I m trying to calculate this equation for a small iphone app:
x = 120 x num^-1.123 x tr^-0.206 x [te] x [fe]
x equals 120 times num raised to the power of -1.123 times tr raised to the power of -0.206 times te times fe.
Where num, tr, te and fe are known numbers entered by the user.
How do I do that?
I m stuck in the negative decimal power of num and tr.
any help appreciated...
Foundation will include math functions, so all you have to do is use one of the
pow() functions to work with. Use pow() for working with doubles, powf()
for floats, or powl() for long doubles. Here's an example:
double num = 2.0;
double tr = 3.0;
double te = 4.0;
double fe = 5.0;
double x = 120.0 * pow(num, -1.123) * pow(tr, -0.206) * te * fe;
The iPhone SDK contains the standard C library functions (math.h) that you could use for these kind of math. Searching for math.h in your XCode documentation should show all the related functions (like pow for raising x to the power of y).
I want to calculate numbers in Matlab.
how can I show more than 15 significant digits for each entry in Matlab?
a = 1:10;
x = (773712524553590618513 + (a * 8864385670));
Using the vpa function in the Symbolic Math Toolbox more than 16 digits can be shown.
format long e
x = (773712524553590618513+(a*8864385670));
Edit: Any clarification between the implications of using syms against variable-point-precision (vpa) for a, 773712524553590618513 and 8864385670 in this case is much appreciated. Seems that using vpa() on each item would have some error propagation.
a = sym(1:10);
f = sym(773712524553590618513)+(a*sym(8864385670));
Significant_Digits = 32;
x = vpa(f,Significant_Digits)
I'm in the process of implementing Three Fish block cipher using MATLAB. At first, I implemented the algorithm on uint8 numbers to validate my code. Every thing was OK and the decryption was successful. But when I replaced the numbers to uint64 the plain text did not retrieved correctly.
I traced the rounds results again and over again to find the reason, but I couldn't find it so far. There is difference in the first four digits between encryption and decryption, that is, along the rounds x encrypted as 9824265115183455531, but it decrypts as 9824265115183455488.
I think the reason behind this difference is in the functions AddMod64 and SubMod64 to find arithmetic modulo 2 to the power 64. but really I could not fix it so far.
I know that
double(2^64) = 18446744073709552000
uint64(2^64) = 18446744073709551615 % z = ( x + y ) % 2^64
function z = AddMod64(x , y)
m = uint64(2^64);
z = double(mod(mod(double(x),m)+mod(double(y),m),m));
% z = (x - y ) % 2^64
function z = SubMod64(x , y)
m = uint64(2^64);
z = double(mod(mod(double(x),m) - mod(double(y),m),m));
double(2^64) is already the wrong result, the double type can hold only up to 2^52-1 as an integer without rounding.
Also, when you do uint64(2^64), the power is computed using double, giving the wrong result, which you then cast to uint64. And because the maximum value that a uint64 van hold is 2^64-1, that whole operation is wrong.
Use maxint instead:
m = maxint('uint64');
To do modulo addition in MATLAB is rather tricky, because MATLAB does saturated arithmetic with integers. You need to test for overflow before doing the computation.
if x > m - y
x = y - (m - x + 1);
x = x + y
i use scipy integrate.quad to calc cdf of normal distribution:
def nor(delta, mu, x):
return 1 / (math.sqrt(2 * math.pi) * delta) * np.exp(-np.square(x - mu) / (2 * np.square(delta)))
delta = 0.1
mu = 0
t = np.arange(4.0, 10.0, 1)
nor_int = lambda t: integrate.quad(lambda x: nor(delta, mu, x), -np.inf, t)
nor_int_vec = np.vectorize(nor_int)
s = nor_int_vec(t)
for i in zip(s[0],s[1]):
print i
while it print as follows:
(1.0000000000000002, 1.2506543424265854e-08)
(1.9563704110140217e-11, 3.5403445591955275e-11)
(1.0000000000001916, 1.2616577562700088e-08)
(1.0842532749783998e-34, 1.9621183122960244e-34)
(4.234531567162006e-09, 7.753407284370446e-09)
(1.0000000000001334, 1.757986959115912e-10)
for some x, it return a value approximate to zero, it should be return 1.
can somebody tell me what is wrong?
Same reason as in why does quad return both zeros when integrating a simple Gaussian pdf at a very small variance? but seeing as I can't mark it as a duplicate, here goes:
You are integrating a function with tight localization (at scale delta) over a very large (in fact infinite) interval. The integration routine can simply miss the part of the interval where the function is substantially different from 0, judging it to be 0 instead. Some guidance is required. The parameter points can be used to this effect (see the linked question) but since quad over an infinite interval does not support it, the interval has to be manually split, like so:
for t in range(4, 10):
int1 = integrate.quad(lambda x: nor(delta, mu, x), -np.inf, mu - 10*delta)[0]
int2 = integrate.quad(lambda x: nor(delta, mu, x), mu - 10*delta, t)[0]
print(int1 + int2)
This prints 1 or nearly 1 every time. I picked mu-10*delta as a point to split on, figuring most of the function lies to the right of it, no matter what mu and delta are.
Use np.sqrt etc; there is usually no reason for put math functions in NumPy code. The NumPy versions are available and are vectorized.
Applying np.vectorize to quad is not doing anything besides making the code longer and slightly harder to read. Use a normal Python loop or list comprehension. See NumPy vectorization with integration
I have implemented a sigmoid function as follows in Matlab.
function [y] = sig(x)
y = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-x));
When I give it a large input such as 100, the function rounds off my result and gives me a 1.
How can I get its accurate value? Is it possible or am I limited to a low range for the value of x.
If you want the difference between 1 and your sigmoid function, you could define a function with the simplified mathematical expression:
1 - 1/(1+exp(-x)) = (1+exp(-x))/(1+exp(-x)) - 1/(1+exp(-x)) = exp(-x) / (1+exp(-x))
function [y] = one_minus_sig(x)
y = exp(-x) / (1+exp(-x));
And then:
one_minus_sig(100) = 3.7200759760208356e-44
1.0000000000000... is accurate to about 44 digits so I'm not sure what the problem would be?
Edit: In an earlier version, I said 300 digits - for some reason I had used x=900 in that computation. Here are a few digits:
Computed using Maple.
I want to calculate the angle between 2 vectors V = [Vx Vy Vz] and B = [Bx By Bz].
is this formula correct?
VdotB = (Vx*Bx + Vy*By + Vz*Bz)
Angle = acosd (VdotB / norm(V)*norm(B))
and is there any other way to calculate it?
My question is not for normalizing the vectors or make it easier. I am asking about how to get the angle between this two vectors
Based on this link, this seems to be the most stable solution:
atan2(norm(cross(a,b)), dot(a,b))
There are a lot of options:
a1 = atan2(norm(cross(v1,v2)), dot(v1,v2))
a2 = acos(dot(v1, v2) / (norm(v1) * norm(v2)))
a3 = acos(dot(v1 / norm(v1), v2 / norm(v2)))
a4 = subspace(v1,v2)
All formulas from this mathworks thread. It is said that a3 is the most stable, but I don't know why.
For multiple vectors stored on the columns of a matrix, one can calculate the angles using this code:
% Calculate the angle between V (d,N) and v1 (d,1)
% d = dimensions. N = number of vectors
% atan2(norm(cross(V,v2)), dot(V,v2))
c = bsxfun(#cross,V,v2);
d = sum(bsxfun(#times,V,v2),1);%dot
angles = atan2(sqrt(sum(c.^2,1)),d)*180/pi;
The traditional approach to obtaining an angle between two vectors (i.e. arccos(dot(u, v) / (norm(u) * norm(v))), as presented in some of the other answers) suffers from numerical instability in several corner cases. The following code works for n-dimensions and in all corner cases (it doesn't check for zero length vectors, but that's easy to add). See notes below.
% Get angle between two vectors
function a = angle_btw(v1, v2)
% Returns true if the value of the sign of x is negative, otherwise false.
signbit = #(x) x < 0;
u1 = v1 / norm(v1);
u2 = v2 / norm(v2);
y = u1 - u2;
x = u1 + u2;
a0 = 2 * atan(norm(y) / norm(x));
if not(signbit(a0) || signbit(pi - a0))
a = a0;
elseif signbit(a0)
a = 0.0;
a = pi;
This code is adapted from a Julia implementation by Jeffrey Sarnoff (MIT license), in turn based on these notes by Prof. W. Kahan (page 15).
You can compute VdotB much faster and for vectors of arbitrary length using the dot operator, namely:
VdotB = sum(V(:).*B(:));
Additionally, as mentioned in the comments, matlab has the dot function to compute inner products directly.
Besides that, the formula is what it is so what you are doing is correct.
This function should return the angle in radians.
function [ alpharad ] = anglevec( veca, vecb )
% Calculate angle between two vectors
alpharad = acos(dot(veca, vecb) / sqrt( dot(veca, veca) * dot(vecb, vecb)));
anglevec([1 1 0],[0 1 0])/(2 * pi/360)
>> 45.00
The solution of Dennis Jaheruddin is excellent for 3D vectors, for higher dimensional vectors I would suggest to use:
This fixes numerical issues which could bring the argument of acos just above 1 or below -1. It is, however, still problematic when one of the vectors is a null-vector. This method also only requires 3*N+1 multiplications and 1 sqrt. It, however also requires 2 comparisons which the atan method does not need.