Airplay and Microphone - iphone

Is it possible to stream audio instantly from the microphone in an iphone to an airplay device. I know this can be done with a delay but could it be done instantly with almost no delay.
If so what are the classes I need to use in my app.


I can not hear music after recording (Swift)

I make a karaoke app. If headphone doesn't plugin app works fine.(my voice and background music record together). it is successful. but I'm the same way with headphone Then I listen to the recording. I can not hear the background music.(its too much low).

iOS - Access output audio from background program

Scenario: My app is running in the background. An iPhone/iPad user launches the iPod app (or Pandora or another program that plays audio) on their device and starts playing music. My app detects that that music is now playing, and records or in some way does things with the current playing audio (like stream it to a server), all while still running in the background.
Is this possible? Can anyone point me in the right direction in the SDK on how to do this?
You can't do this. And that is that.

Why are the AudioServices used to vibrate an iphone?

Is the only way to vibrate an iphone using the AudioServices?
If so, why was it run through Audio to vibrate the device?
One usually associates vibrations synonymous with audio/alerts (System Alerts, Text Messages, receiving a call). As this is done through the Audio Services it makes sense to also be able to make the phone vibrate this way.
why was it run through Audio to vibrate the device
Just to point out, it's not vibrating the device using the soundwaves made by playing audio.

Can a iPhone voice Recorder App always run in Background recording the Sounds and Play them?

Can a App record the Voice in the surroundings even when it runs in the background and play the recorded audio? Is it possible?
Multitasking doesn't allow audio recording to be in the background, so no.

AVAudioPlayer can play while iPhone screen is locked; can it record at that time too?

You can easily play sounds and record sounds using the high level AVAudioPlayer. And you can play sounds using the same framework, while the iPhone screen is locked. Can you record sounds at that time?
Yes, of course, just set correct category....................................................................................................................................
For recording audio; this category silences playback audio. Recording continues with the screen locked.
Available in iPhone OS 3.0 and later.
Declared in AVAudioSession.h.
For recording and playback of audio—simultaneous or not—such as for a VOIP (voice over IP) application.
This category silences audio from other applications, such as the iPod. You can, however, modify this category to allow mixing by using the kAudioSessionProperty_OverrideCategoryMixWithOthers property. Your audio continues with the Ring/Silent switch set to silent and with the screen locked.