Facebook login button FBMXL not rendering links after appending - facebook

I have put a generic facebook login button on a site which has been working fine for the past couple of months. I open it up today, and it seems there is a problem with it appending links to the iframe.
<fb:login-button show-faces="true" width="200" max-rows="1"></fb:login-button>
Its a simple button as you can see, but I end up getting this in my code:
<span class="connect_widget_text"><a href="http://www.facebook.com/fname.lname" target="_blank">FName LName</a> is using Application.</span>
You can see that facebook is populating the span element with html entities for greater then and lesser then symbols. :( for what ever reason.
Has anyone had this problem and have they found a solution to it? I don't want to write a lot of code for this I just want to place and forget.

woke up this morning to the same issue: opening and closing tags after the connect_widget_text span are replaced with html entities.
Updated: same issue on Facebook's Developer Documentation page with an example of how to implement the fb:login-button plugin. http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/login/
Updated: Being tracked as bug at http://bugs.developers.facebook.net/show_bug.cgi?id=19300


Facebook Like Box is blank

I am using the iframe method to get the Facebook Like Box on my website.
The website is: http://motorcyclealley.co.nz (the Like Box should be showing down the bottom to the right of the YouTube video)
However, it is always blank.
Browsing to the iframe url in my browser: http://www.facebook.com/plugins/likebox.php?href=http://www.facebook.com/MotorcycleAlley&width=320&height=315&show_faces=false&colorscheme=light&stream=true&border_color&header=false&appId=397375460320824
Also produces a blank screen. The url was generated with the official generator. I am unable to figure out what is wrong because STRANGELY it works in the browser I originally did it on (Firefox 18.0.2 on Linux).
I have tried it on Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox/Windows and made sure that all adblocking extensions are disabled. I still get the blank screen.
Can anyone tell me whats going on?
EDIT: I should also mention that I have tried the HTML5 and FBML methods with the same result, they both worked on that ONE browser but not on any others
Ok, I just found out why. The Like Box doesnt show unless you're logged into Facebook in that browser (because it is set to have an age restriction). Apparently the following fixes it: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9310091/335227
I had the same problem.
I followed FB's instruction to add a FB like box in my web page:
<div class="fb-like"
But the block doesn't show like and share buttons, only white blank.
After some investigation I found it to be a bug of standard layout, if I set data-layout attribute to box_count, button_count or button, it works well.
My research

Facebook “Like Box” and JQuery

I'm attempting to add a FB "Like Box" to a website I'm developing. Not too familiar with Facebook apps, but so far I've gone the non-IFRAME route, using the FB SDK script include.
I'm fairly certain I've got almost everything setup correctly. In fact, I see the widget appear when I visit the page UNCACHED (i.e. in FF, I hit CTRL+SHIFT+R to reload all content to avoid loading from cache). Once I revisit the site, or move around within the site by clicking links, the content does not reappear.
I'm wondering if it's an issue with a) the channel.php file, or b) the apps interaction with my use of JQuery. The channel.php file is verbain what is provided by Facebook (using PHP's caching mechanism).
Here's the site currently: http://www.morningfatty.com/demo - It might be easier to list this rather than post several code snippets.
I went to your website and didn't see the like box. I checked the HTML code and it all appeared fine. The div looked like <div data-header="false" data-stream="false" data-border-color="#40ADAD" data-show-faces="true" data-colorscheme="light" data-width="192" data-href="http://www.facebook.com/morningfatty" class="fb-like-box"></div>
I went to https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like-box/ and tried your link http://www.facebook.com/morningfatty and lo-and-behold the like box didn't display there.
I tried going directly to http://www.facebook.com/morningfatty and it redirected me to http://www.facebook.com/MorningFatty. I noticed the change of case in the name. So I went back and tried http://www.facebook.com/MorningFatty in the like-box and it worked!!.
I believe that you page will work once you update the casing on the url. :)

fb-live-stream - Chat is empty after refresh

I'm trying to integrate the facebook live-stream in our page. It doesn't seem to be all that complicated and it kinda works (it posts to the wall and everything) but if I refresh the page with the live-stream in it, it always loads empty ("be the first to comment this").
I can't believe this is normal ...?
The app-id is the same as in the javascript and my meta data.
<div class="fb-live-stream" data-event-app-id="32343432234" data-width="720" data-height="600" data-via-url="http://bigair.tv/live" data-always-post-to-friends="false"></div>
Any hints??
Yea this is a bug. A fix should be out later today.

Facebook like button not working on recent wordpress blog posts

I have a facebook like button on each of my wordpress blog posts, this worked fine up until about 2 weeks ago, and now all recent blog posts don't have functioning like buttons.
This is the response I get when I click the like button (post link)
for (;;);{"__ar":1,"payload":{"requires_login":false,"success":false,"already_connected":false,"is_admin":false,"show_error":false,"error_info":null}}
and for the old blog posts that DO work (post link):
for (;;);{"__ar":1,"payload":{"requires_login":false,"error_info":null,"show_error":false,"node_type":"ExternalLink","node_id":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","edge_type":"ExternalLinkLike","connect_text":0,"success":true,"already_connected":true,"user_profile":{"name":"xxxxxxx","profile_url":"http:\/\/www.facebook.com\/xxxxxxx","pic_square":"http:\/\/profile.ak.fbcdn.net\/hprofile-ak-snc4\/xxxxxx_xxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxx_x.jpg"},"story_fbid":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","is_admin":false,"admin_url":""},"invalidate_cache":[0]}
I've tried replacing the like box code, removing the href attribute from the like box tag, running each link through Facebook URL Linter and none of this has worked!
I don't understand why it works for old blog posts and not new ones, there are no differences between them (that I know of).
This issue has nothing to do with your code. It is a FB issue I encounter on my websites as well. Did some research and came up with this:
this behavior is intermittent, may work on some pages, may fail on others
if you go on this page: http://developers.facebook.com/tools/lint/ and enter your url there, first time it will show up an error, afterwards the page will load. Hit some refreshes and afterwards the like button on your site (on the entered url) will suddenly start working... Very weird! I think it has something to do with FB crawler and (maybe) when accessing the lint tool you somehow force the crawler to recheck your page or something.
If anyone finds out something else, please share, the issue is really annoying...
Looking at the forums here:
It looks like several other developers are running into the same issue. Some posts there also brought up having to use the lint tool to get their like buttons to work. I've also gotten it to work on my site by just mashing the Like button until it eventually accepts it so like what hpuiu said, i'm pretty confident that this problem's on their end.
Edit: And maybe on a related note, another post said that FB stopped scraping their site until they used the lint tool on their page and another said that they seem to consistently get this issue for any new posts that're around for less than 24 hours.
You could try to add the Iframe version of the like box instead of their javascript version. Sometimes it actually works better when loading multiple post for example.
Facebook doesn't like the '/' at the end of the url. So you can use something like this to omit the '/' at the end of the url :
$title = get_permalink();
<fb:like href="<?php echo substr($title, 0, -1); ?>" layout="button_count" width="300" show_faces="false"></fb:like>

Why do I get a popup instead of an in-page modal dialog box when call requireSession or click on fb:login-button?

Update: The problem seems to have magically fixed itself, because I don't know what changed. If someone has an idea about how I accidentally fixed it, please post (I include myself :P).
I'm trying to use Facebook Connect on my site, but I'm having trouble with using requireSession or fb:login-button. Currently, when a user clicks the connect button, they get a popup window,but I really want to show an in-page modal. How do I do that? Currently, what I've got in pages is this HTML code:
<a href="#" onclick="FB.Connect.requireSession(on_session_ready); return false;">
Connect with Facebook
<img id="fb_login_image"
(I'm pretty sure it on_session_ready doesn't matter for problem, because it only gets called after fb connect gets a session.)
I've also tried using the fb:login-button XFBML tag, but I also get a popup window when I do that.
What am I doing wrong?
You are not doing anything wrong. Facebook is currently split-testing modal vs popup login boxes.
They will most likely settle on popups for security reasons. But in the meantime, you have no control over which type of dialog box your users see.
PS: This is well-covered on the Facebook Developer Forums.