What will be reason behind this error? - iphone

I am fresher in iphone programming.Whenever i create a new project in x-code it's giving this error.Please anybody, help me to solve this problem.I am attaching snapshot below:-
It'll be a great help. Thank you

You just need to add those missing headers to your project.

check out your .h file.
Might be you had deleted #end by mistake or somewhere ‘;’ is missing after statement declarations.


Add an icon to a Perl/GTK application

I've written a little app in perl/Gtk, now I want to add an icon to it. I"ve got a jpg file.
The app is very basic, and of course use a Gtk2::Window object.
I was thought to use Image::Base::Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf but Gtk2::Window->set_default_icon only want a Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf object, and I have not managed to create one (if someone can show me). I'm on a debian with perl-5.14.2.
Thanks guys!
Oh, got it!
use Image::Base::Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf;
my $navIco = Gtk2::Gdk::Pixbuf->new_from_file("./mltwb.png"); `
Just had to read doc. Thanks folks!

expected expression before '.' token

Can someone tell me why this doesn't work?
-(IBAction) website_btn {
[myAppDelegate viewGallery];
Because I am getting this error.
error: expected expression before '.' token
I know it sounds strange. Need someone to throw me a life jacket here.
If you are compiling with GCC in Xcode, try switching to clang, clang is much better at identifying where there error is, GCC will sometime claim an error is at one location when the actually error is much higher up or even in a header file.
The code you have posted has no issues. It may be due to the error in the code above it. If still the code is fine. Then clean all your target and Build again hope this will work. As it works for many of us..
Thanks everyone!!!!
It was an error I had causing this error.
Just remember to extend your class with UIApplicationDelegate.
#interface YourClass : UIViewController <UIApplicationDelegate> {
Sorry, I am new to iPhone so I know I am not using proper terms here.

Iphone compile warning

im compiling my app , which is working great and i wanted to ask you 2 questions
1. im getting about 14 warnings like that
no '-addCategory' method found
which i know how to solve but even after i cleaned everything added the function to the header file and compile again it's still there i cant get rid of it.
2. im pretty new in coding and the code is not GREAT but it's ok how do i know apple will accept it ?
thank you very much !!
Declare that method in .h file
Implement that method in .m [implementor of .h] file .with the same signature.
Clean in once.
And try..
It should work..!

uitableview not showing data

i followed the tutorial -> http://icodeblog.com/2008/09/02/iphone-programming-tutorial-creating-a-todo-list-using-sqlite-part-2/
but the thing is my uitableview isnt showing anything from database!! i did an nslog and able to query the data..so what could be the possible error?
i went through line by line with the source..but still can't find any problem..anyone tried the tutorial and face similiar problem as me?
Delegate and Datasources are connected?
I downloaded the sample code and it works with no problems under OS 3.0 and 3.1.2 and

How to fix "Cannot find interface declaration for 'NSManagedObject', superclass of"?

Can anyone please help me to solve the following error:
Error cannot find interface declaration for 'NSManagedObject', superclass of
#import <CoreData/CoreData.h>
Are you missing an include statement?
Are you subclassing NSManagedObject? If so, go here in Apple's documentation and scroll to Xcode Generated Subclasses. They give you instructions to have Xcode generate class files from your data model.
A suggestion: Core Data is rather difficult, and you should be comfortable with iPhone development before you start working with it.
import CoreData to your xxx-Bridging-Header.h will make sense.