issue with this is the other pages don't really exist on the users browser until they have browsed them so you might have to download a bunch of pages in the background. Doesn't sound like a great solution to me.
I'd recommend doing searches on the server side where you have the data, rather than trying to parse rendered html on the users machine. And then send the results to the user.


Integrating FormSpree into GitHub Jekyll markdown file

I am attempting to add a contact form to a GitHub Jekyll website. I have mostly been following advice from the most-liked answer here, from a YouTube tutorial here, and from the FormSpree site.
In my attempt to keep the website design consistent, one major difference compared to these tutorials is probably that I am adding the FormSpree contact form to a markdown file, which is here. As you can see in this markdown file, I tried creating the form twice (once with bare-bone suggestions and once with more bells and whistles).
I am almost certain the form is not looking as expected (which in the YouTube tutorial I was following would look more like this) because I am not using a .html file. However, when I tried to convert my page to .html instead of .md it rendered the contact form page looking visually/aesthetically inconsistent with the rest of the webpage tabs. As a result, I am hoping to maintain the .md format with the same current YAML metadata.
My question is: Is it possible to add a FormSpree contact form to GitHub Jekyll pages directly inside a Markdown (.md) file and, if so, what alterations would I need to make to accomplish this? Thank you for sharing any advice!
Using html chunks in md files can seem quite tricky.
In your particular case, as you're including raw html, you can use nomarkdown extension tag.
Just try :
<form action=" method="POST">
<input type="email" name="_replyto">
<textarea name="body"></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Send">

What portions of the marketo code snippet can change?

My company is using marketo forms, and we are generating the page from a content management system.
We'd like to keep the contribution experience as simple as possible and prevent the user from contributing actual <script> tags.
The API documentation says they will give you a block of code that looks like this:
<script src="//"></script>
<form id="mktoForm_621"></form>
<script>MktoForms2.loadForm("//", "718-GIV-198", 621);</script>
My question is, what portions of this code are subject to change?
I am sure the 3 part hypen separated string and the integer being passed in can change.
What about the address?
The 3-part string is your Marketo instance ID, and shouldn't really change. The other integer is the form ID, which definitely will change depending on what form you want to embed.
The other thing that you may want to consider, is the other configurable options that you can send along with the form embed. For example, in the module that I have made for my CMS, I let the user put an optional 'thank-you' page URL, to redirect the form to after submission, and also a checkbox to optionally open the form in a lightbox on page load.
The simple module I made is for the Sitefinity CMS - happy to share code with you if that helps!

Indexing an HTML page that redirects onload

I have a pure GWT based website and as we are aware the search engines cannot index pure gwt based websites. Thus, I have created an alternate web page as shown below which is stored as a separate html in the war folder. The purpose of this webpage is to enlist and index details regarding my website. This page is never displayed on my website, but instead is meant only for indexing. The url leading to this web page is part of the Sitemaps.xml. Thus I am assuming that the below html will be indexed because it's a part of Sitemaps. So here are my questions:
Will the content I give in the div with id "crawler" be indexed given the fact that it is scheduled for removal onload and that the browser is redirected to another url on load?
Is there a better way to get the content indexed for a pure GWT website which does not have any html based user interface?
I can also have urls that will invoke a servlet and return a response that is meant for indexing. But then the same url will be displayed in search results, which is not useful. In other words, I am trying to figure out a way in which the content gets indexed, but when the user clicks the search result he should be redirected to the home page instead of showing the indexed content.
function load(){
element = document.getElementById("crawler");
<body onLoad='load()'>
<div id="crawler">
As you can see here the div (crawler) that contains all the content that is meant for indexing, is removed as soon as the body loads. Apart from this the page also redirects to the home page of the site on load.
The crawler will read in the entire contents of the page for indexing, so it will have no trouble picking up the portion within the div. The onload is not executed by the crawler prior to reading the page.
A method I have used in the past was to generate static html versions of the pages and reference these through the sitemap.xml. Users landing on the html page would then be directed to the equivalent dynamic page when they click on a link (ie: Buy or Specifications). This worked well for search engine placement with many pages appearing in the top ten.
The best solution to notify the search engines about an undiscoverable website's content is to create a HTML website (as you did). If you create redirects based on the crawler, search engines will not love you. I think you have to fill out your HTML with content with relevant information and add
<link rel="canonical" href=""/>
tag to your website's head section. This will notify the search engines that the other site has to appear in the SERP-s instead of the HTML one.

How to send form data and load the resulting page into and iframe

Okay so I have a basic webpage that just load a simple form.
This form submits a text field, a radio button selection. Very simple.
It sends it to a webpage that uses the data and displays a webpage based on the data.
What I am wondering is how can I submit this data to the webpage, which is located on a different server, and display what that webpage would then display inside of an Iframe.
The reason I ask is I just wish to have an iframe that has almost like a header that stays anchored at the top of their resulting webpage with an advertisement.
Hopefully this is clear enough. I just can't seem to find what I am looking for :(
Thanks everyone!
Are you looking for this? The form will targeted to the iframe with the domain and also take its post value
<form action="#" method="post" target="iframe_name">
<input type="submit" name="post" value="Post">
<iframe src="" name="iframe_name"></iframe>

1. I fill out a form & click submit. 2. I get the results page. Goal: Get the same results without filling out the form again

This is my first time posting - I greatly appreciate any and all guidance on this subject.
Background: I am building a Real Estate web site. I would like to use the free IDX data provided by my local MLS board. The MLS board does not allow me the option of displaying a predefined search and only provides me with a link to the search field. after filling out the search field, I am able to view the results.
Goal: I would like to bypass this step and frame the results page into a GoDaddy website I am building, which supports HTML.
Here is a link to the search page:
I am trying to only show the listings that appear in my neighborhood. Options include:
1. Property Type - Residential
2. GEO Area - FM11
3. Developments: Fiddlesticks Country Club
Once this criteria is entered, I have the page needed to make this project work.
Thank all of you for taking the time to read this and for the time you spend helping me out.
Best regards,
Without looking at the page itself, it's probably doing a "POST" operation to give the form to the website. You should be able to use javascript (maybe jquery or some other ajax framework) to do this for you in the frame and have it display the results.
So long as this is a POST form and they aren't doing a lot of strict referrer checking, the following should work:
Replicate the form on your own site.
Make a few minor changes to automate a few of the fields to better serve your geographic area/company.
Ensure everything is a full path and not relative to the server handling the query.
You will probably end up changing a lot of the text/select fields to hidden fields with pre-set values to keep it simple for end-users. The server handling the request won't know the kind of field it came from, just the value and name.
I took a look at the page HTML, the form posts is defined thusly:
<FORM action="/scripts/mgrqispi.dll" method="POST" name="InputForm" />
you may be able to create your own form defined like this:
<FORM action="" method="POST" name="InputForm">
You will have to go through the HTML on the page you provided to get the appropriate ID's and Name's of the form elements you are interested in. Its possible their processing page checks to ensure its their form that is submitting to it, in which case this wouldn't work.
good luck.