How to geolocalize on custom maps iphone and android - iphone

My client would like me to implement geolocation in a mobile application. He want me to use a map which is quite deformed (definitely not a google-like map). Is it an easy way to transform the GPS coordinates into the coordinates on that deformed map?
I get the coordinates (X0,Y0) from the GPS -> I need the location on my client's map (X1,Y1)

Dude, you should try It does exactly what you are looking for!

You need to know the mapping from the client map to real world co-ordinates. Either ask your client, or perhaps you could overlay it on a google map of the same area in photoshop and work out how much you need to stretch it by in each dimension, this might get you close enough if the distortion is linear.


Animation correction

I have GPS coordinates, which are coming from cars. I'm trying to display their movement using mapbox. It works mostly fine, but because coordinates are imprecise, sometimes markers displayed inside houses, rivers, etc.
Is there a way to specify that the animation should follow the closest road?
Yes. That's exactly what the Map Matching API does.

Custom tiles yet geo accurate in LeafletJS

I'm interested in custom map tiles, and using advice from here and here, I've experimented with exactly that. For a prototype I did a very geeky map of the Star Trek Federation, with episode links moving you around the planets/systems etc.
While that's all fine and dandy for fantastical locations, I'd also be interested in using heavily stylised renditions of real world locations, yet still using real lat,lng points. So, for example, a bespoke, yet mostly geo accurate, map of London, chopped into tiles, but if you passed in lat,lng coords for Camden Tube (51.53911 -0.14235), you would move to that location.
Any ideas how you configure LeafletJS to do this, without going the route of using Google Maps with custom tiles?
If I understand correctly, you have 2 different applications:
Your Star Trek map, for which you are satisfied.
Stylised map of real world, for which you would like real lat,lng coordinates to be accurate?
Then your question is how to create your custom tiles, so that Leaflet shows the stylised view of London when passed the real London coordinates?
In that case, it would be probably just a matter of correctly numbering your tiles. Or the reverse, modifying the tile numbers used by Leaflet to build the tiles URL. For the latter solution, see Specifying Lat & Long for Leaflet TileLayer
I'm not quite sure what you mean by "mostly geo accurate". It sounds like you probably just want to generate your own map tiles from some kind of source like OpenStreetMap. In that case, TileMill (although kind of obsolete) is probably the easiest way to go.
There are basically three parts:
Generate some map tiles (eg TileMill)
Host them (eg TileStream)
Point Leaflet at them

How to convert shapefile to tile based file

I am developing a Map based iPhone application where I have to draw a map of any specific region depending upon the current location of that device.
Client is supplying me the .shapefile consisting of all the co-ordinates and data to draw the map.
We can store the shape file on the server and i think to draw the map on device with the data presented on .shapefile I need the tiles with different zoom level. So on the server side I have to convert the .shapefile into tile based file.
But I don't know how to do that conversion.
Can anyone please guide me?
Thanks in advance.
Its a lot of work.
First, shapefiles only define the geometry - you need to decide what the features are going to look like. Are they points, lines, or polygons? Do you want them all in the same colour, or depending on their attributes?
Then get mapnik or TileMill and learn how to use that. Do you just want to present the shapefile, or do you want that on a base map? In which case you'll have to generate a transparent tile set and do raster image overlays in your application.
Is it the whole world? And to the same resolution as Google Maps zooms? Get a big bank of disk storage.
Personally I'd look into converting the shapefile into a vector form that you could render on the client - GeoJSON perhaps. Then serve that.

draw route on static image map iphone

I'm developing a campus navigation app.
I have an image which displays building on the campus.
I want draw a route from the user location to destination building the use wants to go.
Wondering how to draw a route on static custom image.
Been searching on internet but cannot find any clue how to develop.
All documentation on internet are about drawing route on Google map.
any hint will be much much appreciated.
You'll have to manually collect latitude and longitude information for each of your map image's four corners. You'll also have to manually specify, in terms of co-ordinates on the image, the position of every possible turning point in the building's corridors, stairs etc. Then you can get the device's current latitude and longitude (see the Location Awareness Programming Guide), translate it into a position on your image, and overlay a transparent view with a red line on it stopping at each of your manually collected waypoints. There remains the graph theory problem of finding the shortest route through the network of waypoints. I suggest the A* algorithm.

iPhone: GPS on custom map + CATiledLayer

Really hope someone can help me as I'm a bit stuck :S
I have a custom map of an event using the CATiledLayer so users can zoom in and scroll around the map. What I would like to do now is add the functionality to let the user know where they currently are on the map. I know it can be done as I've seen an app do this before. I'm not sure how to go about doing it though, maybe I need to convert lat/lon into pixels but I'm not sure if thats possible (depending on how big the image is, etc).
On another site it was mentioned to find out the boundaries of the map and then I can add pins to the map, but I'm not sure how to go about doing this? Will I need to find every coordinate (lat/lon) within the boundary so I can add the pin of where the user is currently?
If anyone can give me with any advice or pointers, I'd much appreciate it
You can use the route-me library by adding your own map source class. A good article that explains how to do it is here
I'm facing a challenge right now in trying to map GPS coords to a map that's an artist's rendition. In particular this is for a ski mountain, so the artist's rendition is a "trail map". The trail map is not accurate in that the whole mountain has been squeezed onto the one view, yet the actual topology of the mountain doesn't conform to the drawing.
I've tried several approaches:
1) Triangulation using known GPS coordinates of the lift stations. This is fairly simple to implement, yet this is not accurate enough and the algorithm fails if the rendition differs enough from the GPS map.
2) Creating a uniform grid for both the GPS map and the Trailmap, then doing a mapping from cells in the GPS map to the Trailmap. The downside to this is it can be a lot of busy work with no easy UI for doing it.
3) Calculating the vectors of each lift (being a straight line), find the closet lift station to a given GPS point, and calculate the estimated Trailmap location using this vector.
I'm considering #2, which is essentially the simplest solution. But if you've found a better way, I'd love to hear it.