I have set up my reportsmanager page with two accounts to have access using the "folder settings" security role assignment page. I added two accounts, lets call them "user" and "reportuser". "user" is a content manager role. "reportuser" is a browser role.
Likewise under "Site settings" I set up my "user" as the system administrator and the "reportsuser" as system user.
When I launch the reportsmanager page locally while logged in as "user" then I can access the site correctly as I expect.
When I try to access reportsmanager while logged in as "reportsuser" then it tells me RSAccessDenied. "user" is a member of Administrators. "reportsuser" is a normal user.
Even though my "reportsuser" was set up as a site browser and a site settings config of system user I had to still launch IE as administrator (or completely disable UAC) to get my reportsuser able to view the page without an error. If I turned off UAC then this wasn't an issue but I have to leave UAC on. If you hit the reports manager page from XP it acts as normal. Stupid UAC.
Good day to you all!
Guys tell me what I can not find, in short, there is a domain theme - right-click on the account = change password, check the box: The user must change the password... Type a temporary password for example 123456
Ideally and on many DC machines with mstsc or other client, type in the address of the RDS machine, 1. A logon window appears and then you are asked to enter your login and password, we enter our login and password 123456, then in the same logon it asks you to change your password... This is configured in the GPO and so on, but here's the thing, there are controllers or PCs which terminal server is configured so that the logon window is not issued and immediately at the above request to change the password this window is issued: https://i.stack.imgur.com/PAk4V.jpg
In short! Here's the solution!
Make an account that will not be in any group of the domain, or rather make the group empty and put it the main user, removing even from the group domain users.
We add this user to the remote desktop group on the farm gateway only.
Then we write in ANY client properties of this user together with login, password, domain, ONLY in the gateway section.
In the same connection settings write the PC (usually the 1st PC in the farm), which needs to connect.
Everything. Profit. Thank you all. The solution was found by the collective mind of my team, for which she and I, including a BIG THANK YOU!
I have signed up for Gsuite Essentials and attempted up upgrade to Gsuite Enterprise. I only have a single email address eg a#abc.com. I had already been using this account as a normal google account. (no gmail though).
I couldn't get the admin console to show the upgrade option, but found I needed to verify my domain. So I added the TXT record to my domain abc.com, which would then let me verify.
I could then log in to the admin console as a#abc.com and clicked on the upgrade option and completed the process. This then let my a#abc.com user have access to Gmail. I have not transferred any domain settings over to google, that is all still externally hosted.
I can now no longer log in to the admin console, it says that my a#abc.com account doesn't have the rights and I need to log in as the administrator. There is no other account linked to the Gsuite settings, so there is no other administrator. I can still log in to the normal google account and do the same functions as previous.
I have now removed the TXT record hoping that would cancel it out again.
How do I get access to the admin side again?
Side note: What I am mostly worried about is that I put my credit card details into the signup, but can't get into the admin page and can't contact any form of support. It is literally impossible to get support to use the serve I paid for.
First thing first, the txt records are a string for the only purpose to verify the ownership of the domain therefore deleting them won't change anything you only need this record for the verification process and once is done you can delete them.
As an example is like a text message sent to your mobile phone, if you delete the message nothing will happen right?
I tell you this so you won't more time on the domain DNS zone settings because the issue is not there and you won't solve the problem.
There may be few things that may have happened.
The first thing you should do is to navigate in an Incognito page, make sure that is the only incognito page that you have opened and log in with a#abc.com.
Try to run different test in incognito, the issue really looks like that you are logged in with multiple Google Accounts and when you go do admin.google.com it picks up the wrong one. That's why you should go in incognito.
Use as reference this link Here.
Follow the steps in Paragraph 'I'm taking control from another admin' here the steps:
Go to the G Suite Essentials sign-up page.
2, Sign up using your email address at the domain you're verifying.
Use an address where you can get mail.
Follow instructions in the Setup Wizard to become the admin who manages G Suite Essentials for all users at your organization.
If this didn't solve the issue then you should contact the Google Support and they will tell you what happened.
The thing is that if you can't access the Google Admin you won't be able to contact the Google Support, hence you should follow this:
.1 Can't sign in to the Admin console: https://support.google.com/a/answer/6335621?hl=en
I have a user who is a manger and want to grant access to the following area so they can continue editing a profile field:
Home / Site administration / Users / Accounts / User profile fields
When the user tries to access the area, they get an access is denied error.
I tried viewing the Define roles for the Manager, but couldn't find the correct one for that page.
Is this even possible?
I am on version 3.6.3.
The user needs the moodle/site:config capability which will give them access to pretty much everything.
You could try creating a new capability or using an existing capability, then editing this line in /admin/settings/users.php
$ADMIN->add('users', new admin_externalpage('profilefields', new lang_string('profilefields','admin'), "$CFG->wwwroot/user/profile/index.php", array('moodle/site:config', 'newcapabilityhere')));
I am trying to add a new member on my google-cloud project but i can't make it work.
The link inside the auto-generated email from google is well linking to the page where the user can confirm/decline the invitation inside a modal.
But when this user click "confirm" an error message appear inside the modal but disappear immediately - so quickly i can't read it. As a result i can never grant access to my project to this user.
In my browser debugger here is the error i can trace (some values are forged) :
"NetworkError: 400 Bad Request - https://console.developers.google.com/m/teams/acceptinvitation?xsrf=AFE_nuNg_V8394FDKjdfkjkjwKDFXDVg%3488T6J5783&authuser=1&action=accept&pid=apps~myproject-hosting&receive_updates=false"
This user has a custom domain which is a google-apps managed domain. I specify this because its the only kind of users we cannot invite to the project.
No problem for adding users with #gmail account.
From the google-cloud documentation i can read this :
If you are using a Premier or Google Apps domain, the administrator for your domain should first create the Google account from within the Users panel of your Admin Console.
I don't understand this sentence as my user is off-course already listed in my domain.
This might be expected behavior from the App Engine. I know that once you link you application to a specific domain via Google Apps, it becomes very hard to add people from outside that domain to your application.
I know that you can create a google group, enable "out-of-domain" members to that group. Then you can add that group to your project. Then you can add his email to the group, which should give him access to the project.
Only caveat here is that, if your domain is google.com, you will not be able to use this workaround, and this may require help from support.
Well i finally did it.
Google seems to have fixed the flashing error message making it impossible to read.
Now it display something like this : "Contact your administrator to enable AppHosting admin on your account".
This is done has follow :
Login to your main google-app account on http://admin.google.com
Go to "App"
Go to "Additional Google services"
Enable "Google Developers Console" for everyone
Now my user can be invite to the google-cloud project.
User Administrator takes his password from "JIRA Internal Directory" (which means from database, as I understand). I know this password, but in some reasons I want to reset it. But in Administrator's profile there is no link "Set password".
All I found on the Internet - how to send password by e-mail (not to change it!) and view/change it's hash right in database by SQL query.
Is there any method that I overlooked?
Yes, go to Admin, System, General Config and change External User Management to off. Then put the internal directory at the top in the list of User Directories. Go to the admin's profile and click on Change Password. Then undo the previous steps