perl iterate through directories - perl

I'm trying to get the name of all directories in the specified path
I tried the following but that gives me every level down not just at the path i specified
find(\&dir_names, "C:\\mydata\\");
sub dir_names {
print "$File::Find::dir\n" if(-f $File::Find::dir,'/');

my #dirs = grep { -d } glob 'C:\mydata\*';

Use opendir instead
opendir DIR, $dirname or die "Couldn't open dir '$dirname': $!";
my #files = readdir(DIR);
closedir DIR;
#next processing...
"This will give all the files, not just the directories. You'd still have to grep."
Yes, and in that case you can just use file test operator to see whether it's a directory or not.
In Windows:
opendir(DIR, $dirname);
#files = readdir(DIR);
closedir DIR;
foreach $key (#files)
if(-d "$dirname\\$key")
print "$key\n";

See chapter 2 Filesystems from Automating System Administration with Perl. That provides us with this:
sub ScanDirectory{
my ($workdir) = shift;
chdir($workdir) or die "Unable to enter dir $workdir:$!\n";
opendir(DIR, ".") or die "Unable to open $workdir:$!\n";
my #names = readdir(DIR) or die "Unable to read $workdir:$!\n";
foreach my $name (#names){
next if ($name eq ".");
next if ($name eq "..");
if (-d $name){ # is this a directory?
#Whatever you want to do goes here.

glob or readdir would probably be my choice too. Another way to do it is to use the windows dir command to do the job:
my #dirs = qx(dir /AD /B);
chomp #dirs;


Perl copying files from one directory to another

I'm trying to copy files from multiple directories with the code bellow. It prints out the correct path and files but fails to copy them. Please suggest how to fix this issue? Thanks
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Copy;
my $target_dir = "";
my #dirs = grep { -d } glob '/data/results/*';
for my $source_dir ( #dirs ) {
opendir(my $DIR, $source_dir) || die "can't opendir $source_dir: $!";
my #files = readdir($DIR);
print "the directory is $source_dir\n";
my $run_folder = (split '/', $source_dir)[3];
print "the folder is $run_folder\n";
$target_dir = "/data/backup/$run_folder";
print $target_dir;
foreach my $t (#files)
if(-f "$source_dir/$t" ) {
#Check with -f only for files (no directories)
print "$source_dir/$t";
print "$target_dir/$t";
copy "$source_dir/$t", "$target_dir/$t";
There are a few things I would recommend you to do:
Close your file handles as soon as possible if you are not using it anymore:
opendir(my $DIR, $source_dir) || die "can't opendir $source_dir: $!";
my #files = readdir($DIR);
close ($DIR);
As you are trying to backup some files and directories maybe the target destination will not have the directory so:
$target_dir = "/data/backup/$run_folder";
print $target_dir;
if ( ! -d $target_dir )
#creates the dir
And the last one:
foreach my $t (#files)
chomp $t; # it removes any new line
if(-f "$source_dir/$t" ) {
#Check with -f only for files (no directories)
print "$source_dir/$t";
print "$target_dir/$t";
if ( ! copy "$source_dir/$t", "$target_dir/$t" )
print "Some error: $!";
Always TIMTOWTD, you could use File::Find which has a simple tutorial here.

How to get files names with specific extension from a folder in perl

Currently in a perl script I am using the glob function to get a list of files with specific extensions.
my #filearray = glob("$DIR/*.abc $DIR/*.llc");
Is there any alternative to glob, to get the list of files with specific extension from a folder? If so please provide me some example? Thank you
Yes, there are much more complicated ways, like opendir, readdir and a regex filter. They will also give you the hidden files (or dotfiles):
opendir DIR, $DIR or die $!;
my #filearray = grep { /\.(abc|llc)$/ } readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
opendir(DIR, $dir) || die "$!";
my #files = grep(/\.[abc|lic]*$/, readdir(DIR));
#Reference: CPAN
use Path::Class; # Exports dir() by default
my $dir = dir('foo', 'bar'); # Path::Class::Dir object
my $dir = Path::Class::Dir->new('foo', 'bar'); # Same thing
my $file = $dir->file('file.txt'); # A file in this directory
my $handle = $dir->open;
while (my $file = $handle->read)
$file = $dir->file($file); # Turn into Path::Class::File object
#Reference: Refered:
# search for a file in all subdirectories
if ($#ARGV != 0) {
print "usage: findfile filename\n";
$filename = $ARGV[0];
# look in current directory
$dir = getcwd();
sub searchDirectory
$dir = $_[0];
# check for permission
if(-x $dir)
# search this directory
#lines = `cd $dir; ls -l | grep $filename`;
foreach $line (#lines)
$line =~ /\s+(\S+)$/;
$file = $1;
print "Found $file in $dir\n";
# search any sub directories
#lines = `cd $dir; ls -l`;
foreach $line (#lines)
if($line =~ /^d/)
$line =~ /\s+(\S+)$/;
$subdir = $dir."/".$1;
Please try another one:
use Cwd;
use File::Find;
my $dir = getcwd();
my #abclicfiles;
find(\&wanted, $dir);
sub wanted
push(#abclicfiles, $File::Find::name) if($File::Find::name=~m/\.(abc|lic)$/i);
print join "\n", #abclicfiles;
This the directory which is getting from user:
print "Please enter the directory: ";
my $dir = <STDIN>;
opendir(DIR, $dir) || die "Couldn't able to read dir: $!";
my #files = grep(/\.(txt|lic)$/, readdir(DIR));
print join "\n", #files;

Rename and number files in a directory

I'm trying to rename all tif files in a folder and number them from 1 to x. Ex. initial filenames "image-2.tif" and "image-3.tif" would be rename "file1.tif" and "file2.tif".
Here is my code:
my $dirname = "../folder";
opendir (DIR, $dirname) or die "cannot open directory $dirname";
my #files = grep /.tif/, readdir DIR;
closedir (DIR);
my $basename = "file";
my $count = 1;
my $new;
foreach (#files) {
$new = "${basename}${count}.tif";
print "rename $_ ${basename}${count}.tif\n";
rename $_, $new;
Although all files are read correctly, they are just not renamed.
You need to use a good path for your rename() function when you get the files from a different one. The module File::Spec can help to get it:
use File::Spec;
my $dirname = "../folder";
my $abs_path = File::Spec->rel2abs($dirname);
foreach (#files) {
$new = "${basename}${count}.tif";
print "rename $_ ${basename}${count}.tif\n";
rename File::Spec->catfile($abs_path, $_), File::Spec->catfile($abs_path, $new);
I would suggest changing your line:
rename $_, $new; something more like:
rename($_, $new) or warn "rename: $_: $new: $!\n";
...and you should be able to see why it isn't working -- since rename returns false upon failure (and $! will tell you why it failed).
Also, the target of your rename operation (in your case: $new) needs to include the directory component as well (otherwise, your attempting to move the files into the process's current working directory (probably not what you intended)).
Finally, I would suggest that, instead of hard-coding the value of $dirname to a relative path, you should accept it as a command line argument. This allows your script to be run from any $PWD. See #ARGV in the perlvar manpage and/or the builtin shift command.
Therefore, something like this:
my $dirname = shift; # Accept dirname as commandline argument
opendir (DIR, $dirname) or die "cannot open directory $dirname";
my #files = grep /\.tif$/, readdir DIR; # Escape regex meta-char (.) and anchor to end of string ($).
closedir (DIR);
my $basename = "file";
my $count = 1;
my $new;
foreach (#files) {
$new = "${dirname}/${basename}${count}.tif"; # Include dirname in target path
print "rename $_ $new\n";
rename($_, $new) or warn "rename: $_: $new: $!\n"; #warn when rename fails
I finally found exactly what I was looking for. With the help of Tim Peoples's response. The simplest response would be:
my $dirname = "../folder";
opendir (DIR, $dirname) or die "cannot open directory $dirname";
my #files = grep /[.]tif\z/, readdir DIR; #corrected pattern based on Sinan Ünür's comment
closedir (DIR);
my $basename = "file";
my $count = 1;
my $new;
foreach (#files) {
$new = "${basename}${count}.tif";
print "rename $_ $new\n";
rename ("$dirname/$_", "$dirname/$new") or warn "rename: $_: $new: $!\n"; #directory name added to both the original file name and new file name. Thanks to Tim for helping me found this error using warn.

How can I list all files in a directory using Perl?

I usually use something like
my $dir="/path/to/dir";
opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "can't open $dir: $!";
my #files = readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
or sometimes I use glob, but anyway, I always need to add a line or two to filter out . and .. which is quite annoying.
How do you usually go about this common task?
my #files = grep {!/^\./} readdir DIR;
This will exclude all the dotfiles as well, but that's usually What You Want.
I often use File::Slurp. Benefits include: (1) Dies automatically if the directory does not exist. (2) Excludes . and .. by default. It's behavior is like readdir in that it does not return the full paths.
use File::Slurp qw(read_dir);
my $dir = '/path/to/dir';
my #contents = read_dir($dir);
Another useful module is File::Util, which provides many options when reading a directory. For example:
use File::Util;
my $dir = '/path/to/dir';
my $fu = File::Util->new;
my #contents = $fu->list_dir( $dir, '--with-paths', '--no-fsdots' );
I will normally use the glob method:
for my $file (glob "$dir/*") {
#do stuff with $file
This works fine unless the directory has lots of files in it. In those cases you have to switch back to readdir in a while loop (putting readdir in list context is just as bad as the glob):
open my $dh, $dir
or die "could not open $dir: $!";
while (my $file = readdir $dh) {
next if $file =~ /^[.]/;
#do stuff with $file
Often though, if I am reading a bunch of files in a directory, I want to read them in a recursive manner. In those cases I use File::Find:
use File::Find;
find sub {
return if /^[.]/;
#do stuff with $_ or $File::Find::name
}, $dir;
If some of the dotfiles are important,
my #files = grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir DIR;
will only exclude . and ..
When I just want the files (as opposed to directories), I use grep with a -f test:
my #files = grep { -f } readdir $dir;
Thanks Chris and Ether for your recommendations. I used the following to read a listing of all files (excluded directories), from a directory handle referencing a directory other than my current directory, into an array. The array was always missing one file when not using the absolute path in the grep statement
use File::Slurp;
print "\nWhich folder do you want to replace text? " ;
chomp (my $input = <>);
if ($input eq "") {
print "\nNo folder entered exiting program!!!\n";
exit 0;
opendir(my $dh, $input) or die "\nUnable to access directory $input!!!\n";
my #dir = grep { -f "$input\\$_" } readdir $dh;

How do I read in the contents of a directory in Perl?

How do I get Perl to read the contents of a given directory into an array?
Backticks can do it, but is there some method using 'scandir' or a similar term?
opendir(D, "/path/to/directory") || die "Can't open directory: $!\n";
while (my $f = readdir(D)) {
print "\$f = $f\n";
EDIT: Oh, sorry, missed the "into an array" part:
my $d = shift;
opendir(D, "$d") || die "Can't open directory $d: $!\n";
my #list = readdir(D);
foreach my $f (#list) {
print "\$f = $f\n";
EDIT2: Most of the other answers are valid, but I wanted to comment on this answer specifically, in which this solution is offered:
opendir(DIR, $somedir) || die "Can't open directory $somedir: $!";
#dots = grep { (!/^\./) && -f "$somedir/$_" } readdir(DIR);
closedir DIR;
First, to document what it's doing since the poster didn't: it's passing the returned list from readdir() through a grep() that only returns those values that are files (as opposed to directories, devices, named pipes, etc.) and that do not begin with a dot (which makes the list name #dots misleading, but that's due to the change he made when copying it over from the readdir() documentation). Since it limits the contents of the directory it returns, I don't think it's technically a correct answer to this question, but it illustrates a common idiom used to filter filenames in Perl, and I thought it would be valuable to document. Another example seen a lot is:
#list = grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir(D);
This snippet reads all contents from the directory handle D except '.' and '..', since those are very rarely desired to be used in the listing.
A quick and dirty solution is to use glob
#files = glob ('/path/to/dir/*');
This will do it, in one line (note the '*' wildcard at the end)
#files = </path/to/directory/*>;
# To demonstrate:
print join(", ", #files);
IO::Dir is nice and provides a tied hash interface as well.
From the perldoc:
use IO::Dir;
$d = IO::Dir->new(".");
if (defined $d) {
while (defined($_ = $d->read)) { something($_); }
while (defined($_ = $d->read)) { something_else($_); }
undef $d;
tie %dir, 'IO::Dir', ".";
foreach (keys %dir) {
print $_, " " , $dir{$_}->size,"\n";
So you could do something like:
tie %dir, 'IO::Dir', $directory_name;
my #dirs = keys %dir;
You could use DirHandle:
use DirHandle;
$d = new DirHandle ".";
if (defined $d)
while (defined($_ = $d->read)) { something($_); }
while (defined($_ = $d->read)) { something_else($_); }
undef $d;
DirHandle provides an alternative, cleaner interface to the opendir(), closedir(), readdir(), and rewinddir() functions.
Similar to the above, but I think the best version is (slightly modified) from "perldoc -f readdir":
opendir(DIR, $somedir) || die "can't opendir $somedir: $!";
#dots = grep { (!/^\./) && -f "$somedir/$_" } readdir(DIR);
closedir DIR;
You can also use the children method from the popular Path::Tiny module:
use Path::Tiny;
my #files = path("/path/to/dir")->children;
This creates an array of Path::Tiny objects, which are often more useful than just filenames if you want to do things to the files, but if you want just the names:
my #files = map { $_->stringify } path("/path/to/dir")->children;
Here's an example of recursing through a directory structure and copying files from a backup script I wrote.
sub copy_directory {
my ($source, $dest) = #_;
my $start = time;
# get the contents of the directory.
opendir(D, $source);
my #f = readdir(D);
# recurse through the directory structure and copy files.
foreach my $file (#f) {
# Setup the full path to the source and dest files.
my $filename = $source . "\\" . $file;
my $destfile = $dest . "\\" . $file;
# get the file info for the 2 files.
my $sourceInfo = stat( $filename );
my $destInfo = stat( $destfile );
# make sure the destinatin directory exists.
mkdir( $dest, 0777 );
if ($file eq '.' || $file eq '..') {
} elsif (-d $filename) { # if it's a directory then recurse into it.
#print "entering $filename\n";
copy_directory($filename, $destfile);
} else {
# Only backup the file if it has been created/modified since the last backup
if( (not -e $destfile) || ($sourceInfo->mtime > $destInfo->mtime ) ) {
#print $filename . " -> " . $destfile . "\n";
copy( $filename, $destfile ) or print "Error copying $filename: $!\n";
print "$source copied in " . (time - $start) . " seconds.\n";
use strict;
use warnings;
my $directory = '/tmp';
opendir (DIR, $directory) or die $!;
while (my $file = readdir(DIR)) {
next if ($file =~ m/^\./);
print "$file\n";
The following example (based on a code sample from perldoc -f readdir) gets all the files (not directories) beginning with a period from the open directory. The filenames are found in the array #dots.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $dir = '/tmp';
opendir(DIR, $dir) or die $!;
my #dots
= grep {
/^\./ # Begins with a period
&& -f "$dir/$_" # and is a file
} readdir(DIR);
# Loop through the array printing out the filenames
foreach my $file (#dots) {
print "$file\n";
exit 0;
exit 0;