How do I detect a swiping / flicking gesture? - iphone

I want to allow the user to flick a ball that is on screen. The user would tap on the ball and then flick, the velocity / speed of the flick would then dictate initial velocity.
I took a look at UISwipeGestureRecognizer but it seems like that is more targeted at navigation than flicking.
How do I go about implementing this?
I am using Cocos2d and Box2d.

Have you considered UIPanGestureRecognizer? You can get velocity data from that ([panGesture velocityInView:]), and distinguish the initial velocity of the 'swipe' using the state property on the gesture recognizer.
Or is that not sufficient?


How to make a menu with icons spinning in a circle?

I am trying to create a menu for my app with a few icons in a circle. User should be able to spin this menu, making the icons change their positions around this circle path, but not rotating themselves. I read this earlier so I can see how to follow the finger movement, but I need this menu to have inertial spin after the touch ends. I have 2 questions about how to do this.
First one, what's the best way to make animation with icons moving around in a circle? It should be slowing down until it stops and, if user moves his finger fast enough, should be able to do more than one full circle.
Second, how do I measure speed of finger movement at the end of it? I tried to use locationInView and previousLocationInView and just spin it by difference of angles between them multiplied by some constant. Problem is, when I keep my finger in one place for a while and take it up, I still get inertial movement of the circle and in this case I don't want it to move at all.
You want to use a scroll view. Specifically you want a hidden scroll view where you attach the pan gesture recogniser from the scroll view to your custom menu view. Then you implement the delegate methods of the scroll view to redraw your menu. This WWDC video has a good overview of the process. The benefit of this approach is that you get true iOS style acceleration and deceleration for free. You don't need to worry about finger position or speed, only the content offset of the scroll view.
Unless you want to spin your finger round in a circle with the menu items. That's a different ball game...
In theory, the same approach as above can be used for spinning your finger in a circle. You would need to ensure that directionalLockEnabled was set to NO on the scroll view. The problem is that the calculations to determine the rotation of your menu view are a lot more complex. Probably you would want to be modal and check if the scroll view is dragging in the callbacks. If it is dragging you would use the touches on the pan gesture to find the exact finger location to set the rotation. You'd also want to maintain data on the instantaneous direction of finger movement so that when the touch is released... If it isn't dragging then you use the scroll view content offset to apply the deceleration effect on the rotation (using the scroll direction just before the touch was released to know how to use the content offset changes).

How can I get notified with continous touch down events from my button instead only one?

I must rotate an image but I can't use the gestures or the slider, so I have thinked about using 2 buttons, one for clockwise rotation and the other for couterclockwise rotation of my UIImageView.
But I'm getting notified only one time for touch down event so my image rotate only one time.
There is a way to get continous touch down event when I press my button?
Is there isn't such opportunity, how can I implement this continous rotation with the two buttons?
Sorry if I've said something wrong I'm new to iOS development.
There's a couple of ways you could do this - UIButtons have touchDown and touchUp events, so you could start a process on touchDown and end it on touchUpInside. This discussion might be useful.
Alternatively, rather than using UIbuttons you might want to try detecting a touchesBegan in a particular area (say on a UIImageView containing a button-lie image), then running the rotation animation until the touchesEnded event occurs?

Play & animate with UIButton?

I am doing some RnD work, looking forward for experts suggestion:
I have to create a custom Button with any defined background image. So that user can throw that button in any direction with smooth way, under which total covered distance is directly proportional to pressure applied on UIButton to throw it.
Can any one guide me so that i can cover this task ?
A good start would be to attach a UIPanGestureRecognizer to your button (or view or whatever), then use velocityInView:. From UIPanGestureRecognizer.h:
// velocity of the pan in pixels/second in the coordinate system of the specified view
- (CGPoint)velocityInView:(UIView *)view;
Using the velocity (possibly in conjunction with translationInView:) you can then move your button according to the speed and velocity of the gesture.

Looking for direction for a Custom Gesture like swipe to scroll

I'm trying to have a sort of gesture that will seamlessly switch between a group of images this part I have sorted. The part that is catching me up is the gesture to do so and how I might introduce acceleration.
Basically the user would swipe as normal and after the swipe is registered it would change the image displayed and the faster once swiped the faster the image would change ideally it would then keep that speed until the users finger was lifted leaving the possibility to just scroll repeatedly through the images.
Any direction someone could give me would be great.
Assuming you would be using a UIScrollView for this, setting the scrollView.decelerationRate property would allow you to manipulate the deceleration rate/scroll speed. To calculate the "swipe speed", take a look here: Detecting Special touch on the iphone for some pointers.

How can i rotate an arrow image by touch on that image?

I am working on a project where i need to rotate an image by touching it.
It can be rotate faster or slower depending on how the user touches it.
Can you show me some tutorials or how this can be done?
Place your image within a UIImageView, then either subclass that view and replace touchesBegan:withEvent: or set a delegate for it and implement the same method as a delegate method. This will give you the ability to respond to touch events (the beginning of a touch, in this case, although you can do the same for ending a touch or moving of the finger).
Within this touch handling method, you can implement something similar to what I describe here in order to perform a Core-Animation-enabled rotation of your UIImageView at a given speed. To alter the speed, change the duration property on the animation I provide. As I suggest there, you may want to look into a CAKeyframeAnimation to do a smoother animation with acceleration and deceleration at the beginning and end.
An easier way is to set up an NStimer and rotate the transform everytime it fires.
I've some sample code here that coincidentally does something similar:
Using Cocos2d, you can't have 'touch enabled' sprites, 'isTouchEnabled' is at the Layer level. You'll have to receive the touch at the layer level, then check the location of the touch against the location of the touchable sprite. The CGRect* functions include a 'rect contains point' which you can pass the touch location to, with the sprite's rect to see if it was 'touched', and which point you could then say [sprite runAction:[Rotate ....]]