how xmlwriter use with objective c? - iphone

I want to create xml file. I have three text fields and one button in my interface builder. In three text fields getting value from user. In this code i want to define event on button that is when click on button then all in formation of all three text fields save in xml file. Now i want to write/save these values in xml file in which i have define attributes like name of person , email and phone number. I have no idea about xml file so tell how i do that? For that what i will do in xml file? How set code for these event in xcode?

firstly u learn how to use xml in objective C.
and use Tbxml
download the tbxml.Zip and learn this project ...and implement


using json parser how to access the tableview cell and display corresponding PDF Files

Hi i am developing one application using UITableview. My requirment is to click the tableview cell to navigate detailview controller and display corresponding PDF File.
I have completed UITableview coding. My requirement is using json parser to access the corresponding PDF URLS to display the data.
so plz any body help how to develop the code using json parser to display corresponding tableviewcell pdf file. Send me any sample code.
Thanks in advance.
You Must Do Following Steps
Study About JSON Parser and Store Values to Corresponding Arrays.
Using This Array Values and Fill the Tableview Cells.
Then click the DidSelectRow you can get corresponding Array value using IndexPath.row, then Pass values to Another View controller.
The PDF viewConroller You can display PDF in the WebView.
Here is an interesting tutorial by Ray which explains well about json and how to use in application

how to save/retrieve data image/text into android xml file

I am building one feature of a fishing app.I will need to store picture and description of species of fish found in various lakes of my state. I will display a list view of those species and allow the user to choose which one to display. What is the best option to store and retrieve the data (species picture and description) I understand I can use a xml strings. How can I setup my xml string to do this?
If I understood your question correctly, you need:
-a ListView showing species,
onClick: show new View with details of the selected species with photo.
And all this, from an XML?
If you're using a local XML file inserted in the assets you can use a Parser to Parse the data from the XML to Objects.
Then in the activity, you create a listview using the species objects.
Add an OnItemClickListener to the listview to determine who is clicked.
show a new view with the details of the selected species.
If you want extra information, ask ahead :) I hope this was helpful

Using TabBar and separating XML data by category in iPhone?

I want to use TabBar and I'm going to use many different TableView.
What I want to do is, as soon as the main application instance is created,
* a big XML file should be loaded
* Create TableView instance for each category(which includes array to save XML data)
* Loop through XML data and add one by one to proper TableView's array
So after this process, all TableView instance have an array which contains XML data only belongs to its category.
But I can not find where to do this since I'm using TabView template from IB.
Should I do all that programmatically??
You have to make use for NSXMLParser for parsing the XML data and store te parsed data in a NSMutableArray. Alternatively you can also use touchXML. Check this
link for more details about touchXML. Hope this helps.

How to get rid of "Click here to enter text" for literal content control with xml generated from serializer

This issue occurs when you have your content control mapped to xml that doesnt have closing tag. For eg. if the xml is and is mapped to literal control than on mapping the text displayed on word document(enable editing or printing) with be something like this
Click here to enter text even if you have removed the text when you create the content control. But if i change xml to than it works fine and i dont see any default text.
So the problem is that i have around 50-60 fields in the object that is serialized using xml serializer than by default it serializes to . So for entire document all the empty xml tags have default text displayed in word document.
Is this a known issue or am i missing something on my end? Is there a way is tweak generated xml to explicitly have closing tag?
This is very easy to recreate. I am using xml sdk v 2.0 and word 2010.
Edit Note:
I am still facing this issue. When the custom xml has than it displays the text "Click here to enter text." If i have xml than it works fine. The problem is i have override xml that will force to generate the end tags. But when i parse within xml document it again converts it to self closing tags.
Is there a way to look through the empty content controls and remove it from the document using sdk 2.0?

ASP.NET MVC2 - Determine which type of template is being rendered

Instead of using DisplayFor and EditorFor, I would like to create a more generic ContentFor. In that Html extension it would take into account Metadata values to determine how to render the resulting control. The only piece of the puzzle I am not am to determine is this: Is there a way to determine if I am currently rendering a DisplayTemplate or an EditorTemplate. As a real-world example of this, when rendering a string, for the display version I would like to render it as a , but when rendering the editor version, I would want to render it as a text box.
To better explain, let's say I have two templates called Address.ascx, one in the DisplayTemplates directory and one in the EditorTemplates directory. I would like both of them to use ContentFor to render, but in the display version it renders as a label and in the editor version it renders as a textbox.
Using two ASCX files to call a single file control (which is doable, just do another RenderPartial or DisplayFor/LabelFor) doesn't make sense to me. It breaks the "seperation of concerns". Label displays labels, and Display displays values, it doesn't make sense for a control to try and figure out what way you want it to display.
If you want a use a custom display or label for a property, use the UIHint data Annotation.
Then in the DisplayTemplates and EditorTempaltes create a "MyCustomControlName.ascx" file to display that property however you want. Additionally, the ascx controls can read custom Model Metadata and do whatever it is you need done. Example at