UIButton doesn't display properly - iphone

I added a UIButton to a view in my application. Its a custom button, with two different images for its default and highlighted state. I have 2 other buttons on the view that are very similar but provide different functions.
However, my latest button won't display at all. I've clean the project as suggested in another question and it still won't display. Whats doubly weird though is that if I click the area of the view where the button should be, the IBAction is called and the UITextFields are cleared as if the button was there. Its as if the button is being created without its graphics being displayed.
Does anyone know what might be happening here? The button looks as it should in IB.
Thanks, Jack

Go to the Organizer window, select the Projects tab, select your project in the list and then delete the derived data folder by choosing "Delete…" in the window.
If that doesn't work, check if the images are included in the target. Select the image files and look in the info editor (the Files tab — the left one) if it's added to the target.
Hope that helps.


XCode 10 adding action to button

I'm trying to make a Cocoa app with buttons that run simple command line scripts.
I can't seem to figure out how to add the action to my button.
I've read some docs that suggest holding down option and dragging the button into controller code but I think they are out of date. Can someone suggest how to get there from this screenshot?
You need to first select your button, then hold the control ⌃ button on your keyboard and then drag that across to your view controller. That will then give you the option of what to name your method etc.
Actually I had the same problem and the root cause was just the drag method. From the descriptions I had assumed that I need to press CTL and then drag while having the left mouse button pressed. This did not work at all (in my environment). Then I noticed that "it works" with the right mouse button. But the result was not correct. (E.g. I could not get "Action"). Finally I found: I have to use the right mouse button only for dragging without holding CTL. Then I got the correct result.

How to edit the objects in FileMakerPro

I have one doubt in filemaker pro. In my project I have one layout with a button(Lets say layout1). If I click on the button, it is navigating to next page(Lets say layout2). If I go to layout mode in this page(layout2), it is showing the layout mode of previous page(layout1). I checked the button setup in this page(layout1). It is calling some script(Lets say script1). In the script(script1) it is calling some object using "go to object[object name:nameoftheobject]". I want to make some changes in layout2. Is there any way to find this layout or suggest some ideas to edit the object 'nameoftheobject'?
Your script does not change the layout, instead the interface is re-drawn by going to an object covering a whole layout. It could be a hidden tab control, popover or slide control. Duplicate layout and try to select all and apply a visible border.

Why is this iPhone app's "quote" button not replacing the Text View's lorem ipsum?

I am working through the "iPhone introduction for programmers" tutorial at http://www.raywenderlich.com/21320/objectively-speaking-a-crash-course-in-objective-c-ios6, and my present project is at http://JonathansCorner.com/project/Quotes.tgz. The tutorial's focus is on providing an iPhone app that randomly displays one of several quotes in a Text View when you click on a Button. Later on the tutorial pushes further by defining properties and storing and retrieving XML, but I'm at the first "Let Her Rip!", which offers the first attempt running the app within the simulator with some increment of functionality, which should be that when you click a button, a randomly pulled quote appears. The text should be read-only as far as editing with the keyboard is concerned.
The behavior I am presently observing is that the simulator displays the Text View's native lorem ipsum. It continues to do so after clicking the button, and when you click on the Text View, it pulls up the keyboard and edits it. I've checked my wiring, and I don't see where I failed to duplicate what the tutorial shares. (The tutorial references a ViewController.[h|m]; is it a problem that I have a prefix before everything that takes a prefix when creating the project, e.g. CJSHViewController.h?) It behaves like one would expect from following the tutorial up to that point but not wiring event handling up or turning off edit mode for the Text View.
Any help or nitpicks would be welcome. (I am a programmer just beginning in iOS, so if there are "programmers new to iOS development" errors, I may have made at least one.)
Thank you,
The function you wrote for changing the text in the text view is working perfectly. The problem is with your IBOutlets. You never linked the outlet for the text view to the text view and consequently when you assign new text to it, it has no where to go.
Ok checked your project and found the error:
The problem is that quoteText is not referenced on the storyboard file so...
Go to your .storyboard file and drag the + symbol from the Connections Inspector to the view controller as shown on the screenshot when you click up a context menu should appear with the following options
Of course you click on quoteText
Hope this helps

One Xib file for 2 states: showing & editing a object

The contacts application of the iPhone is a good illustration of my problem. Apple uses one view to show and edit contacts at the same time. When a user wants to edit a contact he simply presses the edit button on the right side of the navcontroller. The 'show contact' interface changes to the 'edit contact' interface and the user is able to edit the contact. When the user is finished editing he presses the 'done' button.
My question is, what is the easiest way to achieve this behavior?
I believe the iPhone CoreData Recipes sample code has everything you need, they have a page that is exactly as you describe:
The short answer is that you can achieve this by using to separate view xibs which you can swap in and out. Personally I prefer to simply use code to hide and show the controls that need to change between the two views.

iPhone UI: No edit button for UITableView, bad idea?

I have a UITableViewController which lets the user drill down into different records. On the second level/view, the user can add and edit new records. But, I am not sure what to do, since the back button is on the top left, and I need to put the "Add" button on the top right, so there is no room (keeping to HIG) for the edit button, which would normally go where the back button is. (I am using a tab bar, so can't put it at the bottom.)
Do you think that it is logical, to expect users to know to swipe to delete a record? Or, do I need to have an edit button? If I DO need an edit button, where should I put it if I am following HIG?
Swipe to delete is a firmly established iphone UI interaction, so yes I would be comfortable expecting users to know that. We've run into the same problem a few times, and yeah you only get two nav bar buttons so you've got to make a choice. If you're already using the bottom for a tab bar, I don't see many other options.
I have a similar situation in my app.
When the user taps the edit button I show an extra table cell at the end of my table which lets them add a new record. Not sure if that's feasible in your case.
Maybe add it at the beginning, or insert a button just above the UITableView? You could then also label the button "Add/Edit" to make it clear that that's how they can add new records, although I haven't done that.
Another option would be to have that extra button or table cell always visible.