I have a collection structured thusly:
_id: 1,
score: [
foo: 'a',
bar: 0,
user: {user1: 0, user2: 7}
I need to find all documents that have at least one 'score' (element in score array) that has a certain value of 'bar' and a non-empty 'user' sub-document.
This is what I came up with (and it seemed like it should work):
db.col.find({score: {"$elemMatch": {bar:0, user: {"$not":{}} }}})
But, I get this error:
error: { "$err" : "$not cannot be empty", "code" : 13030 }
Any other way to do this?
Figured it out: { 'score.user': { "$gt": {} } } will match non-empty docs.
I'm not sure I quite understand your schema, but perhaps the most straight forward way would be to not have an "empty" value for score.user ?
Instead purposely not have that field in your document if it has no content?
Then your query could be something like ...
> db.test.find({ "score" : { "$elemMatch" : { bar : 0, "user" : {"$exists": true }}}})
i.e. looking for a value in score.bar that you want (0 in this case) checking for the mear existence ($exists, see docs) of score.user (and if it has a value, then it'll exist?)
editied: oops I missed the $elemMatch you had ...
You probably want to add an auxiliary array that keeps track of the users in the user document:
_id: 1,
score: [
foo: 'a',
bar: 0,
users: ["user1", "user2"],
user: {user1: 0, user2: 7}
Then you can add new users atomically:
> db.test.update({_id: 1, score: { $elemMatch: {bar: 0}}},
... {$set: {'score.$.user.user3': 10}, $addToSet: {'score.$.users': "user3"}})
Remove users:
> db.test.update({_id: 1, score: { $elemMatch: {bar: 0}}},
... {$unset: {'score.$.user.user3': 1}, $pop: {'score.$.users': "user3"}})
Query scores:
> db.test.find({_id: 1, score: {$elemMatch: {bar: 0, users: {$not: {$size: 0}}}}})
If you know you'll only be adding non-existent users and removing existent users from the user document, you can simplify users to a counter instead of an array, but the above is more resilient.
Look at the $size operator for checking array sizes.
$group: {
_id: '$_id',
tasks: {
$addToSet: {
$cond: {
if: {
$eq: [
$ifNull: ['$tasks.id', ''],
then: '$$REMOVE',
else: {
id: '$tasks.id',
description: '$tasks.description',
assignee: {
$cond: {
if: {
$eq: [
$ifNull: ['$tasks.assignee._id', ''],
then: undefined,
else: {
id: '$tasks.assignee._id',
name: '$tasks.assignee.name',
I have an array of documents like this:
_id: ObjectId("63845afd1f4ec22ab0d11db9"),
ticker: 'ABCD',
aggregates: [
{ date: '2022-05-20' },
{ date: '2022-05-20' },
{ date: '2022-05-20' }
How may I create an unique index on aggregates.date, so user may not push a duplicate date into array aggregates.
My existing aggregates are as follows:
{ v: 2, key: { _id: 1 }, name: '_id_' },
{ v: 2, key: { ticker: 1 }, name: 'ticker_1', unique: true },
v: 2,
key: { 'aggregates.date': 1 },
name: 'aggregates.date_1',
unique: true
Unique index ensure no duplicates across documents , but do not enforce uniqness for objects in array in same collection document.
But you have few other options here:
1. Do not use $push , but use $addToSet instead to add unique objects inside aggregates array of objects:
"$addToSet": {
"aggregates": {
date: "2022-05-20"
note: $addToSet
only ensures that there are no duplicate items added to the set and does not affect existing duplicate elements.
2. You can configure schema validation:
> db.runCommand({collMod:"aggregates_1_day", validator: {$expr:{$eq:[{$size:"$aggregates.date"},{$size:{$setUnion:"$aggregates.date"}}]}}})
> db.aggregates_1_day.insert({aggregates:[{date:1}]}) /* success */
> db.aggregates_1_day.update({},{ '$push' : { 'aggregates':{date:1}}})
"nMatched" : 0,
"nUpserted" : 0,
"nModified" : 0,
"writeError" : {
"code" : 121,
"errmsg" : "Document failed validation"
more details in the mongoDB ticket
Note: In this approach you will need to clean the duplicates in advance otherways the validation will not allow to $push new objects at all.
In case you dont like it you can remove validation with:
collMod: "aggregates_1_day",
validator: {},
validationLevel: "off"
3. You can use update/aggregation as follow:
$set: {
aggregates: {
$cond: [
$in: [
$concatArrays: [
date: "2022-02-02"
Add the object to the array only if do not exist in the array of objects.
I have a collection of documents with an embedded array:
name: 'doc1',
events: []
name: 'doc1',
events: [{eventName: 'e1', times: 10}, {eventName: 'e2', times: 1}]
How can I add an event to the embedded array and increment the 'times' value? I don't want to have a duplicate event name in the events array.
I changed my model to make queries simpler. instead of
events: [{eventName: 'e1', times: 10}, {eventName: 'e2', times: 1}]
the model is:
events: { e1: 10, e2: 1}
Now it's much easier to update documents with a simple query. However still curious if anyone comes up with a simple and readable query without changing the data model.
.events.updateOne({name: 'doc1'}, { $inc: {events.e1: 1}});
Try this one:
var newEvent = "e2"
$set: {
events: {
$cond: {
if: { $in: [newEvent, "$events.eventName"] },
then: {
$map: {
input: "$events",
as: "event",
in: { $mergeObjects: ["$$event", { times: { $add: ["$$event.times", 1] } }] }
else: { $concatArrays: ["$events", [{ eventName: newEvent, "times": 0 }]] },
I am quite new to MongoDB. Hopefully I am using the correct terminology to express my problem.
I have the following collection:
Data collection
"data":"11/6/2013 12AM",
"cost": 0.5
"data":"11/6/2013 2AM",
"cost": 1.5
I want to query the collection such that if a volumeId matches with another entries resourceId, then sum up the corresponding resourceId's cost together.
As a result, the cost would be 2.0 in this case.
Basically I want to match the volumeId of one entry to the resourceId of another entry and sum the costs if matched.
I hope I have explained my problem properly. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
Try this aggregation query:
$project: {
resourceId: 1,
volumeId: 1,
cost: 1,
match: {
$cond: [
{$eq: ["$volumeId", ""]},
$group: {
_id: '$match',
cost: {$sum: '$cost'},
resId: {
$addToSet: {
$cond: [
{$eq: ['$match', '$resourceId']},
{$unwind: '$resId'},
{$match: {
resId: {
$ne: null
$project: {
resourseId: '$resId',
cost: 1,
_id: 0
And you will get the following:
{ "cost" : 2, "resourseId" : "i-1234" }
This is assuming the statement I wrote in the comment is true.
I have a users collection which has a location field with type String. I want to pass a score field along the document which shows whether the document's location is similar to the text "Austin". For instance the recorded location is Austin, Texas, I want it to be matched with Austin. I thought it would be possible to use $regex for this.
I wrote this aggregation:
$project: {
score: {
if: {
$regex: {'$location': /Austin/}
then: 1,
else: 0
location: 1,
firstName: 1,
lastName: 1
But what I get is :
"name": "MongoError",
"errmsg": "exception: invalid operator '$regex'",
"code": 15999,
"ok": 0
I know this is an old question but since version 4.2 you can use $regexMatch.
You can use this stage:
$project: {
score: {
$cond: {
if: {
$regexMatch: {
input: "$location",
regex: "Austin"
then: 1,
else: 0
location: 1,
firstName: 1,
lastName: 1
Example here
My problem is: I have a structure similar to this:
id: 1,
participants: [
{ name: "joe", status: 0 },
{ name: "james", status: 2}
content: "mongomongo"
id: 2,
participants: [
{ name: "joe", status: 1 },
{ name: "jordan", status: 3}
content: "dongodongo"
What I want to do is run a query with almost the same effect as this:
db.find({ '_id': { $in: someArray}}, { participants: {$elemMatch: {'name': someName }}}
I would specify an array of object IDs for the $in, and then I would provide an username. What happens is that it would give me back both objects, but the participants array only has the entry that the $elemMatch found:
id: 1,
participants: [
{ name: "joe", status: 0 }
id: 2,
participants: [
{ name: "joe", status: 1 }
This is what I want, but the part that I DON'T want is that it leaves out other fields (namely content). How can I adjust the query so it that still returns one field in the participants array, but also returns the other fields such as content?
Thank you in advance!
Actually found the solution to my question. Just had to tweak the original query I used. I had confused the projection field and the options field since I was using Mongoose to manage mongodb interactions.
Here's the query that works:
db.find({ '_id': { $in: someArray}}, { participants: {$elemMatch: {'name': someName }}, content: 1, [anything] : 1});
I misunderstood the original post and example. If the only other field you are worried about returning is 'content', then you could add it to the projection argument like so:
'_id': {
$in: someArray
'participants': {
$elemMatch: {
'name': someName
'content' : 1
Hope this helps!