Pushing a new viewcontroller via a next button? - iphone

Sorry I can't show code for this question - it should be fairly simple to explain..
I have an array of data (object1, object2, object3, etc)… I have one tableview that lists these objects (object1.title, object2.title, etc) and upon clicking it push's a viewcontroller that shows the detail of each object. Now, rather than have to press Back on each detail view, I'd like to put a next button on the detail page..
I could easily push a new controller, however it would end with a chain of:
List View -> Detailview1 -> Detailview2, etc..
which would be a pain to traverse back up the stack.. Can the parent view controller be removed / changed easily or is this not the best way to do it?

You can always pop back to a specific index in the stack. So you could have a back button that pops back to the parent. If there is no real reason that the user would need to go back through the detail view controllers you could swap controllers by replacing the stack with a new stack using setViewControllers:animated: Look through the UINavigationController documentation and see whats possible.

This code will "pop" the view contoller off the view, so it removes it, instead of overlaying another view on top of it. Add this to your button action
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];


iOS 10 go back to root in nav stack with parameters

I have an initial ViewController that is a TableView with lots of data. I have a title bar button item that links to another TableView with a summary of the data in the first ViewController. I currently have it so that when you click on a cell, it redirects the user back to the first ViewController and scrolls them to the proper cells. However, it adds the view to the stack and doesn't actually move them back properly. I think I would be able to do this through Unwind segues, but I can't seem to get them to work through cell clicks. Is there a better way that I can achieve this?
When I switch to the other view, I also need to set two variables in the initial controller to tell it what index to scroll to.
1.UNWind Segue :
suppose that we need to programmatically trigger the backward navigation, based on an interaction with something other than the default “back” button on the navigation bar. How would you do it? Yep – you’ve got it: by using an unwind segue.
2.Other way is usual : PopViewController Method
As per your question , you can go with option 2 which is more easy .
As far as Sending data from SecondViewController to FirstViewController you can use delegate pattern to send data back.
Here is few useful post : https://stackoverflow.com/a/25523091/3400991
Feel free to comment. Thanks

Navigation Controller design for multiple duplicate views

I'm having a hard time understanding what approach I should take. I have a TableView controller with a list of questions, if you click a row it pushes a new QuestionViewVontroller that displays the question, answers, and next button (or done button). When a user clicks next I want to load the next question (from the tableview list) but I still want the navigation to work (back button will take you to TableView).
I'm starting to think I should keep the same QuestionViewController and just load in the question data. Is this right? Or should I use a modal view?
You have a couple of options here.
Use the same QuestionViewController and just repopulate it, like you mentioned.
Push a new QuestionViewController and use custom back button that either pops to the root view controller or pops to a given view controller.
The code for both options in #2 is below, where "self" is the current view controller (your question controller).
[self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:YES]; //this would pop to your UITableViewController, assuming it was the root
[self.navigationController popToViewController:yourTableViewControllerHere Animated:YES]; //this would work as long as you passed a reference to your UITableViewController to your question controllers
It's up to you how you choose to solve your issue. However, if you decide to use the same QuestionViewController, include a catchy animation when importing the new question so the user knows what is happening and to make your app that much cooler :)

view controllers using storyboard

i am trying to switch between two view controllers using storyboard. I create a modal seague by control-dragging (on buttons) from 1st view controller to 2nd, and then from the 2nd to the first.
So whenever I click on a button in 1st VC, it takes me to the 2nd VC. This time when i click the button on second VC, does it take me back to the original instance of the 1st VC or it creates a new instance?
If it takes me to the same instance, and user had written some data in some textfields, is there anyway to retain that on screen? (I might want to save them in some variables, and since the program will return back to the same instancem i'll be able to get the variables back)
If it doesn't take me to the same instance, is there any method to do so?
I tried making an instance of 2nd VC and using self.navigarionController push...(instance) but this doesn't swtich the controller.
If i do this pushing using the storyboard, and i do pop in my 2nd VC, it doesn't get popped either.
(and i would also couldn't understand the difference between push,modal and custom seagues)
Create the modal segue from VC1's button to VC2, but not the reverse one. When the VC2's button is tapped, call dismissViewControllerAnimated:completion: to return to where you were.
If you used a push segue instead, you would call popViewControllerAnimated: to go back but that only works if you have your view controllers managed by a UINavigationController.
You can think of push as a way of stepping through a sequence of related scenes while modal is something that's a bit out of the normal flow of the application. (That's not a firm rule but it's a starting point for deciding which way to go.) For 'custom', you write the segue code, so you decide what happens.

Can someone explain UINavigationController setViewController and popToViewController

I'm familiar with the idea of creating a new viewcontroller and pushing it onto the stack. So far I have just created an instance of my view controller and pushed it. Now I am running into a problem that my 3 different view controllers are related ways of looking at the data. My RootViewController has 3 icons to start, and when you press on an icon, you push the first view controller. I currently do not set the view controllers in an array since I'm not sure what that buys me or how that works.
Scenario 1: Click on icon 1 (push vc1), click on a table in a popover in vc1, it'll push to vc3. Then you click on something in vc3, and it'll go to vc1.
Scenario 2: Click on icon 3 (push vc3), click on something and go to vc1.
So the problem I'm having is in scenario 1, it would seem to make the most sense to pop back to vc1 so they don't have a stack of vc1/vc3/vc1 and are looking at the data twice like that. But in scenario 2, since I started at vc3 instd of vc1, I should push vc1. But in both scenarios, the user is clicking on the same thing to go to vc1 from vc3, so how do I tell which viewController they came from in order to push or pop to vc1?
So I guess that's where I thought setViewControllers or popToViewController might come in handy, but I'm not sure how those work and if there's some simple example snippet someone can provide to get me started (assuming this approach is ok). Thanks!
It sounds to me, from your description, that you should be using a navigation controller that you push and pop onto and off. Btw, the navigation bar doesn't have to be visible.
It also sounds like you should sometimes pop the current vc before pushing the next vc. You will need to check the count of the viewControllers array - if the current count is greater than one then pop before pushing, otherwise just push as you are at the root view controller.
Or, you could use popToRootViewControllerAnimated:NO each time before pushing.
UINavigationController is what allows you to manage your views.
setViewController allows you to set which controller handles your view.
popToViewController takes the current view controller off the stack to the specified view.
IMO... The last 2 promote spaghetti logic and should be used sparingly.

Push a ViewController and It Pops Right Back

I have a view controller with a table view and a UISearchBar. When the view controller is first brought up, the table is populated. A click on a table row pushes another view controller, it animates up and then pops right back down and returns me to the table. It does this whether the search bar has been used or not. I do this push pop kind of action in several view controllers with not problem. My guess is that the UISearchBar is somehow getting in the way. Any one have any idea as to what I'm doing wrong?
Check your viewDidDisappear code, or anywhere else you might have a popViewController. Betting one is getting called somewhere.