How to migrate Orchard CMS to another Server - web-config

I've already copied the files and the database to my new system. But now I don't know, in which web.config I find the sql server settings.
Any suggestions, links, etc?

Database server settings are usually found in $webapproot\App_Data\Sites\Default\Settings.txt


Move website to another server without FTP or SSH

I have a problem with an existing TYPO3 website. (9.5.13)
Unfortunately, I no longer have FTP or SSH access to this server. (Provider can no longer be contacted) I would therefore have to move this website to another server. I only have admin access to Typo3 website.
Unfortunately I can't find a way to do this without copying the files and the database to the new server.
Is there a possibility? If so, how can I do this?
There is no real good way if you don't have a proper access to the server.
For the database you could use the extension phpmyadmin or t3adminer
but there is IMO no extension to download the content of the fileadmin (which will be a native feature of TYPO3 11 LTS).
However you could download at least all extensions of course.
In former times, there were two extensions trying to implement a FTP client as backend-module. The one was "Typo3 quixplorer", the other was "Typo3 eXtplorer"... Quixplorer is outdated (last update of extension in 2010), eXtplorer had its last update 2008...
Both extensions have security issues! Be careful and remove them immediately after usage!
Maybe you can find similar projects running in current web environments...
You may build some php script to archive the whole fileadmin-folder, and make a database dump. which you can download from the server.
Or you use a script to contact the new server to transfer the data immideatly.
It's just a question how you can upload these scripts as TYPO3 does not allow the direct upload of executables.
This is a really unfortunate situation, but you can copy the database and the files by using this extensions. Be aware: I haven't tested this extensions or took a look into the code and picked them by their description and README files. Use them carefully and on your own risk!
Note: In general the TYPO3 Security Team recommends to not use any
extension that bundles database management tools on production TYPO3
Use EXT:adminer or EXT:phpmyadmin to download your database tables.
Install EXT:commands or EXT:additional_scheduler to zip & download your files & folders.
All in one solution:
While researching I've found the extension EXT:ns_backup. Maybe you can us it to transfer the backup to cloud services like dropbox.

How do you provide SQL with your software to a client?

I am new to SQL and I have a few silly questions I am wondering about.
I am a C# developer and have thus far only worked with access, .mdb files.
Let's say you develop some software for a client. It;s to be loaded on a few workstations and they need to connect to a central database.
When you use an .mdb file its pretty straight forward.
But how will you handle it if its SQL? Do you normally install SQL express on the server and just set the connection string in the software on the workstations. I've never heard of an easier way to get the SQL database up and running and available to be connected to. As far as I know you can't connect to a SQL database file like with an mdb file
Please help me understand a little bit better?
Assuming that you're going to deploy a web application, the SQL need to install in the server, then the website developer set their connection strings in the web.config file of the project, and the connection string is pointed to server.
you can read this regarding web.config:

Migrating Cpanel to new server

I'm in the process of migrating my VPS to a Dedicated server. I initially set up the new box with the correct dedicated server version of cPanel. I transfered all the packages and accounts using the cPanel transfer tool. I then copied wwwacct.conf and cpanel.config so that my settings would be identical. Problem I have now seem to have over written the cPanel version back to the VPS version on the new dedicated server. How do I correct this while retaining my settings?
When I migrate from another server, I configure Tweak Settings manually, is the best way.
A tip: Doesn't forgot to download EasyApache file and recompile in new server with same configuration.

Generating database and connection from schema

I'm using Glassfish server 4.0 as my app server for a java project in NetBeans 7.3.1. I have a database schema which I would like to include in my server as a database. Is there a way to generate the database in Glassfish based on a previous schema?
The extensions of the files are .frm and there's one .opt file.
Also, does Glassfish include a visual interface to modify a database's table's properties and registries?
Thanks in advance.
The answer to your the last part of your question is no. Glassfish itself does not include a visual interface for modifying database tables, properties etc. It includes a visual interface for creating JDBC Connection Pools and JDBC Resources. I personally use one integrated into my IDE of choice, Netbeans may have this feature, I happen to use IDEA. In production you could use any 3rd party app that does this, TOAD being a popular one but there are many.
I have some thoughts on the first part of your question but nothing ready to put into an answer at this point. When I do I'll update this one if its still an open question.

How to deploy ASP.NET MVC4 application with SQL Server CE to Azure website

I deployed a ASP.NET MVC4 app with SQL Server CE database, but I'm getting
Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request
I am using VS2012 to publish this app to azure website. How can I solve this issue? Thanks.
To summarize and so an answer can get marked on this to help the next person that comes by.
When running into issues on azure-web-sites FTP is a handy debugging tool which enables you to:
Verify that the dll exists in your bin directory
Sometimes the .gitignore file blocks directories from being checked in
Verify that your web.config file has the proper version of the assembly configured
NuGet can help, but it's ultimately up to you to verify your dependencies
Here is a good article to follow on the subject:
Unfortunately with VS 2013 Compact edition is not supported any more, so things are somewhat tricky.