Notepad++ enviornment to be more like Dreamweaver - plugins

I'm trying to adjust to this notepad++ environment currently.
1) Is there a way to create an new xhtml/php/css/etc file in np++ like dreamweaver? ( template files with the doctype and main tags included)
2) Can notepad++ open connecting files like Dreamweaver? like how DW opens all connecting css/js/php includes automatically.
It's really simple compared to Dreamweaver, so I'm trying to adjust to the changes.

1) Not really. You would have to create the template file manually and then just open it and Save As.
2) No.
It's really simple compared to Dreamweaver, so I'm trying to adjust to the changes.
It's also free and thus is not going to have as many features as something like Dreamweaver.

You can do this by just editing styler.xml (if you do not have the styler.xml then go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\themes\ and create one) to get a Dreamweaver style look, but not exactly what Dreamweaver is look like. Dreamweaver use Source Code Pro 10pt font for his code appearance.
Here is a link where you can get a similar style
So you can change the default font fontName="Consola" to fontName="Source Code Pro", before that download this font from web.
Now when you done Open Notepad++ go to Setting > Style Configurator and select your theme that is styler.xml.


How to implement dark mode in BlueJ using Github link

I am new to programming and have been using the IDE BlueJ. I wanted to change to dark mode using the code given in this GitHub link:
The instructions there say to "Replace path/to/BlueJ/lib/stylesheets with the stylesheets in this project". I'm not really sure how to do that. I've tried searching for files within my Mac Finder, but haven't found anything. I'm assuming this is a pretty easy thing to do because the instructions on the Github don't say much, but I'm just not sure how to proceed. Sorry if it's a dumb question!
Thanks :)
First off locate the blueJ application in finder, and then right click(or control+click), and click "Show Package Contents", then navigate to Contents/Resources/Java/stylesheets, then look for a css file named "java-colors.css". You can then either replace the file as a whole with a predefined darkmode css file or manually edit the colours to your liking.

Is there a way to open any file as text in VS Code?

VS Code is currently my favourite text editor, except for Jupyter notebooks, which are opened as interactive python environments (let's call this 'rendered').
By itself it is nice that this is possible, but not I can live with opening them in a browser if VS Code would not render them.
There used to be a setting to avoid this behaviour ("jupyter.useNotebookEditor": false) but currently my installation does not recognise this setting anymore.
Since there are more file types that can be opened as text/source, or rendered form (e.g. html, md, svg, uncompressed pdf, etc.) and both forms can be usefull, I would be very excited to learn how to switch between rendered and source, preferably without switching global settings.
Is there a way to do this? I would hope for:
a mechanism that does not depend on (or can be overwritten by) the current jupyter extension
a mechanism that works for any file type (nice-to-have)
Are you just looking for a way to view/edit the raw json?
You can right click the file in the Explorer -> open with... -> text editor.
Or use "Reopen editor with text editor" from the command Palette (ctrl+shift+p)

VS Code customize sidebar

Is there any way to customize sidebar in VS Code? In particular, I want to change the font size. Is there a user setting for that? Or, maybe, I can edit it somehow via stylesheet since it's an Electron app, like in Atom?
There are no user-defined stylesheets for vscode.
The only ways to scale various parts of the UI currently are through the overall zoom level (window.zoomLevel) and the editor's font size (editor.fontSize).
I created a feature request for this on the repo.
As mentioned in other answers there are extensions which allow injecting custom CSS, you should be careful using these as they directly manipulate the source code of VS Code which could lead to problems elsewhere and any modifications could break when you update.
I Found a way to change the font of Visual Studio Code Window.
First, open command Pallete, and type "Toggle Developer Tools"
This will open "Chrome Inspector".
Select any text of sidebar of app.
Search .monaco-shell class in "styles" tab at right side inspector ( Where show every styles of the current document ), then the font-family attribute.This is tab and stylesheets.
In workbrench.main.css hit right click and click in "Open Soruce Panel" Show like this
Format the css Code with this icon.
ctrl+f for found font-family attribute again, 'cause the format redirect to end of css document, and get .monaco-shell class like this in ~6371 line.
Change this font ( I have change to Droid sans Mono font ), but you change to you want.
Why i'm not change in the real document css
'Cause, when i changed the font family in the real document css ( C:\Users\${user}\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\workbrench.main.css) generate a error saying "Vscode have a error, please reinstall the program" or similar
When generate a actualization of application, the font family declareated will deleted, and the document css is´t a pretty code.
This process change every fonts of visual studio code application (not include the editor font )
I found it very effective to use the general zoom settings (it's somewhere in that huge settings window). This adjusts the zoom level of the entire app. Tweak it till you like the size of your explorer window, then adjust the settable editor font to be readable with that zoom level. I three parallel code windows of 80 columns plus the explorer on a good 17" laptop monitor, readable if you are OK with 8pt code font (which is actually 11 point font zoomed two notches down).
Although there is no direct way of customize the sidebar from settings as #Daniel Imms mentioned in his answer, but I found 2 plugins which helped to resolve this issue. You can either one of them if you want.
1. Custom CSS and JS Loader
In Custom CSS and JS Loader plugin, you need to create a custom css and then this plugin will inject that code directly in electron-browser/index.html(as VS Code is an electron based editor). I use this CSS in my Mac:
".explorer-viewlet .mac": "font-size: 1.2em !important",
2. CustomizeUI
CustomizeUI relies on the Monkey Patch Extension to inject custom javascript in VSCode. Here is the settings I use (in settings.json) for my Mac:
"customizeUI.stylesheet": {
".explorer-viewlet .mac": "font-size: 1.2em !important; overflow: auto; border-left:none!important",

Notepad++ AutoSave issue

It looks like Notepad++ as of ver. 6.6.7 is now actively blocking the AutoSave (ver. 1.4) plugin.
Notepad++ will remove AutoSave when upgrading and re-loading AutoSave with the Plugin Manager now fails.
Live and die by the ability to make a quick .PHP script change and switch over to the browser window without having to remember to click on the Save file toolbar icon.
Any suggestions or alternatives?
OK, found the solution.
Rather than relying on the Autosave version downloaded by Plugin Manager, go to the link listed -- -- and download v1.40 from there.
The zip file will have 2 versions of the dll (A for ASCII and U for Unicode ?). Copy the AutoSaveU.dll file to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\" and you should be back in business.
Update: After running for a few days with Autosave enabled, found that automatic spell check and the ability to right click on a word or phrase would randomly disappear. Disabling "Auto Save when Notepad++ looses focus" solves that problem. For now, have decided that spell check and right clicking are more important than auto-saving.
I have found the best solution to this, if you install notepad++ and use 'Resource Hacker' (google it) to change the menu (cut it down) and the icon (change to notepad), and install the autosave plugin in notepad++, then you have something that looks almost entirely indistinguishable to classic notepad! And txt files have the notepad logo.
Also you need to go into settings and turn off a bunch of settings, including under editing tab, turn off line numbering, and change colours in 'style configurator'.
The only notable difference is that highlighted text remains black.
Check out this image to see how close it is, you could even cut and rename menu items to look identical but there is no need to be that pedantic.

Way to use a native editor for textarea (or JS-powered WYSIWYG editor)?

I'm looking for a way to use my favorite "native" editor, Sublime Text 2, to fill textareas and/or WYSIWYG-editors like TinyMCE.
I'd like to have some kind of daemon, service or browser extension that waits for, say, a focus event on a textarea and opens a new Sublime Text 2 window for me to type in. Everytime I save (could be to a file in a temporary directory for all I care), the background daemon/service/extension/… updates the contents of the web form field.
So much for my ideal scenario. Is there any way you know of to make this possible (FYI, I'm working under OS X Lion)?
I don't know what browser you're using, but there's an extension for Firefox called "It's all text" where you can:
Right click on a textarea, select "It's All Text!" and edit the text in the editor of your choice.
You can also make a shortcut instead of rightclicking.
[EDIT] And for Google Chrome now there is:
P.S. In an ideal world all textareas should be small ST2 windows...
Sure, this is possible.
You'll need to write a browser extension for it.
Look for a snippet saving addon on whichever browser you use, go through the source code, figure out how it works, then make one to fit your use-case.
In the meantime, repeat: Ctrl+C, Alt-Tab, Ctrl-V!