How can I use imported .PSD files in GWT-Designer? - gwt

I have various .PSD files that compose an interface. I am trying to learn GWT and GWT-Designer. Can anybody point me to a way to import those files with GWT-Designer so that I may code the interface ?
Thank you

GWT-Designer doesn't import PSD files directly. I would look at the various panels and widgets available in GWT Designer and try to map those to the elements in your image file. Since you're learning, start with something simple and move up from there.


Is there a way to make a multipage snippet in vs code?

I am currently working in react js, and to work with css modules, every-time I make new component and I have to make corresponding css module file. I want snippet to make both files. Is there any way?

Unsure about the best way to fully separate my Dojo layers

Hey so I'm finding the documentation around building dojo a little hazy around layers.
For my Dojo 1.7+ application I would like a layer that contains only Dojo, and a layer that only contains my code, so I can place the appropriate copyright/license headers at the top.
Looking at build profile template, I see:
layers : {
But when I look inside my 'myapp/core' layer js file I see lots of occurrences of
I started tackling this by finding each occurrence of the dojo define and putting that in the dojo/dojo layer include list, but that doesn't seem like the appropriate way of doing layers, is it? At the very least can't I just include certain packages? Am I making a big misunderstanding here?
Bonus it seems like the layer property 'copyrightFile' no longer works. Has that been deprecated, or changed?
Are all these ("dojo/i18n","dojo/ready","dojo/domReady") dependencies the only dependencies that your external modules need? If myapp/core/module2 requires a dojo module that is not included in the dojo core layer, then it will be included in the myapp/core layer.
I have gone down the path you are going found it difficult to maintain the separation of code over time. I would create a single layer with both dojo and your code.
Use a layer to encapsulate code that is for specific area of functionality. For example, I have a graphical workflow editor that has it's own layer because it includes a bunch of svg code that doesn't need to be present in the rest of the application.

Workflow for parsing PSD to Xcode/IB

i am searching for a way to parse a psd-layout to a nib-file or something like this. I want, that the designer builds a layout and slices this into the different elements. The result should be a ready-to-use XIB-File. ;-)
Are there any ideas how to realize this?
You can ask your designer to name the difference slices using a specific nomenclature.
A possibility:
Then a script parsing each file of your export folder will create your xib file which is nothing more than a XML file.
a simple way to do that could be using psd.js
But I think that it will be much simpler to teach your designer how to use Interface Builder ;)
I've heard about snippets (.jsx = javaScript??) which you can use for Photoshop. These scripts could export your images/layer/slices and change the name to their relative position. Maybe this information could be helpful for anybody.
This tutorial explains exactly how to automatically port a Photoshop PSD or Fireworks Layered PNG into an Xcode storyboard. With all your elements placed for you.
write your own photoshop script:
or, use this service:

Modifiying Nib file without Interface Builder

I was wondering if there is any way to directly manipulate the XIB/NIB files without the use of Interface Builder. I know its difficult but is there any way. Can you please tell me how can I do that or the internal structure or the documentations available on it? And will it be feasible or better in any other way.
Xib/Nib files are XML files, you can edit them with every Texteditor.
I wouldn't recomend that tough, if you want more controll over your app, simply create your views Programmatically. A little introduction for doing so might be: further reading to remove nibs completely from your app:

Gallery of GEF/Draw2D figures

I am new to GEF/Draw2D, I've seen some tutorials on the topic, but I am wondering if any of you have seen a gallery of all figures which are shipped together with GEF? So that one can quickly see what do they look like and what's their purpose?
AFAIK there is no such gallery. Anyway, you can checkout draw2d examples from GIT repo. There are many of those figures.
Use the Type Hierarchy view of Eclipse to view the descendants of the Figure class. Unfortunately, it's not a graphical preview, but the class names are descriptive enough, I hope.