I need to define a recursive function with no easily measurable argument. I keep a list of used arguments to ensure that each one is used at most once, and the input space is finite.
Using a measure (inpspacesize - (length l)) works mostly, but I get stuck in one case. It seems I'm missing the information that previous layers of l have been constructed correctly, i. e. there are no duplicates and all entries are really from the input space.
Now I'm searching for a list replacement that does what I need.
Edit I've reduced this to the following now:
I have nats smaller than a given max and need to ensure that the function is called at most once for every number. I've come up with the following:
(* the condition imposed *)
Inductive limited_unique_list (max : nat) : list nat -> Prop :=
| LUNil : limited_unique_list max nil
| LUCons : forall x xs, limited_unique_list max xs
-> x <= max
-> ~ (In x xs)
-> limited_unique_list max (x :: xs).
(* same as function *)
Fixpoint is_lulist (max : nat) (xs0 : list nat) : bool :=
match xs0 with
| nil => true
| (x::xs) => if (existsb (beq_nat x) xs) || negb (leb x max)
then false
else is_lulist max xs
(* really equivalent *)
Theorem is_lulist_iff_limited_unique_list : forall (max:nat) (xs0 : list nat),
true = is_lulist max xs0 <-> limited_unique_list max xs0.
Proof. ... Qed.
(* used in the recursive function's step *)
Definition lucons {max : nat} (x : nat) (xs : list nat) : option (list nat) :=
if is_lulist max (x::xs)
then Some (x :: xs)
else None.
(* equivalent to constructor *)
Theorem lucons_iff_LUCons : forall max x xs, limited_unique_list max xs ->
(#lucons max x xs = Some (x :: xs) <-> limited_unique_list max (x::xs)).
Proof. ... Qed.
(* unfolding one step *)
Theorem lucons_step : forall max x xs v, #lucons max x xs = v ->
(v = Some (x :: xs) /\ x <= max /\ ~ (In x xs)) \/ (v = None).
Proof. ... Qed.
(* upper limit *)
Theorem lucons_toobig : forall max x xs, max < x
-> ~ limited_unique_list max (x::xs).
Proof. ... Qed.
(* for induction: increasing max is ok *)
Theorem limited_unique_list_increasemax : forall max xs,
limited_unique_list max xs -> limited_unique_list (S max) xs.
Proof. ... Qed.
I keep getting stuck when trying to prove inductively that I cannot insert an element into the full list (either the IH comes out unusable or I can't find the information I need). As I think this non-insertability is crucial for showing termination, I've still not found a working solution.
Any suggestions on how to prove this differently, or on restructuring the above?
Hard to say much without more details (please elaborate!), but:
Are you using the Program command? It's certainly very helpful for defining functions with non-trivial measures.
For uniqueness wouldn't it work if you tried sets? I remember writing ones a function that sounds very much like what you are saying: I had a function for which an argument contained a set of items. This set of items was growing monotonously and was limited to a finite space of items, giving the termination argument.
Going through Separation Logic Foundations and I'm stuck on the exercise triple_mlength in Repr.v. I think my current problem is that I don't know how to handle ints and nats in Coq.
Lemma triple_mlength: forall (L: list val) (p:loc),
triple (mlength p)
(MList L p)
(fun r => \[r = val_int (length L)] \* (MList L p))
Check (fun L => val_int (length L)) doesn't throw an error, so that means length is capable of being an int. However, length is opaque and I can't unfold it.
My current context and goal:
x : val
p : loc
C : p <> null
x0 : loc
H : p <> null
xs : list val
IH : forall y : list val,
list_sub y (x :: xs) ->
forall p, triple (mlength p)
(MList y p)
(fun r:val => \[r = length y] \* MList y p)
length xs + 1 = length (x :: xs)
Unsetting print notation the goal transforms into:
eq (Z.add (length xs) (Zpos xH)) (length (cons x xs))
which I think is trying to add (1:Z) to (length xs: nat), then compare it to (length (cons x xs) : nat)
Inductive nat : Set := O : nat
| S : nat -> nat
Inductive Z : Set := Z0 : int
| Zpos : positive -> int
| Zneg : positive -> int
list: forall A, list A -> nat
length: forall A, list A -> nat
val_int: int -> val
Coq version is 8.12.2
There is a coercion nat_to_Z : nat -> int in scope that is converting length xs : nat and length (x :: xs) : nat to ints. This is separate from the notation mechanism and thus you don't see it when you only ask Coq to show notations. However, it is there and you need to handle it in your proofs. There are a bunch of lemmas floating around that prove equivalence between nat operations and Z/int operations.
Having loaded your file and looked around a bit (Search is your friend!), it appears the reason you cannot simplify length (x :: xs) = S (length xs) is because there is a lemma length_cons which gives length (x :: xs) = (1 + length xs)%nat, instead. I suppose the authors of this book thought that would be a good idea for some reason, so they disabled the usual simplification. Do note that "normally" length is transparent and simpl would work on this goal.
After using length_cons, you can use plus_nat_eq_plus_int to push the coercion down under the +, and then Z.add_comm finishes. This line should satisfy the goal.
now rewrite length_cons, plus_nat_eq_plus_int, Z.add_comm.
Theorem rev_cons :
forall X x (l : list X),
x :: l = rev (x :: l) -> l = rev l.
This is just so intuitive to me that it blows my mind that I can't make any headway on it. I start off with an induction on l, solve the base case using reflexivity and immediately get stuck on the other.
What exactly am I missing here?
I don't think it's true. Case in point:
Require Import List.
Axiom rev_cons :
forall X x (l : list X),
x :: l = rev (x :: l) -> l = rev l.
Theorem argh : False.
assert (H := rev_cons _ 1 (2 :: 1 :: nil) eq_refl).
inversion H.
We have a function that inserts an element into a specific index of a list.
Fixpoint inject_into {A} (x : A) (l : list A) (n : nat) : option (list A) :=
match n, l with
| 0, _ => Some (x :: l)
| S k, [] => None
| S k, h :: t => let kwa := inject_into x t k
in match kwa with
| None => None
| Some l' => Some (h :: l')
The following property of the aforementioned function is of relevance to the problem (proof omitted, straightforward induction on l with n not being fixed):
Theorem inject_correct_index : forall A x (l : list A) n,
n <= length l -> exists l', inject_into x l n = Some l'.
And we have a computational definition of permutations, with iota k being a list of nats [0...k]:
Fixpoint permute {A} (l : list A) : list (list A) :=
match l with
| [] => [[]]
| h :: t => flat_map (
fun x => map (
fun y => match inject_into h x y with
| None => []
| Some permutations => permutations
) (iota (length t))) (permute t)
The theorem we're trying to prove:
Theorem num_permutations : forall A (l : list A) k,
length l = k -> length (permute l) = factorial k.
By induction on l we can (eventually) get to following goal: length (permute (a :: l)) = S (length l) * length (permute l). If we now simply cbn, the resulting goal is stated as follows:
(fun x : list A =>
(fun y : nat =>
match inject_into a x y with
| Some permutations => permutations
| None => []
end) (iota (length l))) (permute l)) =
length (permute l) + length l * length (permute l)
Here I would like to proceed by destruct (inject_into a x y), which is impossible considering x and y are lambda arguments. Please note that we will never get the None branch as a result of the lemma inject_correct_index.
How does one proceed from this proof state? (Please do note that I am not trying to simply complete the proof of the theorem, that's completely irrelevant.)
There is a way to rewrite under binders: the setoid_rewrite tactic (see ยง27.3.1 of the Coq Reference manual).
However, direct rewriting under lambdas is not possible without assuming an axiom as powerful as the axiom of functional extensionality (functional_extensionality).
Otherwise, we could have proved:
(* classical example *)
Goal (fun n => n + 0) = (fun n => n).
Fail setoid_rewrite <- plus_n_O.
See here for more detail.
Nevertheless, if you are willing to accept such axiom, then you can use the approach described by Matthieu Sozeau in this Coq Club post to rewrite under lambdas like so:
Require Import Coq.Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
Require Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid.
Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
Generalizable All Variables.
Instance pointwise_eq_ext {A B : Type} `(sb : subrelation B RB eq)
: subrelation (pointwise_relation A RB) eq.
Proof. intros f g Hfg. apply functional_extensionality. intro x; apply sb, (Hfg x). Qed.
Goal (fun n => n + 0) = (fun n => n).
setoid_rewrite <- plus_n_O.
I've began learning Coq, and am trying to prove something that seems fairly simple: if a list contains x, then the number of instances of x in that list will be > 0.
I've defined the contains and count functions as follows:
Fixpoint contains (n: nat) (l: list nat) : Prop :=
match l with
| nil => False
| h :: t => if beq_nat h n then True else contains n t
Fixpoint count (n acc: nat) (l: list nat) : nat :=
match l with
| nil => acc
| h :: t => if beq_nat h n then count n (acc + 1) t else count n acc t
I'm trying to prove:
Lemma contains_count_ge1 : forall (n: nat) (l: list nat), contains n l -> (count n 0 l > 0).
I understand the proof will involve unfolding the definitions of count and contains, but then I'd like to say "the list cannot be nil, as contains is true, so there must be an element x in l such that beq_nat h x is true", and I've played around a bit but can't figure out how to use tactics to do this. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
ejgallego already gave a great solution to your problem in his answer. I would still like to single out an important point that he left out: in Coq, you must always argue from first principles, and be very pedantic and precise about your proofs.
You argued that the proof should proceed as follows:
The list cannot be nil, as contains is true, so there must be an element x in l such that beq_nat h x is true.
Even though this makes intuitive sense for humans, it is not precise enough for Coq to understand. The problem, as ejgallego's answer shows, is that your informal reasoning conceals a use of induction. Indeed, it is useful to try to expand out your argument in more details even before translating it into tactics. We could proceed like this, for instance:
Let us prove that, for every n : nat and ns : list nat, contains n ns implies count n 0 ns > 0. We proceed by induction on the list ns. If ns = nil, the definition of contains implies that False holds; a contradiction. We are thus left with the case ns = n' :: ns', where we can use the following induction hypothesis: contains n ns' -> count n 0 ns' > 0. There are two sub-cases to consider: whether beq_nat n n' is true or not.
If beq_nat n n' is true, by the definition of count, we see that we just have to show that count n (0 + 1) ns' > 0. Note there isn't a direct way to proceed here. This is because you wrote count tail-recursively, using an accumulator. While this is perfectly reasonable in functional programming, it can making proving properties about count more difficult. In this case, we would need the following auxiliary lemma, also proved by induction: forall n acc ns, count n acc ns = acc + count n 0 ns. I'll let you figure out how to prove this one. But assuming that we have already established it, the goal would reduce to showing that 1 + count n 0 ns' > 0. This is true by simple arithmetic. (There is an even simpler way that does not require an auxiliary lemma, but it would require slightly generalizing the statement you're proving.)
If beq_nat n n' is false, by the definitions of contains and count, we would need to show that contains n ns' implies count n 0 ns' > 0. This is exactly what the induction hypothesis gives us, and we are done.
There are two lessons to be learned here. The first one is that doing formal proofs often requires translating your intuition in formal terms that the system can understand. We know intuitively what it means to have some element occur inside of a list. But if we were to explain what that means more formally, we would resort to some kind of recursive traversal of the list, which would probably turn out to be the very definition of count that you wrote in Coq. And in order to reason about recursion, we need induction. The second lesson is that the way you define things in Coq has important consequences for the proofs you write. ejgallego's solution did not require any auxiliary lemmas beyond those in the standard library, precisely because his definition of count was not tail-recursive.
Well, you pose many questions about basic Coq beyond what is IMO possible to address here. For this particular problem, I would proceed this way (in reality I would use the already provided lemmas in MathComp):
From Coq Require Import PeanoNat Bool List.
Fixpoint contains (n: nat) (l: list nat) : bool :=
match l with
| nil => false
| h :: t => if Nat.eqb h n then true else contains n t
Fixpoint count (n : nat) (l: list nat) : nat :=
match l with
| nil => 0
| h :: t => if Nat.eqb h n then S (count n t) else count n t
Lemma contains_count_ge1 n l : contains n l = true -> count n l > 0.
induction l as [|x l IHl]; simpl; [now congruence|].
now destruct (Nat.eqb_spec x n); auto with arith.
My "standard" solution:
Lemma test n (l : list nat) : n \in l -> 0 < count_mem n l.
Proof. by rewrite lt0n => /count_memPn/eqP. Qed.
and different definitions of count and contains that may prove useful:
Fixpoint contains (n: nat) (l: list nat) : bool :=
match l with
| nil => false
| h :: t => Nat.eqb h n || contains n t
Fixpoint count (n : nat) (l: list nat) : nat :=
match l with
| nil => 0
| h :: t => Nat.b2n (Nat.eqb h n) + (count n t)
Using Coq 8.4pl3, I'm getting an error on induction with the eqn: variant that is not listed under induction in the reference manual.
(* Export below requires Software Foundations 4.0. *)
Require Export Logic.
Inductive disjoint (X : Type) (l1 l2 : list X) : Prop :=
| nil1 : l1 = [] -> disjoint X l1 l2
| nil2 : l2 = [] -> disjoint X l1 l2
| bothCons : forall x:X,
In x l1 ->
not (In x l2) ->
disjoint X l1 l2.
Fixpoint head (X : Type) (l : list X) : option X :=
match l with
| [] => None
| h :: t => Some h
Fixpoint tail (X : Type) (l : list X) : list X :=
match l with
| [] => []
| h :: t => t
Inductive NoDup (X : Type) (l : list X) : Prop :=
| ndNil : l = [] -> NoDup X l
| ndSingle : forall x:X, l = [x] -> NoDup X l
| ndCons : forall x:X, head X l = Some x ->
not (In x (tail X l)) /\ NoDup X (tail X l) ->
NoDup X l.
Theorem disjoint__app_NoDup :
forall (X : Type) (l1 l2 : list X),
disjoint X l1 l2 /\ NoDup X l1 /\ NoDup X l2 ->
NoDup X (l1 ++ l2).
intros. induction H eqn:caseEqn.
If I substitute just plain "induction H" for the last step, I get no error, but with the above eqn: argument, I get the error:
Error: a is used in conclusion.
(Previously there was a condition missing in the theorem statement, and the same error listed an identifier d instead.)
Ref manual lists "is used in conclusion" as an error from use of assert. It makes some kind of sense that behind the scenes, eqn: might be generating assertions, but I have no identifier a visible in the context, and I can't see what Coq is trying to automatically do with it.
Tried replacing beginning of the proof with
intros. remember H. induction H.
Now the attempt to do induction gives the same error as before, only with H instead of a. (When the theorem was missing the additional condition, Coq also explicitly added a d to the context, identical to the hypothesis H.)
How can I move forward here? I'm trying to avoid losing information from the context.
This is a minor bug; I've reported it. However, the thing you are trying to do here is not particularly sensible. Note that you are invoking induction on a conjunction (/\), and asking Coq to leave you an equation that says that the original hypothesis is equal to the conjunction of the two generated proofs. There are two issues here:
Your hypothesis is not used in a dependent fashion anywhere, so you don't need to remember it.
Your hypothesis is not recursive, so you could just as well do destruct H rather than induction H.
As for the error message, it becomes a bit more clear if you note that replacing /\ with * makes induction H eqn:caseEqn go through, and breaks your hypothesis apart into two parts named a and b. The actual issue is that the proof term constructed by induction H eqn:... is ill-typed when H's type is a Prop, because you cannot eliminate Props to get information. I suspect that the code simply tries to do something with the a that it creates in a particular way, and assumes that any failure to do that must be because a is used in the conclusion, rather than because the proof term it was creating was ill-formed.