Why does enter submit a form differently than clicking submit in IE 7? - forms

In IE 7 the zip code search form on my page reacts differently when someone clicks submit vs pressing enter. It works correctly when sumbmit is clicked and incorrectly when enter is pressed.
<form name="zip" action="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>" method="get">
<input type="text" id="zipper" name="locations" size="5" maxlength="5" class="junk-input" onsubmit="return checkForm()" />
<input type="submit" value="" name="schedule" src="/wp-content/uploads/remove-my-junk.png" align="center" class="junk-button" style="background: #f67a3e url(/wp-content/uploads/remove-my-junk.png); border: none; width: 201px; height: 45px;"/>
The correct result for a zip search of 85718 looks like this: http://getridofit.com/l/85718/?schedule
but pressing enter produces a result like this: http://getridofit.com/l/85718/

Because the button wasnt clicked in order to submit the form. If you dont click the button then the input for #name[schedule] isnt sent. However if that button input has focus when enter is pressed i think it will send it along properly... You might jsut want to make schedule a hidden input.

It looks like you are checking for the presence of the submit button variable (schedule) in the URL bar. The submit button variable is only supposed to be submitted when the user physically clicks the the submit button. However, I can't reproduce the problem in Safari, so it may also depend on what your JavaScript is doing when the form is submitted.


Possibility of a Form without a Submit Button

hope You all have a great day.Here I'm trying to create a form without submit buttons,but when press enter on the text-box the whole text-box gonna hide.why is this is happening?,is it actually possible to create a form without a submit button or is that is a mandatory thing?,thanks for Your valuable time.
<form >
<input type="number" name="cbarcode" id="cbarcode" autofocus/>
When you hit 'enter' it submits the form.
I believe this is a natural part of a 'form' behavior for accessibility. Input inside of a form is meant to be data the user sends or inserts somewhere which is likely the reasoning behind this.
You can add to the Html form onsubmit="return false" or return preventDefault() as an event handler / function with other handling code you may want to provide.
Try this:
<form onsubmit="return false;">
<input type="number" name="cbarcode" id="cbarcode" autofocus/>

Submit on enter with 2 text inputs

I have two text inputs and each has a submit button. Each button has an on click AJAX function that calls a php script and populates the page.
I need to find a way to make the enter key submit the button of the input text focused.
For example if I type something the in the "product_code" input text and press the Enter key I want to call the AJAX function of that input's assigned button (getByCode()).
Product name: <input type="text" name="product_name" id="product_name">
<input type="submit" value="Search" onClick="searchByName(document.getElementById('product_name').value)"> <br />
Product code: <input type="text" name="product_code" id="product_code">
<input type="submit" value="Search" onClick="getByCode(document.getElementById('product_code').value)"> <br />
I don't necessarily require input buttons, I could use images for example if that helps.
All browsers support document.activeElement which will tell you which element has focus. On your keypress event handler, check this value against your two inputs to see which has focus. If neither has focus, then ... ?

Passing value outside form

I need to get the value from outside the form. My gsp looks like this
<g:textField name="email" value="${someInstance?.email}"/>
<input type="button" id="checkEmail" class="button" value="Validate" onclick="checkEmail()"/>
<span id="responseDiv"></span>
<g:form action="save">
<g:submitButton disabled="true" style="color:#999999;" class="save" name="save" action="save" id="saveButton" value="${message(code: 'default.button.save.label', default: 'Submit')}"/>
First, to check if an email is in use, click button (id="checkEmail") and onclick goes to js code checkEmail() which has remoteFunction that updates responseDiv. After that, user enters information to the form, and user clicks submitButton. When that submit button is clicked, I would like my gsp to send email value along with other information to the controller. Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance.
Easy, put the input inside the form.
If that isn't an option for some reason, use the callback to update a hidden field inside the form with something like $("#hiddenEmail").val(emailAddress);
PS. I like how you gave a span an id of responseDiv :)

Dont hide keyboard after pressing Submit in jQueryMobile / Mobile Safari

I am working on a mobile web based form for iOS/Android browsers. Everything works fine functionally.
What I can't seem to do is keep the keyboard on top AFTER the User presses the 'Submit' button on the form. Currently, as soon as I tap 'Submit' the keyboard hides by default. I have tried whatever I could think of before posting this request here.
My code:
<form action="" onsubmit="return false;">
<input id='chat' type="text" name="message" value="" data-inline="true" placeholder="Start typing your message here" />
<button id='doSend' type="submit" data-inline="true">Submit</button>
Am testing this with jQueryMobile 1.0 beta2 + iPhone 4.
Any ideas are appreciated. Thank you.
Try adding focus back to the '#chat' field on a callback / after your submit has completed.
Here is a demo I created that simulates the functionality (tested on iPhone)...
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/wdm954/hYn7k/1/

How do I keep track of when what is the text entered in the form when the user navigates away from the page?

I have a piece of code like this.
<form method="get" action="{$self}" name="addcommentform">
<textarea title="{$enterComment}" name="comment" class="commentarea" </textarea>
<input class="Button" type="submit" value="{$postComment}" />
How do I keep track of when what is the text entered in the form's textarea when the user navigates away from the page? I want to prompt the user with a warning message so he/she doesn't lose the text.
You could use the javascript/jquery blur event, and if the user hasn't clicked the desired button have it display the form values. This might help JQuery Blur Validation Problem
Take a look at this Javascript code snippet:
This takes advantage of the window's onbeforeunload event which fires when the user is about to leave the page.