does anybody know how to link to a stylesheet in layout.phtml - zend framework? - zend-framework

I'm setting up my master layout.phtml file , but i can't seem to link to an external css i've tried the normal link href ect but does not work i'm following the beginner' guide to ZF in the manaul is has the following:
<base href="/" />
<link rel = "stylesheet" type="text/css" href ="/css/master.css" />
the manual also suggests putting these assets in the public folder which i have done. but does not work ?
I have also looked on the net and tried a some headlink and bootstrap stuff as a beginner it was a bit over my head !
Has anyone got a simple answer ??
many thanks

I usually do as follows in layout.phtml:
echo $this->headLink();

What is the map hierarchy? on the page you're working on, is in that folder a folder css and in that folder the master.css?


Mathjax in Github pages

I have started a new project in Github and as I will need to collaborate with people, I wanted to start a decent documentation. I would like to use Github Pages for this task, but the documentation will need to include many equations, as for instance
I have read on-line on numerous posts that Mathjax provides a good tool to read equations on browsers and has been linked to Github pages. However, although I tried to follow many different strategies, I have not been able to get my Page to show any equations yet.
You can find my project at and the corresponding page at The page is built from
Initially, I was not able to display equations at all, but could see the text in the Page. Now, I am not even able to see the page. This has happened after adding the file which reads
<script type="text/javascript"
Is it possible that the reason why I can no longer see my page is that Mathjax is too slow (I have found comments on this regard on-line)? Otherwise, have you got suggestions on what I could do to fix the Page to display the equations?
As you can see I am a beginner with Github pages and html.
Any suggestion is well appreciated as I am now utterly stuck. Thank you for the help!
If I open the referenced JS file at, I see
console.warn('WARNING: has been retired. Check for migration tips.')
So check for detailed migration tips.
Example solution
<script type="text/javascript" async
If you open the HTML source of your page, you'll notice that it contains nothing but the script tag.
This is expected since your page template is not actually a template -- for that it would have to contain {{ content }} or similar liquid templating tags so that it can pull content from the actual page.
For example, has
layout: default
<section class="standalone">
<div class="grid">
<div class="unit whole">
<h1>{{ page.title }}</h1>
{{ content }}
<div class="clear"></div>
You will then have to create an index.html file in your docs folder that starts with
layout: page
so that it pulls in the page template (and the script tag).
Try installing jekyll and generating the default site to evaluate good defaults; see the docs for more information on that. Usually, a script tag appears in a head, header or footer template.

How to implement the DATE PICKER in PhoneGap? is there any alternative other than mobscroll. If I use Jquery I' m getting below error

How to implement the DATE PICKER in PhoneGap/Android? Some people are suggesting to use Mobicroll, I guess it is paid. So anyone please explain me in detail how to use a 3rd party tool/plugin for the datpicker usage in HTML
I guess Mobiscroll is paid one that too for huge amount. For 2 or 3 functionalities we cant ot go for Mobiscroll.
You can go for jQuery UI which have some options and you can go for Bootstrap also.
Include the jQuery CDN in your HTML file.
Here you need to carefully to do 2 things. Are you using the bootstrap or not?
If not, no problem. You can use Jquery UI datepicker.
If yes, you have to first include the Bootstrap CDN and after that you have to include jQuery CDN.
Copy the items like below. Otherwise you will get Uncaught TypeError:
$(...).datepicker is not a function.
(If you copy jQuery Items and after that if you copy Bootstrap)
<!-- Adding below 3 files for Bootstrap -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!--Adding below files for jQuery UI-->
<link href = "" rel = "stylesheet">
<script src = ""></script>
<script src = ""></script>

Remove index.html from Hexo URL?

In Hexo how do I remove the index.html bit from page.path?
My code:
<link rel="canonical" href="<%= config.url %>/<%= page.path %><% } %>">
Rendered HTML:
<link rel="canonical" href="">
Thank you in advance
This request is on the roadmap for Hexo 4.0. It hasn't been implemented yet (at the time of writing this answer).
In the issue above, sapegin gave a workaround using a custom helper:
hexo.extend.helper.register('page_url', function(path, options) {
return this.url_for(path, options).replace(/index\.html$/, '');
If you place this helper in a file like scripts/helpers.js, you can then use it in your posts and pages:
<%= page_url(page.path) %>
It's not as nice as a built-in variable, but it works.
Because pages need to place in subdirectory. It's looks like this:
That's all. No need any helpers here.
P.S. You also can see live example and source code with this.

using .php with .css or some thing better?

I have a log in page for my web site. The log in file is "index.php" this will be the first page you come to when comming to my site. The rest of my site is HTML with a style.css file providing the look for my site. Now my questions is how do I get my index.php file too look like the rest of my web site?
Right now when you come to it is just a white page with a log in and password box. I would like my log in page to look like the rest of my web site. Can some one please refer me as how to do this?
I have other .php files that would also need to be linked with the .css such as register.php and so forth. thanks guys.
If there is a different/better method of doing what I need please feel free to chime in, I'm all ears at this point I've been trying to do this for 2 days.
Like you would do in every other html page you will have to link the file the same way.
I guess that you have already seen that in every php file there is html code?
Just stay out of the php brackets
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
"php code in here"
If you don't find the usual html markup somewhere search for a include function in the php file.
Maybe the html header is in other php file and it is being called from there.
They would be included like this
include '_header.php';
You can use the CSS file, similar to how you use it in your HTML files. You can either post the CSS tag below your PHP code, or you can use an echo "cssTagHere"; call within your PHP code.
If you're using a login page, though, are you maintaining that security with the rest of your site by using PHP on your other pages?

What is the best approach for redirection of old pages in Jekyll and GitHub Pages?

I have blog on github pages - jekyll
What is the best way to solve url strategy migration?
I found the best practice in common is create htaccess like so
Redirect 301 /programovani/2010/04/git-co-to-je-a-co-s-tim/ /2010/04/05/git-co-to-je-a-co-s-tim.html
But it does not seems to work with Github. Another solution i found is create rake task, which will generate redirection pages. But since it's an html, it's not able to send 301 head, so SE crawlers will not recognize it as an redirection.
The best solution is to use both <meta http-equiv="refresh" and <link rel="canonical" href=
It works very well, Google Bot reindexed my entire website under new links without losing positions. Also the users are redirected to the new posts right away.
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=">
<link rel="canonical" href="" />
Using <meta http-equiv="refresh" will redirect each visitor to the new post.
As for Google Bot, it treats <link rel="canonical" href= as 301 redirect, the effect is that you get your pages reindexed and that is what you want.
I described whole process how I moved my blog from Wordpress to Octopress here.
Have you tried the Jekyll Alias Generator plugin?
You put the alias urls in the YAML front matter of a post:
layout: post
title: "My Post With Aliases"
alias: [/first-alias/index.html, /second-alias/index.html]
When a user visits one of the alias urls, they are redirected to the main url via a meta tag refresh:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=/blog/my-post-with-aliases/" />
See also this blog post on the subject.
redirect-from plugin
It is supported by GitHub and makes it easy:
- jekyll-redirect-from
permalink: /a
redirect_to: ''
as explained at:
firefox localhost:4000/a
will redirect you to
The plugin takes over whenever the redirect_to is defined by the page.
Tested on GitHub pages v64.
Note: this version has a serious recently fixed bug which wrongly reuses the default layout for the redirect:
Manual layout method
If you don't feel like using it's easy to implement it yourself:
layout: 'redirect'
permalink: /a
redir_to: ''
sitemap: false
_layouts/redirect.html based on Redirect from an HTML page :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
{% comment %}
Don't use 'redirect_to' to avoid conflict
with the page redirection plugin: if that is defined
it takes over.
{% endcomment %}
<link rel="canonical" href="{{ page.redir_to }}"/>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url={{ page.redir_to }}" />
<a href="{{ page.redir_to }}">Click here if you are not redirected.<a>
<script>location='{{ page.redir_to }}'</script>
Like this example, the redirect-from plugin does not generate 301s, only meta + JavaScript redirects.
We can verify what is going on with:
curl localhost:4000/a
This solution allows you to use true HTTP redirects via .htaccess — however, nothing involving .htaccess will work on GitHub pages because they do not use Apache.
As of May 2014 GitHub Pages supports redirects, but according to the jekyll-redirect-from Gem documentation they are still based on HTTP-REFRESH (using <meta> tags), which requires full a page load before redirection can occur.
I don't like the <meta> approach so I whipped up a solution for anyone looking to provide real HTTP 301 redirects within an .htaccess file using Apache, which serves a pre-generated Jekyll site:
First, add .htaccess to the include property in _config.yml
include: [.htaccess]
Next, create an .htaccess file and be sure to include YAML front matter. Those dashes are important because now Jekyll will parse the file with Liquid, Jekyll's templating language:
DirectoryIndex index.html
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
Make sure your posts that require redirects have two properties like so:
permalink: /my-new-path/
original: blog/my/old/path.php
Now in .htaccess, just add a loop:
{% for post in %}
RewriteRule ^{{ post.original }} {{ post.permalink }} [R=301,L]
{% endfor %}
This will dynamically generate .htaccess every time you build the site, and the include in your config file ensures that .htaccess makes it into _site directory.
RewriteRule ^blog/my/old/path.php /my-new-path/ [R=301,L]
From there, it's up to you to serve _site using Apache. I normally clone the full Jekyll repo into a non-webroot directory, then my vhost is a symlink to the _site folder:
ln -s /path/to/my-blog/_site /var/www/vhosts/
Tada! Now Apache can serve the _site folder from your virtual root, complete with .htaccess-powered redirects that use whichever HTTP response code you desire!
You could even get super fancy and use a redirect property within each post's front matter to designate which redirect code to use in your .htaccess loop.
The best option is to avoid url changes altogether by setting the permalink format in _config.yml to match your old blog.
Beyond that, the most complete solution is generating redirect pages, but isn't necessarily worth the effort. I ended up simply making my 404 page a bit friendlier, with javascript to guess the correct new url. It doesn't do anything for search, but actual users can get to the page they were looking for and there's no legacy stuff to support in the rest of the code.
Since github doesn't allow 301 redirects (which isn't surprising), you'll have to make a decision between moving to your new URL structure (and taking a search engine hit) or leaving the URLs the way they are. I suggest you go ahead and make the move. Let the search engine chips fall where they may. If someone hits one of your old links via the search engine, they'll be redirected to the new location. Over time, the search engines will pick up your changes.
Something you can do to help matters is to create a Sitemap where you only list your new pages and not the old ones. This should speed up the replacement of old URLs with the new ones. Additionally, if all your old URLs are in your '/programovani' directory, you can also use a robots.txt file to tell future crawls they should ignore that directory. For example:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /programovani/
It will take a little while for the search engines to catch up with the changes. This isn't really a big deal. As long as the old URLs still exist and redirect actual people to the active pages, you'll be fine.
As others have mentioned, the best solution is to preserve working URLs or duplicate the pages and specify a canonical URL.
Since github pages doesn't support true redirects, I chose to set up rerouter on Heroku to return 301 (permanent) redirects from my site's old domain to the new one. I described the details here:
Jekyll has gone through some major updates in the past few months, so maybe this wasn't possible when this question was originally posted...
Jekyll supports a permalink attribute in the YAML front-matter section of your blog posts. You can specify the URL that you would like your post to have and Jekyll will use that (instead of the filename) when generating your site.
title: My special blog post
permalink: /programovani/2010/04/git-co-to-je-a-co-s-tim
My blog post markdown content