running a maven scala project - scala

Im starting to learn scala and mongo , my IDE is intellij IDEA. I created a scala project using
and typed a simple hello world program in the IDEA with some arithmetic options such as
val i = 1+2
Then i compiled it using
mvn compile
It said
build success
But now how should i execute my application and verify the output. There isn't a single article which explains how to start off with scala,maven,idea and i am entirely new to all of this. any help would be useful for me.

Try with this code:
package com.example
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val i = 1 + 2
Place it under /src/main/scala/com/example/Main.scala and run it using:
$ mvn package exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.example.Main
If you don't want to pass mainClass manually, you can do this in plugin configuration:
There are other possibilities, this is the easiest one. Of course in IntelliJ you should be able to run the program directly.
If you want to ship the application, use maven-jar-plugin to add Main-Class and Class-Path entries to the manifest:
Main-Class: com.example.Main
Class-Path: lib/scala-library-2.9.0-1.jar lib/slf4j-api-1.6.1.jar ...
The following configuration does that and also copies all the dependencies (including Scala runtime library) to target/lib.
Now you can simply run your application by (note the target/lib directory is required):
$ java -jar target/your_app-VERSION.jar
You can ship your application simply by copying your JAR file along with /lib subdirectory.
Also see Exec Maven Plugin and Playing with Scala and Maven.


Spark scala with dependencies in one single jar

I have a Scala Spark application for which I want to create jar with dependencies using maven.
I am using maven-assembly-plugin
but when I am running my app with Spark-submit command, I am still getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError. When I am running it with --jars option and provide path for dependencies jar, It is running fine. Please let me know if I am missing something. Thanks
The configuration looks good.
Try to delete previous application jars and run ‘mvn package’ command to create a new one.

scala-maven-plugin mixed compile does not include src/main/java and can not find java class

<!-- see -->
Code structure:
src/main/scala #will reference the class under /src/main/java
IDE : Intellij IDEA 2017.2.1 , JDK: java8
Issues :
when ever i run the maven compile via the intellij, it always show below errors, which means it can not find the Hello.class .
why this pom.xml does not work ? I checked the doc of scal-maven-plugin, the layout should work, but it did not .
I found it will work if i add the src/main/java as source directory via the build-helper-maven-plugin. This may explain the first question, but i realized that before the maven compile, i run the App.scala via the Intellij , so the has already been compiled to class and i could see it under the src/main/target/classes . So Why the scala-maven-plugin can not find the class under src/main/target/classes ?
like in the documentation/sample linked in the question, remove
or set them to src/.../java (the default values), no need to use the build-helper-maven-plugin
or place *.java and *.scala under the same directory (my favorite)
In dual mixed java/scala (scala depends on java and java depends of scala), the scala compiler run against java source, not from binary.
If you want to "notify" the IDE that scala source are under src/.../scala "add"
see add-source

Excluding integration tests in Eclipse IDE with JUnit 4

I have two kinds of tests in my Java (Maven) web project: "normal" unit-tests and integration tests using an embedded Tomcat 7 server and Selenium for automated GUI testing on Jenkins. All tests are annotated with JUnit's #Test, normal tests end with "" while integration tests end with "". All test-classes are located in src/test/java
I normally build my project with mvn clean verify, while the relevant part of my pom.xml which starts the tomcat server and splits the test-categories accordingly looks like this:
<!-- For front-end testing -->
This procedure works fine, except when I want to run my tests in eclipse where I normally right-click on my project -> run as -> JUnit Tests. By selecting this option all my tests (including the integration tests) are run. The integration-tests fail in this case because Tomcat is not running (it is only started in Maven's pre-integration-test phase).
How can I exclude these tests in Eclipse with JUnit plugin?
I use junit-toolbox for that. It provides annotations to separate unit and integration tests via wildcard patterns.
The base package under e.g. /src/test/java/base contains two classes –
package base;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import com.googlecode.junittoolbox.ParallelSuite;
import com.googlecode.junittoolbox.SuiteClasses;
* This detects all (fast running) unit test classes by the given naming pattern.
#SuiteClasses({ "**/*Test.class", "!**/*IntegrationTest.class", "!**/*LearningTest.class" })
public class AllUnitTests {
package base;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import com.googlecode.junittoolbox.SuiteClasses;
import com.googlecode.junittoolbox.WildcardPatternSuite;
* This detects all integration test classes by the given naming pattern.
#SuiteClasses({ "**/*IntegrationTest.class", "**/*IT.class" })
public class AllIntegrationTests {
You can run both generic test suites via Eclipse.
To be able to also run the tests via Maven I use an approach which is similar to the one you have shown.

How to Compile and Bulid a single file in maven project

I am doing maven web project in JSf - Richfaces. I have been using "maven clean install" for clearing and build the project to create a war file. It is tedious work to build an entire project for a changes in a single file.
My Question is,
Is there any possibility to build a single java file instead of entire project.
Can we create a short cut or icon in eclipse to build the current project
(ie)"mvn clean install" to create war file
Maven uses incremental compilation i.e. it compiles only classes that changed on disk since the last build.
you can modify your pom.xml , so that "clean, install , deploy" happens automatically. Below is the code that you can append after customizing necessary fields

Export Scala application to runnable JAR

Can you tell me, if this is possible, how to export a Scala application to a normal runnable JAR that can run directly in the JVM ?
It is perfectly possible, see for instance this: running a maven scala project. Since Scala compiles to Java bytecode, JVM is not even aware of the underlying implementation language.
In essence after compiling Scala sources using scalac you will get a bunch of .class files which you can later package into a JAR. Then you can simply run them using:
$ java -cp "your.jar:scala-library.jar" com.example.Main
Note that you must include scala-library.jar on the CLASSPATH (currently it is almost 9 MiB...) and specify class containing main method.
If you use sbt to build you can use one of the one-jar plugins. They will put all dependencys into one big jar file (inclusive all the scala.jar files). This means that you only need one jar file and don't have to manage all the dependencys.
As an example with sbt-assembly (mostly copied from
addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "X.X.X")
import AssemblyKeys._ // put this at the top of the file
seq(assemblySettings: _*)
then you can generate the jar with:
sbt assembly
As an alternative to Fabian's answer, if you're using Maven, you can use the assembly-plugin. Something like:
That will package all your deps up, including scala-library.jar (if it's in your deps), but will do so flattened with all classes unpacked. This is because runnable jar's cannot out of the box use code in jars in the jar.
To make that work (which is nicer), use, I think it's a Maven mojo wrapper to one-jar:
There is also an sbt-plugin for one-jar:
In order to package a swing application in a runnable jar, the solution that worked for me was to export my project as a normal jar file (non executable) and update the jar's manifest to:
add scala-library.jar scala-swing.jar packages to the path
indicate the main class
You can find the Manifest file inside the jar (that you can open with 7z for example) at the following path:
Add the following lines at the end of the manifest:
Main-Class: myPackage.myMainClass
Class-Path: scala-library.jar scala-swing.jar
Now your jar should execute properly when clicking on it.
NOTE: You can find more information about manifest customizing here:
Hers is my solution, maven -->create scala runnable jar.
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.AppendingTransformer">