MS Sandcastle - Is there any quick way to "preview" what the output will be without recompiling the entire help? - sandcastle

Well, the title asks it all.
I have the Sandcastle Help File Builder GUI. I can generate help files, but I was wondering if there was a faster way of seeing the results aside from recompiling the entire help file.
I asked about Sandcastle because other tools I've tried that offer a preview feature don't compile help files to the exact specification as does Sandcastle. Most of them require fully qualified references, which is a pain in the butt.

No, there is no preview capability but there are some SHFB settings that allow you to dramatically reduce build time. In my case, my 16 to 18 minute build was reduced to 3 minutes.
What you want to adjust are the Cached Build Components. And fear not, adjusting these 3 components requires no arcane manipulations or complex gyrations.
Simply go to the Build section in the SHFB GUI, and find the line near the top labeled ComponentConfigurations.
Click on the value field to reveal a hidden ellipsis (...) button.
Click that button to open the Select and Configure Build Components dialog.
Select in turn each of the three entries beginning Cached... and select the Add action.
These require no configuration so close out the dialog and if successful the main SHFB window should now indicate 3 custom build component(s).
Be sure to review the documentation at the above link for more details.
Just for completeness, two other items of interest:
Take a look at this forum post (Sandcastle build is taking hours to complete) that discusses how your hardware can have a tremendous impact on Sandcastle build time as well.
Take a look at my article Taming Sandcastle: A .NET Programmer's Guide to Documenting Your Code on that discusses quite a lot of tips and pitfalls of Sandcastle and SHFB--ironically I uncovered my tip here about cached build components after that article went to press so you will not find it in there!

In SandCastle GUI, go to menu Window and open Topic Previewer Window.
If you have Visual Studio and the Sandcastle VSiX extension installed, go to the Visual Studio menu View > Other Windows and click on Topic Previewer Window.


How I can save my layout on Visual Studio Code

The idea behind this question, is have my document upfront, right on the sidebar, a split between files and upload to GitHub, and down below the terminal, in all projects starting now, I open every time my projects! I saw different questions on the platform, but didn't accurate answer to that, I thought.
You should take a look at documentation which explains that in VS Code there are 2 modes for saving a setup of IDE - user settings and workspace settings.
Your modifications were probably saved in current workspace so when you open a fresh instance of VS Code by default you are using global user settings.
By default, it keeps the same screen.

Need clarification on vs code debug

Can anyone explain these three debug symbols on VSCode I have found on the internet?
My vs code has the one with the play icon.
All demos online on debugging have the one in the middle. How do I get that?
Also, node js debugging is installed but I think it shows as disabled, with no option I can find to enable it.
To answer your question directly [TL;DR]: you already have it if you are using the latest version of vscode. It will take you to the same view as the one on the right
If you look at the codicon libray ref the middle one you pointed out is not present.
Visual Studio Code made changes in February 2020 ref that incorporates running and debugging to be something more harmonious:
User studies revealed that new users have difficulties finding how to run their programs in VS Code. One reason is that the existing "Debugging" functionality is not something that they relate to "Running" a program. For that reason, we are making "Run" more prominent in the UI.
The main menu Debug has become the Run menu.
The Run and Debug view has become the Run view and the corresponding Activity Bar icon now shows a large "Play" icon with a small "bug" decoration.
So in other words, there is no difference. The 'Run' and 'Debug' view is synonymous and the icon reflects those changes. As they noted, the Debug view is now called the 'Run' view, but it still offers debugging and breakpoints.
There are 2 possibilities you are running into however:
The tutorials and guides you are using are out-dated (showing an outdated version of vscode)
The tutorial or guide is using an extension that offers debugging capabilities. Extensions have some control over the icon you see
The extension is for single file debugging, according to the June 2020 ref notes, vscode recommends the following:
For debug extensions that want to improve the single file debug experience by adding a "Run" and/or "Debug" button to the editor, we recommend following these guidelines for a consistent look and feel:
Contribute Run and/or Debug commands in the package.json (see Mock Debug):
Use the command titles "Run File"/"Debug File" or "Run Python File"/"Debug Python File".
Use the $(play) icon for Run and $(debug-alt-small) for Debug.
Where their codicon library was updated in June to reflect the following:
As you can see, none of them are prefixed with verbiage like 'run', but they all represent the same functionality.
Additionally, you may see this icon as well:
This represents the panel (view) where the output of your debug will go.

How to reveal line level profiling in JS sources?

I've read this article about analyzing runtime performance. The image below is copied from this article. If you check this image, there are yellow highlighted execution time hints for JS files next to each line in the file.
I find this line level profiling feature pretty useful and I would like to try it in my own projects, too.
However, when I open a JS source file in the sources tab, I cannot see it. Note that, I already took a performance profiling snapshot. But still I cannot see this execution time hints.
How can I reveal this feature?
it's seems that it's removed to new tab.
you can try this:
open javascript profile tab (or ctrl+ shift + p on win and type javascript profile)
start to record the site and refresh
stop the record
click on one of the js file
enter image description here
you got exactly what you need
enter image description here
I wasn't seeing the line by line timings from the profiler either, and it was driving me crazy for days.
My code was written in typescript and converted to JScript with source maps using esbuild.
When I turned source maps off in esbuild, the line timings reappeared from the profiler!
The Jscript is close enough to the Typescript so the line timings are still useful.
I could have sworn I'd seen it work with source maps in the past but now I'm not so sure. It would be great if the line timings did work with source maps but it kind of makes sense that they don't.
Has anyone else seen profiler line timings work on code with sourcemaps turn on?

Run eclipse editor action on entire project

Is there a way to run an eclipse action that is available from the context menu in the editor on every file of an project.
Actual Case:
I have to work with the leon3 and my dull mind has trouble enough understanding the code, that I do not want to scan lines to see if there is a semicolon hidden in there to see if there are multiple instructions or if the end if happens to be behind another instruction rather than on a line of its own (I missed an end if, which caused me to think that statements were conditional,...), therefore I would like to format the source nicely. I have access to Sigasi PRO which offers the option to "beautify" code as an operation in the editor. I would like to run this operation on all files in the leon project automatically.
Sigasi indeed only offers formatting in the editor at this time. In the Sigasi editor, you can format a selection or the entire editor's content. But, you can not trigger the formatting action without an editor.
I have not tried this, but I think you can achieve this with the Eclipse EASE project. EASE is a scripting environment for Eclipse.

How can I get block comment hotkey functionality when editing *.ftl files in Eclipse?

Trying to edit Freemarker Templates in Eclipse, and going nuts because I have some inline Javascript that I'm creating on the fly, and can't easily comment / uncomment multiple lines at a time.
I've tried the following:
expanding the scope of the "toggle comment" behavior (to things like "Editing Text", or "In Windows") - has no effect
installing the official Freemarker eclipse plugin (both 1.0 and 1.1) - has absolutely no effect that I can see, other than appearing under "Preferences ... File Associations"
associating the .ftl extension with other types of editors - HTML, JavaScript, 3rd party - all these have absolutely no effect that I can see
Is there a way I can tell if Eclipse is even honoring my file associations? How do I know, for sure, which Editor is being used? I know when a Java file is being edited, I see additional pulldown menus (Source, etc.) - is there any other diagnostic way to figure out what's going on?
Any help is appreciated.
I know this isn't what you want to hear, but the Freemarker support in IntelliJ IDEA is really great.
Unfortunately, it isn't part of the free Community Edition, so you have to get the Ultimate Edition to benefit from it. But you can try it out for 30 days for free.
No, I am in no way associated with JetBrains, just a happy user.