Trigger the event which happens when I click the 'x' button on a TinyMCE modal dialog (like the advimage dialog) - modal-dialog

Please see this comment and the rest of the thread: [question]: TinyMCE Image URL select
Thank you!

The 'x'-Button element is the element you get using $(".mceClose"). So you are able to assign an event handler there (you need to assign the handler when the dialog is open/visible) else you won't find such an element and the assignment will fail. Here it is:
$(".mceClose").click(function() {
alert('Handler for .click() called.');


My click trigger always fire in google tag manager

I'm having difficulties using the Click trigger in google tag manager.
I want to setup a trigger to fire on a click event, only when the element class contain "scrollto".
But the thing is, it keeps firing up even when the "scrollto" class isn't part of the element I clicked on.
Here are a few screenshot I hope will help you understand the problem:
Thank you for your help,
Ones you set up any click trigger you will get these events everytime a user makes a click but that doesnt mean the trigger it self is being fired. You can append the trigger to any tag and you ll see that if you click anywhere else the tag wont fire even when you see the event.
Hope it helps!
Instead of click classes contains scrollto,
Give click classes equals scrollto

Google Closure add onclick to button after adding this button with custom editor plugin

I am making a custom plugin for the editor provided by Google Closure. The plugin makes it able to add a button.
I am having problems by setting an onclick on the button, the other values are nicely set.
button.innerHTML = event.label;
button.className = event.initialClass;
var extraClasses = event.extraClasses;
if (extraClasses)
button.className += ' ' + extraClasses
button.onclick = function() { event.onclick };
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong and how I can fix this?
After creating a button it is added to the editors SeamlessField. A second problem that I currently have is that after creating the button, my pointer is inside the button and I can't seem to get it out of there.
I've got the follow piece of code for handling this at the moment. The var button is the created button. button contains: <button class="orange">test</button>
// We want to insert the button in place of the user's selection.
// So we restore it first, and then use it for insertion.
var range = this.fieldObject.getRange();
button = range.replaceContentsWithNode(button);
// Done making changes, notify the editor.
// Put the user's selection right after the newly inserted button.
goog.editor.range.placeCursorNextTo(button, false);
// Dispatch selection change event because we just moved the selection.
Any ideas about how I could fix this second problem aswell?
For the first, it does not look like you have begun using Google Closure event code. Wiring up the button to the 'click' event in Google Closure would be as follows:,, event.onclick)
You should also be investigating the goog.dom and goog.dom.classes namespaces if you'd like to use Google Closure's wrappers around standard CSS class and text DOM manipulation.
For the second, were you testing in Chrome? If so, you might have ran into a range issue in Webkit, documented within the Closure code itself:
I have gotten around this in the past by inserting an empty <span> element as a sibling after the offending element (the button, in your case), and placing the cursor next to the <span> instead. However, there's nothing stopping the user from moving the cursor back inside your button. You'll have to add more logic to prevent a user from placing the cursor within the button's text.

jquery live click event stopPropagation

I have a dropdown menu which contains a input and several buttons. The dropdown should hide when I click one of the buttons or somewhere else, but don't hide when keypress on the input. I use the following code, it doesn't work. Though it works when I use
$('.dropdown input').click(function(e){
instead of live.
But I do need live, so is there any solution for this?
/* dropdown menu */
$('.dropdown input').live('click', function(e) {
if(e.isPropagationStopped()) return; //important, check for it!
e.stopPropagation() will do no good for you in .live(), because the handler is bound to the document, so by the time the handler is invoked, the event has already bubbled.
You should stopPropagation from a more local ancestor of the element being clicked.
Since you were using .live(), I assume there are some dynamic elements being created. If so, the proper element to bind to will depend on the rest of your code.
Side note, but you never "need" .live(). There are other ways to handle dynamically created elements.
did you try:
$('.dropdown').on('click', 'input', function(e) {
$('.dropdown').delegate('input', 'click', function(e) {
NOTE: e.stopPropagation(); is not effective for live event
According to you question I have a dropdown menu which contains a input and several buttons. The dropdown should hide... means that dropdown is already exists within you DOM. If it already exists then you don't need live event.
what version of jQuery are you using? > 1.7 then:
//do your work, only input clicks will fire this
}},".dropdown input",null);
properly paying attention to should help out with overlapping 'click' definitions using .on();

JavaScript: How to force a page reload on reset?

I have a page with some generated HTML that survives the form's reset button. It is a problem because that HTML is inconsistent with the values in the cached default form.
In principle I guess it could be solved easily if I could force a hard reload from the server when the user presses the reset. However I see that the Chrome browser does not support the onReset event (in fact it is deprecated in HTML5).
But perhaps I could work around the missing onReload event. Can I re-define what happens when the reset button is pressed? In my case the apply and reset buttons are located in general HTML templates which I cannot change. Can I attach a function to the button from JavaScript?
You can replace the "reset" button , by a regular button.
And use the "onClick" event, to trigger a page reload.
oops I missed the template part,
You can add a function to a button from Javascript.
First you need to "get" the button, with something like document.getElementbyId('resetButton');
If the button doesn't have a ID, you still can to retrieve it by doing javascript dom traversal
then you can add a function like :
var resetButton = document.getElementbyId('resetButton');
resetButton.onclick= reloadPage;
function reloadPage(){

How to cancel SWFUpload dialog open?

I have a situation where it is somtimes not appropriate to upload files (The page elements need to be in some conditions for the user to be able to upload files). In that case, I want to show the user alert box explaining the reason without opening the file select dialog box.
So what I want to do is,
function beforeDialogOpen() {
if ($('#txt1').val().length == 0)
alert('Please fill in the field first.');
return false; // cancel
return true; // proceed
set this event handler.
I would simply hide the SWFUpload flash button and put another html on it's place that looks just the same. In the click event you display your error message.
Or it could even have a grayed-out disabled look and simplay do nothing.