Submitting iPhone app to a 3rd party - iphone

Hoping someone will be so kind as to offer some help and i'll gladly try and do the same.
I have got the process for submitting my own iphone apps down pat but submitting for a client to upload to their own account is proving soooo difficult.
Normally I set my apps to 'Release / Distribution in Build Settings, and use my own personal App Store Distrubtion Profile.
But after many failed attempts of archiving and sending in this fashion we've been unable to crack the code on why it always fails when they try to then submit via Application Loader.
They already have the utility ready with the correct bundle ID in iTunesConnect (application loader see's it), but is it simply that I need them to send me a Distribution Profile generated by them? Or do I also need access to their developer credentials?
Worst case/ another option cant I just say no code signing required?
Feels like Im so close but missing a vital piece or two of the puzzle (or my brain :)
Please can someone shine a light and guide me into the harbor?
Any advice greatfully received.

You need to sign the app with your client's App Store distribution provisioning profile. You need the client's distribution certificate to do that (including the private key).

The application needs to be signed with their distribution profile, not yours.


The relationship between Provisioning Profiles, Certificates, App IDs, and Keys

Right now I'm just trying to test my app on my phone and not deploy to the store.
How are all these things related? Since I'm not trying to upload to the store, can I ignore any of them?
I'm on the University Developer program. I was able to get a certificate and install it in Xcode, but builds still fail.
Is solving this problem just a matter of changing the application identifier? How do I know what to put in?
One thing I noticed is that in the Developer Portal I see only one App ID but it's for someone with a different name. So I guess I don't have an App ID. Do I need one if I'm just trying to test on my phone? If I need one, then how do I get it?
Help! It seems the more I research these things the more confused I get. If you can't solve my problem, can you at least tell me how these things are related to each other?
Provision Profiles are a very long, unique, string that allows the device to recognize certificates (very VERY helpful for development).
You must provision your device with the specific bundle ID of your app (done through, then install said profile in order to even think about building with a valid certificate. However, it is much easier to have Xcode generate a wildcard provisioning profile, which allows you to test ANY bundle ID (it shows up as *.mobileprovision).
Certificates are the other side of the coin. A certificate for anything (website, application) indicates that this service can be trusted by the user, and more importantly, the OS. Certificates are issued by Apple California, are valid for a year, and may be revoked at any time for any reason. On a closed and secure platform like the iPhone, a certificate is a must for any application.

After renewing my iOS membership, is it necessary to update my apps with new distribution profiles signed with a new distribution certificate?

Background: I have some existing apps in the App Store and I have just renewed my Apple Developer Program membership.
Appreciate if someone can help with these questions:
Is it necessary to release an update for each of my apps, compiled with a new distribution profile and signed with a new distribution certificate?
If I don't do the above (1), will my apps expire and disappear from the App Store?
Will a user who has previously downloaded my app, but have yet to install the update, be able to use my app even after its distribution profile has expired?
I found a related question, but it doesn't specifically address the above questions:
How can I update my App in the App Store if the Distribution Provisioning Profile expired?
1. No, your apps are there to stay on the app store. Distribution profiles do not expire until you force them to. Even then, the expiration only keeps you from submitting new apps with that certificate. It does not effect pre-existing applications.
2. Nope! Jeez, that'd suck...
3. Yes. Apple actually applies their own certificate to your app once it is submitted. Your distribution certificate only goes as far as Apple's verification process.
You're good friend. No need to freak out. The provisioning/signing/profile process is a pain in the a**, but fortunately for us we don't have to worry about things like this.
If you have renewed it then there is no need to Do all these stuffs :)
1) You cannot Update a new Version with Different Certificate... you have to use that only.
2) if you do not Renew your Certificate, i think so they are removed from Sale only. :(
But as Peter Said May be he hi Right :)
You can find a lots of links having Queries like this... Hope you will find and get the solutions. :)
All the Best :)

inhouse iphone app distribution

i have enterprise developer account.
Now i m having 2 queries
1. I m getting code sign error while i use this profile and requested certificate.
2. How to distribute app with this account - enterprise account
Reply asap
There are two ways to distribute your app. One is to deliver the files (users will need both the app and a provision profile) to your users' computers by whatever means you like (e-mail, web server, thumb drive, etc.) and have your users install the app by dragging those files into their iTunes library. The other way is to host your app on a web server and distribute it directly to users' devices. Apple's instructions for both methods are here.
It's hard to say what's causing your code signing error. What's helped me in the past is to read the error carefully for clues, and sometimes Google the exact error message. Make sure you've got your Entitlements file set correctly -- requirements for this seem to have changed at some point.
An alternative way of deploying apps wirelessly which requires almost zero setup on your end (in case you don't want to spend the time needed for that) is to use something like TestFlight.

iPhone: Application submission in AppStore

I want to submit my application in AppStore. After i have gone through the docs there, i see i should go to iTunes Connect and fill the form to submit my application in AppStore. If someone already did it, can you guys please share your suggestion?
I did build 'Distribution' in my Xcode project and compressed my app ready, i want to upload it in AppStore as i have already a developer account.
** I also want to know, should my build be created using 'Distribution' configuration and built with Distribution provisional file? I have three provisional file created such as Main provisioning profile in 'Provisioning->Development' tab in Portal and Ad-hoc, AppStore provisional profiles in 'Distribution' tab in Portal. Which one i should use in Xcode and build my application to upload that in AppStore? Can i use any one of the three?
**Can i go to iTunes Connect and fill the form to upload my app? During filling the form it asks for 'Does your product contain encryption?' Why is that and what does it mean? After further filling up the details, will it ask me to upload my Zipped application( file) there? How would be the process further, just give me some brief idea please?
I also want to know, should my build
be created using 'Distribution'
configuration and built with
Distribution provisional file?
Yes. Your build must be signed with distribution profile. And do not forget about Entitlements.plist file
Can i go to iTunes Connect and fill the form to upload my app?
Yes :)
After further filling up the details, will it ask me to upload my Zipped application( file) there?
Yes, there will be a screen where you should upload your zipped binary (as well as 512x512 Application icon and screenshots)
How would be the process further, just give me some brief idea please?
You'll need to fill some forms - application description, category, pricing, stores where distribute your app, some questions to rate your app (in case it contain "objectionable" contents) etc
Anyway (IMO) everything is user friendly and clear there.
In order to upload your app to the app store you must build with a distribution profile, thats pretty much all you need...If you dont know what using encryption means then odds are you are not using encryption so check no for that...after that its pretty straight forward you fill out the info form and submit it for review. If at any step you do something (such as use a wrong provisioning profile) itunes connect will tell you and wont let you proceed, so if you succesfully finish submitting the app then you are good to go...there is also an itunes connect guide you can use here
Go here:
On the right of the page, there is a section called "App Store Resource Center", and inside of that there are some great resources like Preparing your App for Submission, etc.
Also, under the Distribution section of the Program Portal, there are some answers to questions like how to build and zip your app for submission, and properly configuring Xcode for the build.
The reason it's asking you for this information is because there are laws around exporting certain types of encryption. You would know if you are using this in your application. If you said yes, there would be some follow up questions and it might lock your application to the US App Store only if your encryption was too high to export. For more information on encryption, your friendly neighborhood search engine can do the rest :)

iPhone:Can one mac be used for two business purpose?

I have a small doubt, so apologies first.
I am creating an iPhone application using my Macbook. I want to upload it into AppStore after some days by creating a developer certificate and use provisioning profile. My friend wants to create his own iPhone application and wants to upload to AppStore for him personally, but he wants to use my same Macbook, but he may create his own dev certificate etc. I hope this is possible. Can we both use a same Macbook to develop different business(myself and my friend's) applications? I'm just curious to ask this doubt.
One more question,
Can we submit an iPhone application into AppStore without having own website page? Is it mandatory to have my own web site page for uploading an application into AppStore?
As long as all of the right pieces are installed, you could definitely share one Mac. You'd need all of the appropriate provisioning profiles installed in XCode, and the private keys / signing certificates used to generate them installed in the Keychain.
Going with separate user accounts might be a good idea, if just so that neither of you gets confused and accidentally builds their app with the other person's profile. But there shouldn't be any technical reason why you couldn't do this with a single user.
You would both need to have different users but apart from that, I can't see a problem.
As far as I know, the certificates and public private keys are per user.
As for the second question, I have no idea, sorry!
For first question:
Sure, it is possible! Its all a matter of creating different Certificate and Provisioning and When you build the project making sure you use the correct certificate to Code Sign!
Second Question:
You don't need a website of your own. I've come across many developers who uses their Blogspot address!
But if you are serious and look serious, get a domain and a simple site :)