get last few lines of file stored in variable - perl

How could I get the last few lines of a file that is stored in a variable? On linux I would use the tail command if it was in a file.
1) How can I do this in perl if the data is in a file?
2) How can I do this if the content of the file is in a variable?

To read the end of a file, seek near the end of the file and begin reading. For example,
open my $fh, '<', $file;
seek $fh, -1000, 2;
my #lines = <$fh>;
close $fh;
print "Last 5 lines of $file are: ", #lines[-5 .. -1];
Depending on what is in the file or how many lines you want to look at, you may want to use a different magic number than -1000 above.
You could do something similar with a variable, either
open my $fh, '<', \$the_variable;
seek $fh, -1000, 2;
or just
open my $fh, '<', \substr($the_variable, -1000);
will give you an I/O handle that produces the last 1000 characters in $the_variable.

The File::ReadBackwards module on the CPAN is probably what you want. You can use it thus. This will print the last three lines in the file:
use File::ReadBackwards
my $bw = File::ReadBackwards->new("some_file");
print reverse map { $bw->readline() } (1 .. 3);
Internally, it seek()s to near the end of the file and looks for line endings, so it should be fairly efficient with memory, even with very big files.

To some extent, that depends how big the file is, and how many lines you want. If it is going to be very big you need to be careful, because reading it all into memory will take a lot longer than just reading the last part of the file.
If it is small. the easiest way is probably to File::Slurp it into memory, split by record delimiters, and keep the last n records. In effect, something like:
# first line if not yet in a string
my $string = File::Slurp::read_file($filename);
my #lines = split(/\n/, $string);
print join("\n", #lines[-10..-1])
If it is large, too large to find into memory, you might be better to use file system operations directly. When I did this, I opened the file and used seek() and read the last 4k or so of the file, and repeated backwards until I had enough data to get the number of records I needed.
Not a detailed answer, but the question could be a touch more specific.

I know this is an old question, but I found it while looking for a way to search for a pattern in the first and last k lines of a file.
For the tail part, in addition to seek (if the file is seekable), it saves some memory to use a rotating buffer, as follows (returns the last k lines, or less if fewer than $k are available):
my $i = 0; my #a;
while (<$fh>) {
$a[$i++ % $k] = $_;
my #tail = splice #a,0,$i % $k;
splice #a,#a,0,#tail;
return #a;

A lot has already been stated on the file side, but if it's already in a string, you can use the following regex:
my ($lines) = $str ~= /
(?:(?<=^)|(?<=\n)) # match beginning of line (separated due to variable lookbehind limitation)
[^\n]*+ # match the line
(?:\n|$) # match the end of the line
){0,5}+ # match at least 0 and at most 5 lines
)$ # match must be from end of the string
/sx # s = treat string as single line
# x = allow whitespace and comments
This runs extremely fast. Benchmarking shows between 40-90% faster compared to the split/join method (variable due to current load on machine). This is presumably due to less memory manipulations. Something you might want to consider if speed is essential. Otherwise, it's just interesting.


search a paragraph in reverse order without array in perl

i have a log file where the errors will be mentioned as "ERROR" in the beginning of the line and next line will have the detailed text about the error. I would like to search for "ERROR" in the reverse order so i can find the last error and print the next line or copy is the line to a variable.
In shell i can try the below command which will help me to achieve the same. Can some one give me a equivalent perl code.
grep -A2 ERROR sapinst.log | tail -2
As the log file will be huge (~5000+ lines), so I don't want to store it in an array.
Your file size is rather small and perl is pretty quick, so I wouldn't worry about reverse order that much. This little program reads lines of input from the files you specify on the command line (or standard input if you specify none), skips lines until it finds ERROR, then prints that and the next line:
while( <> ) {
next unless /ERROR/;
print scalar <>;
From there you can use tail if you like. This Perl does the same as the grep you posted (although since you already have that solution I wonder why you want a different one).
If you don't want to use tail, keep track of the two lines you'll output and replace them when you find a new set:
my( $error_line, $next_line );
while( <> ) {
next unless /ERROR/;
$error_line = $_;
$next_line = scalar <>;
print $error_line, $next_line;
If you have a recent enough perl, you can use the safer double diamond line input operator:
use v5.22;
my( $error_line, $next_line );
while( <<>> ) {
next unless /ERROR/;
$error_line = $_;
$next_line = scalar <<>>;
print $error_line, $next_line;
You can use File::ReadBackwards, but you'll have to do the same task by remembering every line then checking if the previous line had ERROR. For you data sizes, the benefit probably isn't apparent. If the simple solution isn't fast enough, it's time to get fancier (but not before then).

Perl, find a match and read next line in perl

I would like to use targetfolder/*
to read some number from ASCII files.
#list = <#ARGV>;
# Is the whole file or only 1st line is loaded?
foreach $file ( #list ) {
open (F, $file);
# is this correct to judge if there is still file to load?
while ( <F> ) {
sub match_replace {
# if I want to read the 5th line in downward, how to do that?
# if I would like to read multi lines in multi array[row],
# how to do that?
if ( /^\sName\s+/ ) {
$name = $1;
I would recommend a thorough read of perlintro - it will give you a lot of the information you need. Additional comments:
Always use strict and warnings. The first will enforce some good coding practices (like for example declaring variables), the second will inform you about potential mistakes. For example, one warning produced by the code you showed would be readline() on unopened filehandle F, giving you the hint that F is not open at that point (more on that below).
#list = <#ARGV>;: This is a bit tricky, I wouldn't recommend it - you're essentially using glob, and expanding targetfolder/* is something your shell should be doing, and if you're on Windows, I'd recommend Win32::Autoglob instead of doing it manually.
foreach ... { open ... }: You're not doing anything with the files once you've opened them - the loop to read from the files needs to be inside the foreach.
"Is the whole file or only 1st line is loaded?" open doesn't read anything from the file, it just opens it and provides a filehandle (which you've named F) that you then need to read from.
I'd strongly recommend you use the more modern three-argument form of open and check it for errors, as well as use lexical filehandles since their scope is not global, as in open my $fh, '<', $file or die "$file: $!";.
"is this correct to judge if there is still file to load?" Yes, while (<$filehandle>) is a good way to read a file line-by-line, and the loop will end when everything has been read from the file. You may want to use the more explicit form while (my $line = <$filehandle>), so that your variable has a name, instead of the default $_ variable - it does make the code a bit more verbose, but if you're just starting out that may be a good thing.
match_replace(): You're not passing any parameters to the sub. Even though this code might still "work", it's passing the current line to the sub through the global $_ variable, which is not a good practice because it will be confusing and error-prone once the script starts getting longer.
if (/^\sName\s+/){$name = $1;}: Since you've named the sub match_replace, I'm guessing you want to do a search-and-replace operation. In Perl, that's called s/search/replacement/, and you can read about it in perlrequick and perlretut. As for the code you've shown, you're using $1, but you don't have any "capture groups" ((...)) in your regular expression - you can read about that in those two links as well.
"if I want to read the 5th line in downward , how to do that ?" As always in Perl, There Is More Than One Way To Do It (TIMTOWTDI). One way is with the range operator .. - you can skip the first through fourth lines by saying next if 1..4; at the beginning of the while loop, this will test those line numbers against the special $. variable that keeps track of the most recently read line number.
"and if I would like to read multi lines in multi array[row], how to do that ?" One way is to use push to add the current line to the end of an array. Since keeping the lines of a file in an array can use up more memory, especially with large files, I'd strongly recommend making sure you think through the algorithm you want to use here. You haven't explained why you would want to keep things in an array, so I can't be more specific here.
So, having said all that, here's how I might have written that code. I've added some debugging code using Data::Dumper - it's always helpful to see the data that your script is working with.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper; # for debugging
for my $file (#ARGV) {
print Dumper($file); # debug
open my $fh, '<', $file or die "$file: $!";
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
next if 1..4;
chomp($line); # remove line ending
close $fh;
sub match_replace {
my ($line) = #_; # get argument(s) to sub
my $name;
if ( $line =~ /^\sName\s+(.*)$/ ) {
$name = $1;
print Data::Dumper->Dump([$line,$name],['line','name']); # debug
# ... do more here ...
The above code is explicitly looping over #ARGV and opening each file, and I did say above that more verbose code can be helpful in understanding what's going on. I just wanted to point out a nice feature of Perl, the "magic" <> operator (discussed in perlop under "I/O Operators"), which will automatically open the files in #ARGV and read lines from them. (There's just one small thing, if I want to use the $. variable and have it count the lines per file, I need to use the continue block I've shown below, this is explained in eof.) This would be a more "idiomatic" way of writing that first loop:
while (<>) { # reads line into $_
next if 1..4;
chomp; # automatically uses $_ variable
} continue { close ARGV if eof } # needed for $. (and range operator)

Need serious help optimizing script for memory use

[I've changed the code below to reflect what I'm currently running after having implemented people's suggestions]
Let me preface this by saying that I'm not a programmer, but just someone who uses Perl to get certain text processing things done the best I can.
I've got a script that produces frequency lists. It essentially does the following:
Reads in lines from a file having the format $frequency \t $item. Any given $item may occur multiple times, with different values for $frequency.
Eliminates certain lines depending on the content of $item.
Sums the frequencies of all identical $items, regardless of their case, and merges these entries into one.
Performs a reverse natural sort on the resulting array.
Prints the results to an output file.
The script works perfectly well on input files of up to about 1 GB in size. However, I have files of up to 6 GB that I need to process, and this has proven impossible due to memory use. Though my machine has 32 GB of RAM, uses zRam, and has 64 GB of swap on SSD just for this purpose, the script will inevitably be killed by the Linux OOM service when combined memory use hits something around 70 GB (of the 92 GB total).
The real issue, of course, is the vast amount of memory my script is using. I could try adding even more swap, but I've increased it twice now and it just gets eaten up.
So I need to somehow optimize the script. And that's what I'm here asking for help with.
Below is the actual version of the script that I'm running now, with some hopefully useful comments retained.
I'd be enormously grateful if your comments and suggestions contained enough code to actually allow me to more or less drop it in to the existing script, as I'm not a programmer by trade, as I said above, and even something so apparently simple as piping the text being processed through some module or another would throw me for a serious curve.
Thanks in advance!
(By the way, I'm using Perl 5.22.1 x64 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS x64.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use warnings qw(FATAL utf8);
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_auto_abbrev);
my $delimiter = "\t";
my $split_char = "\t";
my $input_file_name = "";
my $output_file_name = "";
my $in_basename = "";
my $frequency = 0;
my $item = "";
GetOptions (
"input|i=s" => \$input_file_name,
"output|o=s" => \$output_file_name,
if ( $input_file_name eq "" ) {
"\nERROR: You must provide the name of the file to be processed with the -i switch.\n";
if ( $output_file_name eq "" ) {
$in_basename = $input_file_name;
$in_basename =~ s/(.+)\.(.+)/$1/;
$output_file_name = "$in_basename.output.txt";
open( INPUTFILE, '<:encoding(utf8)', $input_file_name )
or die "\nERROR: Can't open input file ($input_file_name): $!";
print STDOUT "\nInput file:\t$input_file_name";
print STDOUT "\nOutput file:\t$output_file_name";
print STDOUT "\n\n";
my %F;
while (<INPUTFILE>) {
( $frequency, $item ) = split( /$split_char/, $_, 2 );
# Skip lines with empty or undefined content, or spaces only in $item
next if not defined $frequency or $frequency eq '' or not defined $item or $item =~ /^\s*$/;
$F{ lc($item) } += $frequency;
open( OUTPUTFILE, '>:encoding(utf8)', "$output_file_name" )
|| die "\nERROR: The output file \($output_file_name\) couldn't be opened for writing!\n";
foreach my $item ( keys %F ) {
print OUTPUTFILE $F{$item}, "\t", $item, "\n";
Below is some sample input from the source file. It's tab-separated, and the first column is $frequency, while all the rest together is $item.
2 útil volver a valdivia
8 útil volver la vista
1 útil válvula de escape
1 útil vía de escape
2 útil vía fax y
1 útil y a cabalidad
43 útil y a el
17 útil y a la
1 útil y a los
21 útil y a quien
1 útil y a raíz
2 útil y a uno
UPDATE In my tests a hash takes 2.5 times the memory that its data "alone" would take. However, the program size for me is consistently 3-4 times as large as its variables. This would turn 6.3Gb data file into a ~ 15Gb hash, for a ~ 60Gb program, just as reported in comments.
So 6.3Gb == 60Gb, so to say. This still improved the starting situation enough so to work for the current problem but is clearly not a solution. See the (updated) Another approach below for a way to run this processing without loading the whole hash.
There is nothing obvious to lead to an order-of-magnitude memory blowup. However, small errors and inefficiences can add up so let's first clean up. See other approaches at end.
Here is a simple re-write of the core of the program, to try first.
# ... set filenames, variables
open my $fh_in, '<:encoding(utf8)', $input_file_name
or die "\nERROR: Can't open input file ($input_file_name): $!";
my %F;
while (<$fh_in>) {
s/^\s*//; #/trim leading space
my ($frequency, $item) = split /$split_char/, $_, 2;
# Skip lines with empty or undefined content, or spaces only in $item
next if not defined $frequency or $frequency eq ''
or not defined $item or $item =~ /^\s*$/;
# ... increment counters and aggregates and add to hash
# (... any other processing?)
$F{ lc($item) } += $frequency;
close $fh_in;
# Sort and print to file
# (Or better write: "value key-length key" and sort later. See comments)
open my $fh_out, '>:encoding(utf8)', $output_file_name
or die "\nERROR: Can't open output file ($output_file_name\: $!";
foreach my $item ( sort {
$F{$b} <=> $F{$a} || length($b) <=> length($a) || $a cmp $b
} keys %F )
print $fh_out $F{$item}, "\t", $item, "\n";
close $fh_out;
A few comments, let me know if more is needed.
Always add $! to error-related prints, to see the actual error. See perlvar.
Use lexical filehandles (my $fh rather than IN), it's better.
If layers are specified in the three-argument open then layers set by open pragma are ignored, so there should be no need for use open ... (but it doesn't hurt either).
The sort here has to at least copy its input, and with multiple conditions more memory is needed.
That should take no more memory than 2-3 times the hash size. While initially I suspected a memory leak (or excessive data copying), by reducing the program to basics it was shown that the "normal" program size is the (likely) culprit. This can be tweaked by devising custom data structures and packing the data economically.
Of course, all this is fiddling if your files are going to grow larger and larger, as they tend to do.
Another approach is to write out the file unsorted and then sort using a separate program. That way you don't combine the possible memory swelling from processing with final sorting.
But even this pushes the limits, due to the greatly increased memory footprint as compared to data, since hash takes 2.5 times the data size and the whole program is yet 3-4 as large.
Then find an algorithm to write the data line-by-line to the output file. That is simple to do here since by the shown processing we only need to accumulate frequencies for each item
open my $fh_out, '>:encoding(utf8)', $output_file_name
or die "\nERROR: Can't open output file ($output_file_name\: $!";
my $cumulative_freq;
while (<$fh_in>) {
s/^\s*//; #/ leading only
my ($frequency, $item) = split /$split_char/, $_, 2;
# Skip lines with empty or undefined content, or spaces only in $item
next if not defined $frequency or $frequency eq ''
or not defined $item or $item =~ /^\s*$/;
$cumulative_freq += $frequency; # would-be hash value
# Add a sort criterion, $item's length, helpful for later sorting
say $fh_out $cumulative_freq, "\t", length $item, "\t", lc($item);
#say $fh_out $cumulative_freq, "\t", lc($item);
close $fh_out;
Now we can use the system's sort, which is optimized for very large files. Since we wrote a file with all sorting columns, value key-length key, run in a terminal
sort -nr -k1,1 -k2,2 output_file_name | cut -f1,3- > result
The command sorts numerically by the first and then by the second field (then it sorts by third itself) and reverses the order. This is piped into cut which pulls out the first and third fields from STDIN (with tab as default delimiter), what is the needed result.
A systemic solution is to use a database, and a very convenient one is DBD::SQLite.
I used Devel::Size to see memory used by variables.
Sorting input requires keeping all input in memory, so you can't do everything in a single process.
However, sorting can be factored: you can easily sort your input into sortable buckets, then process the buckets, and produce the correct output by combining the outputs in reversed-sorted bucket order. The frequency counting can be done per bucket as well.
So just keep the program you have, but add something around it:
partition your input into buckets, e.g. by the first character or the first two characters
run your program on each bucket
concatenate the output in the right order
Your maximum memory consumption will be slightly more than what your original program takes on the biggest bucket. So if your partitioning is well chosen, you can arbitrarily drive it down.
You can store the input buckets and per-bucket outputs to disk, but you can even connect the steps directly with pipes (creating a subprocess for each bucket processor) - this will create a lot of concurrent processes, so the OS will be paging like crazy, but if you're careful, it won't need to write to disk.
A drawback of this way of partitioning is that your buckets may end up being very uneven in size. An alternative is to use a partitioning scheme that is guaranteed to distribute the input equally (e.g. by putting every nth line of input into the nth bucket) but that makes combining the outputs more complex.

Which is best method to read or write a particular line in file in perl?

I am trying to read a last line of the file.
And There are many method available to read particular line of file.
$line=(reverse #array)[0];
second: ReadBackwards package
$bw = File::ReadBackwards->new( 'log_file' ) or
die "can't read 'log_file' $!" ;
$log_line = $bw->readline;
I want to know that In perl which is preferable method, whether using package
or stored whole file content into the variable .
Your title asks a different question than your body.
To read the last (or nth from last) line from an arbitrarily large file, absolutely do use File::ReadBackwards.
To read or write an arbitrary single line in a file, use Tie::File:
use Tie::File;
tie my #line, 'Tie::File', 'filename' or die "unable to open filename: $!";
print "line 123 is $line[123].";
$line[42] = 'abc';
print "line 42 is now abc.";
For large files, this will be significantly more expensive than File::ReadBackwards, because it will need to read through the entire file up to the line you want to modify (or through the entire file, if using a negative index, so if you are doing that, you are better off using File::ReadBackwards and then manually updating the file).
The thing is - there isn't a way that doesn't rely on reading the whole file. Files start at the beginning, and your process will have to seek all the way through.
This is the most expensive task your code will be doing, so it makes very little difference which approach you take.
So I'd go for a very simple:
my $last_line;
while ( my $line = <$filehandle> ) { $last_line = $line };
print $last_line,"\n";
This may look inefficient, but it's doing no more than the other things are - reading the whole file, and discarding everything but the final line.
If - as your question suggests - you're after a -specific- line - you can either use testing $. (current line number) or a regular expression and 'bail out' of the loop when a condition is met. Thus you don't read the whole file, which is marginally more efficient.
while ( my $line = <$filehandle> ) {
$last_line = $line;
last if $. >= 100; #bails out after we hit line 100.
last if m/END FILE/; #looks for 'END FILE' on the line, and bails out.
print $last_line,"\n";

How can I print a matching line, one line immediately above it and one line immediately below?

From a related question asked by Bi, I've learnt how to print a matching line together with the line immediately below it. The code looks really simple:
while ($line = <FH>) {
if ($line =~ /Pattern/) {
print "$line";
print scalar <FH>;
I then searched Google for a different code that can print matching lines with the lines immediately above them. The code that would partially suit my purpose is something like this:
open(FH, "FILE");
while ( <FH> ) {
$my_line = "$_";
if ("$my_line" =~ /Pattern/) {
foreach( #array ){
print "$_\n";
print "$my_line\n"
if ( "$#array" > "0" ) {
Problem is I still can't figure out how to do them together. Seems my brain is shutting down. Does anyone have any ideas?
Thanks for any help.
I think I'm sort of touched. You guys are so helpful! Perhaps a little Off-topic, but I really feel the impulse to say more.
I needed a Windows program capable of searching the contents of multiple files and of displaying the related information without having to separately open each file. I tried googling and two apps, Agent Ransack and Devas, have proved to be useful, but they display only the lines containing the matched query and I want aslo to peek at the adjacent lines. Then the idea of improvising a program popped into my head. Years ago I was impressed by a Perl script that could generate a Tomeraider format of Wikipedia so that I can handily search Wiki on my Lifedrive and I've also read somewhere on the net that Perl is easy to learn especially for some guy like me who has no experience in any programming language. Then I sort of started teaching myself Perl a couple of days ago. My first step was to learn how to do the same job as "Agent Ransack" does and it proved to be not so difficult using Perl. I first learnt how to search the contents of a single file and display the matching lines through the modification of an example used in the book titled "Perl by Example", but I was stuck there. I became totally clueless as how to deal with multiple files. No similar examples were found in the book or probably because I was too impatient. And then I tried googling again and was led here and I asked my first question "How can I search multiple files for a string pattern in Perl?" here and I must say this forum is bloody AWESOME ;). Then I looked at more example scripts and then I came up with the following code yesterday and it serves my original purpose quite well:
The codes goes like this:
chop ($query = <STDIN>);
$dir = 'f:/corpus/';
#files = <$dir/*>;
foreach $file (#files) {
open (txt, "$file");
while($line = <txt>) {
if ($line =~ /$query/i) {
print "$file \n $line";
print scalar <txt>;
In the folder "corpus", I have a lot of text files including srt pdf doc files that contain such contents as follows:
Then I dumped the body.
J'ai mis le corps dans une décharge.
I know you have a wire.
Je sais que tu as un micro.
Now I'll tell you the truth.
Alors je vais te dire la vérité.
Basically I just need to search an English phrase and look at the French equivalent, so the script I finished yesterday is quite satisfying except that it would to be better if my script can display the above line in case I want to search a French phrase and check the English. So I'm trying to improve the code. Actually I knew the "print scalar " is buggy, but it is neat and does the job of printing the subsequent line at least most of the time). I was even expecting ANOTHER SINGLE magic line that prints the previous line instead of the subsequent :) Perl seems to be fun. I think I will spend more time trying to get a better understanding of it. And as suggested by daotoad, I'll study the codes generously offered by you guys. Again thanks you guys!
It will probably be easier just to use grep for this as it allows printing of lines before and after a match. Use -B and -A to print context before and after the match respectively. See
Here's a modernized version of Pax's excellent answer:
use strict;
use warnings;
open( my $fh, '<', '')
or die "Error opening file - $!\n";
my $this_line = "";
my $do_next = 0;
while(<$fh>) {
my $last_line = $this_line;
$this_line = $_;
if ($this_line =~ /XXX/) {
print $last_line unless $do_next;
print $this_line;
$do_next = 1;
} else {
print $this_line if $do_next;
$last_line = "";
$do_next = 0;
close ($fh);
See Why is three-argument open calls with lexical filehandles a Perl best practice? for an discussion of the reasons for the most important changes.
Important changes:
3 argument open.
lexical filehandle
added strict and warnings pragmas.
variables declared with lexical scope.
Minor changes (issues of style and personal taste):
removed unneeded parens from post-fix if
converted an if-not contstruct into unless.
If you find this answer useful, be sure to up-vote Pax's original.
Given the following input file:
(1:first) Yes, this one.
(2) This one as well (XXX).
(3) And this one.
Not this one.
Not this one.
Not this one.
(4) Yes, this one.
(5) This one as well (XXX).
(6) AND this one as well (XXX).
(7:last) And this one.
Not this one.
this little snippet:
open(FH, "<");
$this_line = "";
$do_next = 0;
while(<FH>) {
$last_line = $this_line;
$this_line = $_;
if ($this_line =~ /XXX/) {
print $last_line if (!$do_next);
print $this_line;
$do_next = 1;
} else {
print $this_line if ($do_next);
$last_line = "";
$do_next = 0;
close (FH);
produces the following, which is what I think you were after:
(1:first) Yes, this one.
(2) This one as well (XXX).
(3) And this one.
(4) Yes, this one.
(5) This one as well (XXX).
(6) AND this one as well (XXX).
(7:last) And this one.
It basically works by remembering the last line read and, when it finds the pattern, it outputs it and the pattern line. Then it continues to output pattern lines plus one more (with the $do_next variable).
There's also a little bit of trickery in there to ensure no line is printed twice.
You always want to store the last line that you saw in case the next line has your pattern and you need to print it. Using an array like you did in the second code snippet is probably overkill.
my $last = "";
while (my $line = <FH>) {
if ($line =~ /Pattern/) {
print $last;
print $line;
print scalar <FH>; # next line
$last = $line;
grep -A 1 -B 1 "search line"
I am going to ignore the title of your question and focus on some of the code you posted because it is positively harmful to let this code stand without explaining what is wrong with it. You say:
code that can print matching lines with the lines immediately above them. The code that would partially suit my purpose is something like this
I am going to go through that code. First, you should always include
use strict;
use warnings;
in your scripts, especially since you are just learning Perl.
This is a pointless statement. With strict, you can declare #array using:
my #array;
Prefer the three-argument form of open unless there is a specific benefit in a particular situation to not using it. Use lexical filehandles because bareword filehandles are package global and can be the source of mysterious bugs. Finally, always check if open succeeded before proceeding. So, instead of:
open(FH, "FILE");
my $filename = 'something';
open my $fh, '<', $filename
or die "Cannot open '$filename': $!";
If you use autodie, you can get away with:
open my $fh, '<', 'something';
Moving on:
while ( <FH> ) {
$my_line = "$_";
First, read the FAQ (you should have done so before starting to write programs). See What's wrong with always quoting "$vars"?. Second, if you are going to assign the line that you just read to $my_line, you should do it in the while statement so you do not needlessly touch $_. Finally, you can be strict compliant without typing any more characters:
while ( my $line = <$fh> ) {
chomp $line;
Refer to the previous FAQ again.
if ("$my_line" =~ /Pattern/) {
Why interpolate $my_line once more?
foreach( #array ){
print "$_\n";
Either use an explicit loop variable or turn this into:
print "$_\n" for #array;
So, you interpolate $my_line again and add the newline that was removed by chomp earlier. There is no reason to do so:
print "$my_line\n"
And now we come to the line that motivated me to dissect the code you posted in the first place:
if ( "$#array" > "0" ) {
$#array is a number. 0 is a number. > is used to check if the number on the LHS is greater than the number on the RHS. Therefore, there is no need to convert both operands to strings.
Further, $#array is the last index of #array and its meaning depends on the value of $[. I cannot figure out what this statement is supposed to be checking.
Now, your original problem statement was
print matching lines with the lines immediately above them
The natural question, of course, is how many lines "immediately above" the match you want to print.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Readonly;
Readonly::Scalar my $KEEP_BEFORE => 4;
my $filename = $ARGV[0];
my $pattern = qr/$ARGV[1]/;
open my $input_fh, '<', $filename
or die "Cannot open '$filename': $!";
my #before;
while ( my $line = <$input_fh> ) {
$line = sprintf '%6d: %s', $., $line;
print #before, $line, "\n" if $line =~ $pattern;
push #before, $line;
shift #before if #before > $KEEP_BEFORE;
close $input_fh;
Command line grep is the quickest way to accomplish this, but if your goal is to learn some Perl then you'll need to produce some code.
Rather than providing code, as others have already done, I'll talk a bit about how to write your own. I hope this helps with the brain-lock.
Read my previous answer on how to write a program, it gives some tips about how to start working on your problem.
Go through each of the sample programs you have, as well as those offered here and comment out exactly what they do. Refer to the perldoc for each function and operator you don't understand. Your first example code has an error, if 2 lines in a row match, the line after the second match won't print. By error, I mean that either the code or the spec is wrong, the desired behavior in this case needs to be determined.
Write out what you want your program to do.
Start filling in the blanks with code.
Here's a sketch of a phase one write-up:
# This program reads a file and looks for lines that match a pattern.
# Open the file
# Iterate over the file
# For each line
# Check for a match
# If match print line before, line and next line.
But how do you get the next line and the previous line?
Here's where creative thinking comes in, there are many ways, all you need is one that works.
You could read in lines one at a time, but read ahead by one line.
You could read the whole file into memory and select previous and follow-on lines by indexing an array.
You could read the file and store the offset and length each line--keeping track of which ones match as you go. Then use your offset data to extract the required lines.
You could read in lines one at a time. Cache your previous line as you go. Use readline to read the next line for printing, but use seek and tell to rewind the handle so that the 'next' line can be checked for a match.
Any of these methods, and many more could be fleshed out into a functioning program. Depending on your goals, and constraints any one may be the best choice for that problem domain. Knowing how to select which one to use will come with experience. If you have time, try two or three different ways and see how they work out.
Good luck.
If you don't mind losing the ability to iterate over a filehandle, you could just slurp the file and iterate over the array:
use strict; # always do these
use warnings;
my $range = 1; # change this to print the first and last X lines
open my $fh, '<', 'FILE' or die "Error: $!";
my #file = <$fh>;
close $fh;
for (0 .. $#file) {
if($file[$_] =~ /Pattern/) {
my #lines = grep { $_ > 0 && $_ < $#file } $_ - $range .. $_ + $range;
print #file[#lines];
This might get horribly slow for large files, but is pretty easy to understand (in my opinion). Only when you know how it works can you set about trying to optimize it. If you have any questions about any of the functions or operations I used, just ask.