Is it a bad to use $$ in Prototype? - dom

The Prototype JS API documentation mentions the $$() function, which allows you to select and extend elements based on CSS selectors, like the $() function in jQuery does.
However, on that page, $$ is presented like some sort of last resort:
Sometimes the usual tools from your DOM arsenal just aren't enough to quickly find elements or collections of elements. If you know the DOM tree structure, you can simply resort to CSS selectors to get the job done.
Why is that? Should I stay away from $$ and just use document.getElementsByClassName (ugh) instead?

Based on that quote you wrote, I'd say they are encouraging you to use $$(). $$() offers you a cross-browser way to access elements quickly and easily. On the other hand, document.getElementsByClassName() is either buggy or not functional in IE version up to and including version 8.

In a complicated project, I try to stay away from using $$() so that I don't accidentally select something I don't want. For a smaller project, I wouldn't worry. I can usually accomplish what I need to with $(Element).childElements or $(Element).immediateDecendants instead.


Which one of the locator is efficient by.css or by.xpath or in Protractor?

Which one is better, in terms of performance , to use : by.css or by.xpath or
I have a really lengthy xpath :
which can be used with other selectors like by.css or
But it is not very clear which one is better.
Protractor uses selenium-webdriver underneath for element lookup/interaction etc, so this is not protractor specific question, but rather selenium-webdriver specific.
CSS selectors perform far better than Xpath and it is well documented in Selenium community. Here are some reasons,
Xpath engines are different in each browser, hence make them inconsistent.
Last time I checked, IE does not have a native xpath engine, therefore selenium-webdriver injects its own xpath engine for compatibility of its API. Hence we lose the advantage of using native browser features that selenium-webdriver inherently promotes.
Xpath tend to become complex like your example and hence make hard to read/maintain in my opinion.
However there are some situations where, you need to use xpath, for example, searching for a parent element or searching element by its text (I wouldn't recommend the later).
You can read blog from Simon(creator of selenium-webdriver) here . He also recommends CSS over Xpath.
So I would recommend you use id, name etc for faster lookup. If thats not available use css and finally use xpath if none other suite your situation.

Coffeescript compiled to Node.js vs browser JS differences

What should I be careful to avoid in order for my CoffeeScript code to run on both Node.js and javascript? The obvious answer is "don't use Node.js" functions, but I was wondering if there are other minor "gotchas" that would break porting the code between the two.
Assuming you don't rely on any APIs beyond the language itself (e.g. you don't use any functions other than setTimeout/clearTimeout and setInterval/clearInterval and those attached to Math), there are just two things to worry about:
You can rely on newer JS features like Array::forEach and Array::indexOf being around in Node, but not in the browser. CoffeeScript helps you avoid these two gotchas with the for x in arr and if x in arr syntaxes, respectively.
In the browser, the global object is window; in Node, the global object is global, but you usually want to export things instead. So the usual solution, as demonstrated by Underscore.js and others, is to write root = this at the top of your module and attach everything to root. In the outermost scope, this points to window in browsers and exports in Node.
I'm assuming here that you're defining your module in a single script. If not, you should look at a tool like sstephenson's stitch, which lets you write a set of modules that can require each other in Node, then "stitch" them together for browsers.

HTML xpath tree dump? using Ruby Watir

Help! In carefully stepping through irb to control a browser (Firefox and Chrome) using the Watir library, it seems the xpath addresses are too shifty to rely on. Eg. one moment, the xpath for one's balance seems consistent, so I use that address in my script. Sometimes it works, but too often crashing with "element not found" although every time I manually step through, the webpage data is there (firebug inspect to confirm).
Yes, using Ajax-reliant sites, but not that websites that pretty much remain the same across visits.
So there some way watir-webdriver can simply give me a long, verbose dump of everything it sees in the DOM at the moment, in the form of an xpath tree? Would help me troubleshoot.
The big answer is to not use xpath, but instead use watir as the UI is intended to be used.
When it comes to a means to specify elements in browser automation, by and large Xpath is evil, it is SLOW, the code it creates is often (as you are finding) very very brittle, and it's nearly impossible to read and make sense of. Use it only as a means of last resort when nothing else will work.
If you are using a Watir API (as with Watir or Watir-webdriver) then you want to identify the element based on it's own attributes, such as class, name, id, text, etc If that doesn't work, then identify based on the closest container that wraps the element which has a way to find it uniquely. If that doesn't work identify by a sibling or sub-element and use the .parent method as a way to walk 'up' the dom to the 'parent container element.
To the point of being brittle and difficult readability, compare the following taken from the comments and consider the code using element_by_xpath on this:
and then compare to this (where the entire code is shorter than just the xpath alone)
browser.cell(:text => "Total Funds Avail. for Trading").parent.cell(:index => 1).text
or to be a bit less brittle replace index by some attribute of the cell who's text you want
browser.cell(:text => "Total Funds Avail. for Trading").parent.cell(:class => "balanceSnapShotCellRight").text
The xpath example is very difficult to make any sense of, no idea what element you are after or why the code might be selecting that element. And since there are so many index values, any change to the page design or just extra rows in the table above the one you want will break that code.
The second is much easier to make sense of, I can tell just by reading it what the script is trying to find on the page, and how it is locating it. Extra rows in the table, or other changes to page layout will not break the code. (with the exception of re-arranging the columns in the table, and even that could be avoided if I was to make use of class or some other characteristic of the target cell (as did an example in the comments below)
For that matter, if the use of the class is unique to that element on the page then
browser.cell(:class => 'balanceSnapShotCellRight').text
Would work just fine as long as there is only one cell with that class in the table.
Now to be fair I know there are ways to use xpath more elegantly to do something similar to what we are doing in the Watir code above, but while this is true, it's still not as easy to read and work with, and is not how most people commonly (mis)use xpath to select objects, especially if they have used recorders that create brittle cryptic xpath code similar to the sample above)
The answers to this SO question describe the three basic approaches to identifying elements in Watir. Each answer covers an approach, which one you would use depends on what works best in a given situation.
If you are finding a challenge on a given page, start a question here about it and include a sample of the HTML before/after/around the element you are trying to work with, and the folks here can generally point you the way.
If you've not done so, work through some of the tutorials in the Watir wiki, notice how seldom xpath is used.
Lastly, you mention Firewatir. Don't use Firewatir, it's out of date and no longer being developed and will not work with any recent version of FF. Instead use Watir-Webdriver to driver Firefox or Chrome (or IE).
You just need to output the "innerXml" (I don't know Watir) of the node selected by this XPath expression:
In case that by "dump" you mean something different, such as a set of the XPath expressions each selecting a node, then have a look at the answer of this question:

Why would you assign to $$?

perldoc perl5150delta says:
$$ can be assigned to
$$ was made read‐only in Perl 5.8.0. But only sometimes: "local $$"
would make it writable again. Some CPAN modules were using "local $$"
or XS code to bypass the read‐only check, so there is no reason to keep
$$ read‐only. (This change also allowed a bug to be fixed while
maintaining backward compatibility.)
$$ is the current process ID, why in the world would you assign to it?
There are only a couple (literally) places in CPAN where people want to assign to $$, and it's mostly for testing (I haven't understood IPC::Messaging yet). I don't like this feature, especially since there's a much better way to get the same effect. The Perl 5 Porters added this feature because they could and they would rather not make the couple of cases do a better job of testing. If you read the p5p thread, it's obvious that this feature wasn't driven by need.
I wrote about it in Hide low-level details behind an interface.
However, I could be wrong on this because I'm not that good at the low-level black magic. I know there is a need to coordinate PIDs, but so far I think that $$ isn't the only way to do that. If someone has a use case that they can explain to me, I'll update that post.
IPC::Messaging, which provides sorta kinda Erlang-like messaging (not performance-wise, syntax-wise) does that to $$ to replace it with an object which numifies to the original pid. This is done to have a convenient reference to a "self-process" which one can call methods on (= send messages to).
Full disclosure: I am the author of the module.
If you were the syscall implemenation of a fork() like system call you would need to assign to the global one.

How do you define 'unwanted code'?

How would you define "unwanted code"?
IMHO, Any code member with 0 active calling members (checked recursively) is unwanted code. (functions, methods, properties, variables are members)
Here's my definition of unwanted code:
A code that does not execute is a dead weight. (Unless it's a [malicious] payload for your actual code, but that's another story :-))
A code that repeats multiple times is increasing the cost of the product.
A code that cannot be regression tested is increasing the cost of the product as well.
You can either remove such code or refactor it, but you don't want to keep it as it is around.
0 active calls and no possibility of use in near future. And I prefer to never comment out anything in case I need for it later since I use SVN (source control).
Like you said in the other thread, code that is not used anywhere at all is pretty much unwanted. As for how to find it I'd suggest FindBugs or CheckStyle if you were using Java, for example, since these tools check to see if a function is used anywhere and marks it as non-used if it isn't. Very nice for getting rid of unnecessary weight.
Well after shortly thinking about it I came up with these three points:
it can be code that should be refactored
it can be code that is not called any more (leftovers from earlier versions)
it can be code that does not apply to your style-guide and way-of-coding
I bet there is a lot more but, that's how I'd define unwanted code.
In java i'd mark the method or class with #Deprecated.
Any PRIVATE code member with no active calling members (checked recursively). Otherwise you do not know if your code is not used out of your scope analysis.
Some things are already posted but here's another:
Functions that almost do the same thing. (only a small variable change and therefore the whole functions is copy pasted and that variable is changed)
Usually I tell my compiler to be as annoyingly noisy as possible, that picks 60% of stuff that I need to examine. Unused functions that are months old (after checking with the VCS) usually get ousted, unless their author tells me when they'll actually be used. Stuff missing prototypes is also instantly suspect.
I think trying to implement automated house cleaning is like trying to make a USB device that guarantees that you 'safely' play Russian Roulette.
The hardest part to check are components added to the build system, few people notice those and unused kludges are left to gather moss.
Beyond that, I typically WANT the code, I just want its author to refactor it a bit and make their style the same as the rest of the project.
Another helpful tool is doxygen, which does help you (visually) see relations in the source tree.. however, if its set at not extracting static symbols / objects, its not going to be very thorough.