Facebook offline access key / login issue - facebook

When the user accesses my apps for the first time, I ask for a couple of permissions (user_checkins, publish_stream, offline_access). After allowing all the permissions the user goes to privacy settings and removes one of the first 2 settings (not offline_access). Facebook doesn't ask him to allow back the removed permissions even if the user logs out and comes back to my applications.
The problem appeared when I started asking for offline access permissions, since the access token is not refreshed the token still contains the permission.
How can I request for a new token for the user with the right permissions?

User will have to delete your application from his approve list and then access your app again. It will ask him to approve new permissions

You can query the /me/permissions graph call (specifying the users access token) and check to see if the permissions you need are there. If they are not, you can prompt them to re-authenticate with your application like you originally did and it will re-prompt them for those permissions.


Facebook token - Data Access Expiry

I've managed to get a Access Token that doesn't expire, however I've noticed that Data Expiry does have about a 3-month expiry lifespan on it.
From reading Facebook's own documentation, it appears that the access is based on when the user is last active.
Facebook Login also enables you to ask for permissions when people log in to your app. These permissions, if granted by the user, give your app access to items of user data. For example, your app can access a user's name and profile photo.
If an app asks for permissions, it is often necessary to put the app through app review so that Facebook can make sure that data is not misused. Your app can ask for people's name and photo (the default profile fields) and for email without going through app review, but all other permissions require review. For lists of permissions and which ones require app review, see Permissions Reference.
Does this mean that as long as I log into my Facebook profile that's linked - my Data Access will be extended? `
It's not related to logging in to your FB profile, but logging in to your app.
It looks like the token gets extended if it's being consistently used.

How do I grant my app permissions on pages or groups I created?

I have an app, and I can write to user's walls with it, having requested the publish_stream permission when they sign in.
I've also created a page and a group, and would like my app to be able to write to those. (Specifically, I want my back-end server to post some updates to those periodically, without a user being involved.) The ability to do this seems to be implied by the descriptions of the /feed parts of those here https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/page/ and here https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/group/ . However, I can't seem to find a way to authorize the app to write to these pages. Those docs say it can be done if you have publish_streams and manage_pages. OK, but how do I grant those to my app?
In the user case, you request those permissions when the user signs in via the OAuth flow. However, the page and the group never sign-in, so there's no way for them to grant the app permission. I looked around the settings pages for the group and the page, and couldn't find anything that will let me add the app. So how do I give the app the required permissions to post to the group and the page?
Found it!
"Application Page Access Tokens
To perform the following operations as an Application Page, and not the current user, you must use the Application's Page access token, not the user access token commonly used for modifying Graph API objects nor the Application access token. This access token can be retrieved by issuing an HTTP GET to /USER_ID/accounts with the manage_pages permission. This will return a list of Pages (including Application profile pages) to which the user has administrative access, along with an access_token for each Page.
Note: Applications that are configured as Native/Desktop apps will not be able to make API calls that require an application access_token."
I went to http://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/ and, as me, created an access token with "manage_pages" permission.
I then went to https://graph.facebook.com/$myname/accounts?access_token=$accesstoken
and it gave me a list pages and apps that I had given permission to. I copied the access_token from the relevant page, and pasted that into my code, so that the server-side create event code always used that access token.
And it worked!

how to get an access code when a facebook user is not involved

I am the owner of a facebook like page. I want to grab the news feed using php and output it on my website. I know that I can do this using a valid access token:
Problem access tokens expire so I know I need to authenticate periodically to get a new access token.
This is where the problem and confusion arises for me. When I read the authentication guide in the facebook dev docs all it talks about is first authenticating the user to get a authorization code from the user and then authenticating the app using the app secret, app id and auth code fromthe user. But this doesn't apply to my situation - I never have a authorization code form the user - all I'm trying to do is access the feed from a php script running on my server....a user is never involved.
Any ideas anyone?
User has to approve your application only once, and later use they can just access your app and use it without approving
Since you are the owner of the like page, I guess you are also the administrator. What you can do in this case is create an offline access token for this (and only for that) user.
You can then use this access token for your script. No user needs to authenticate anything if you only want to grab the feed of your page with the access token of your administrator.
This token never expires except for changing the user's password or taking away permissions again. Look at this answer to see how to create such an offline access token!
It seems offline_access is no longer available. Now you only get a short-lived access_token and you can ask for a long lived one, which is also renewable. You can't get a permanent one though.

Is it posible to change the scope of your Facebook Connect website?

I'm building a Facebook app with Facebook login via Oauth 2.0. Will it be possible to request more permissions (scope) from the user in the future as we add features or do we need to request them all up front?
Anyone implemented this with Facebook Connect?
From my experience, you can add permissions later and it'll prompt the user to accept those permissions. For my app, I started with just basic/email permissions and then added photo... and it would prompt for the photo.
You can call Facebook's permissions api (https://graph.facebook.com/me/permissions?access_token=...) to see if the user has authorized the permission you will need (perhaps they later when in and revoked part of your apps permission but not all of it). If they did, or you just later need different permissions, just show the authorization link like you did the first time with the additional permissions listed in the url (&scope=email,read_stream...) and it will prompt them for those.

How can I avoid asking users to login (connect) to my facebook app again and again?

I am developing and testing a facebook app for which I have granted the permissions with my facebook account. Then the app is authorized to access my info, etc. nicely. The next time I close the browser, reopen it, login to facebook successfully then access the app, facebook wants me to login to that app again. I can access the current user id, but how can I automatically authorize the app (if the user has already authorized in the past) without needing the user to press that dread 'Login' button again and again upon each session's end?
UPDATE - offline_access has been deprecated. Read this post for more details: https://developers.facebook.com/roadmap/offline-access-removal/
You will need to request a token that has offline_access so that you can use their authentication token over and over again. Then you will need to set a cookie yourself that stores something indicating who the user is. Facebook does not support a "remember me" feature in their authentication so you have to build it yourself. Store the access token in your database and set the cookie to identify the user.
Unless you are building this for a very specific reason like an app that runs on work computers only, I would really encourage you to not implement this feature. The facebook connect authorization is well understood by users and is very easy to use. You are going to get a lot more security if you make your users press the button every time. Just make sure you make this optional. You never know if somebody is on a public computer.