How to export non-blurry eps images? - matlab

I'm exporting an image in Matlab using the eps format, but it smooths the image. Matlab does not blur the image using other formats such as png. I would like to know how to export a non-blurry image with eps format. Here is the resulting image using png:
And here is the resulting image using eps:

The problem is reproducible on a Mac, and the issue is with the eps renderer rather than MATLAB. For e.g., saving imagesc(rand(20)) and viewing with Preview and GSview results in the following:
Preview screenshot
GSview screenshot
Clearly, the information is not lost. It is just not interpreted/read correctly by some EPS viewers. The solution is simple: use GSview to view your eps images. You can download it from here
On Macs especially, if your end application is latex/pdflatex, you will have to explicitly set it to use GS/GSview, because otherwise, it will default to the Quartz engine, which is baked into the OS.
I am unable to reproduce the behavior your described. Here is the code I used, tested using R2010b on WinXP 32-bit:
M = fspecial('gaussian',[20 20],5);
Perhaps this is an issue with your EPS viewer...

not sure why it works but you can try doing the following:
eps2eps oldfile newfile
does the trick for me (on a mac os)

At first I thought you were doing something incorrectly, but then I remembered that this was an issue that was bothering the hell out of me a year or so ago. I couldn't come up with a way to "fix" this behaviour and from what I've researched, this is most likely a bug and several others have had this problem too and there is no known solution. Of course, I could be wrong about the last part and there might be solutions out there that have come out since I looked for them.
Any way, my workaround this problem was to use pcolor with shading flat instead of imagesc. When you export this to an eps format it preserves the image correctly. Example:
shading flat
NOTE: You might see the appearance of thin, faint white lines along the anti-diagonals of each little square (depends on the OS & viewer). These are the edges of the graphics primitives that are used to render the image. However, this is not a flaw in MATLAB's export, but rather a fault in rendering in your EPS/PDF viewer. For e.g., with the default settings in Preview on my mac, these lines show up, whereas with the default in Adobe Reader 9.4, they don't appear.

If anyone is still interested in a workaround: Open the .eps-file with text editor and search for "interpolate". You'll probably find "/Interpolate true def" two or three times. Replace "true" with "false" and be happy :)

A note regarding Yoda's answer: in Preview in Mac OS X, you can make the thin white diagonal lines across each of the squares disappear by unchecking "Anti-alias text and screen art". Of course, the downside is that then any text (e.g. figure axes, etc) is not anti-aliased. Unfortunately, unchecking that has no effect on blurriness if you're using imagesc.
Another note is that if you use preview to make a pdf from your eps, the resulting pdf still displays correctly (non-blurry) when you open it in Acrobat.

I've been long struggling with this problem as well. So far, GSView is the only viewer I've found that displays the eps figures produced by Matlab (R2015b) correctly. eps2eps did not work for me (psutils 1.23).
The following eventually worked for me:
Export the figure to pdf, following the instructions here
pdf2ps file.pdf file.eps

I just wrote this simple drop-in replacement for imagesc. It doesn't support all but the most basic features, but I still hope it helps.
function h = imagesc4pdf(C)
[ny nx] = size(C);
px = bsxfun(#plus, [-0.5; 0.5; 0.5; -0.5], reshape(1:nx, [1 1 nx]));
py = bsxfun(#plus, [-0.5; -0.5; 0.5; 0.5], 1:ny);
n = numel(C);
px = reshape(repmat(px, [1 ny 1]), 4, n);
py = reshape(repmat(py, [1 1 nx]), 4, n);
h = patch(px, py, reshape(C,1,n), 'linestyle', 'none');
xlim([.5 nx+.5]);
ylim([.5 ny+.5]);
set(gca, 'ydir', 'reverse');

Apply opengl renderer to the figure

The blurring actually depends on the rendering software your viewer application or printer uses. To get good results all the time, make each pixel in your image an 8x8 block of pixels of the same color, i.e. resize the image like this:
im2 = imresize(im1, 8, 'nearest');
The blurring then only affects the pixels at the edge of each block. 8x8 blocks are best as they compress without nasty artifacts using DCT compression (sometimes used in eps files).

This page helped me a lot: (written in Japanese, please use google translate for it)
And this is also helpful: Octave-Gnuplot-AquaTerm error: set terminal aqua enhanced title "Figure 1"...unknown terminal type"
I also answered at
I reinstalled gnuplot like this:
$ brew cask install xquartz
$ brew cask install aquaterm
$ brew uninstall gnuplot
$ brew install gnuplot --with-aquaterm --with-x11 --with-qt # you can show other options by `$ brew options gnuplot`
You may edit ~/.octaverc like this:
setenv("GNUTERM", "qt")
and in octave window, after typing "system gnuplot", then
set pm3d interpolate 2, 2
After saving the file, open, and type
imagesc(magic(3)), colorbar
I got this.


Saving figure to pdf prints # instead of tabs in titles

if I create a plot with some tabs in the titles and try saving that to a local pdf file (via print function), I get some hashtags instead of tabs in the pdf. This does not occur in the visible figure.
For example, I plotted the residuals of an approximant to the runge function on a grid:
plot(g, f(g) - runge(g));
title(sprintf('residuals,\t max_x(s-f) = %.3f', max(f(g)-runge(g))));
Then after some axes manipulation (grid, boxes, etc..) I execute
h = gcf;
pos = get(h,'Position');
set(h,'PaperPositionMode','Auto','PaperUnits','Inches','PaperSize',[pos(3), pos(4)])
Is somebody aware of that behaviour or better able to found that as already solved than I am?
EDIT: Same behaviour with saveas and saving to eps. This does not happen with \n
EDIT2: I'm using Matlab Version R2017b (
So, after a long discussion we figured out that we have no idea of how to use tabs in matlab titles in combination with latex mode.
To clarify: use math environments and escape tex directives, otherwise it will throw an error.
sprintf('residuals,\t $max_x(\\vert s-f\\vert) = %.3f$', max(f(g)-runge(g))));
will give you a nice string:
residuals, $max_x(\vert s-f\vert) = 0.264$
The problem is, that it really is a tab. And the matlab latex interpreter (don't know which one that uses, the system or an own) crashes on that. I copy-pasted that to a tex document and pdflatex ran fine on it (but not showing that much space unfortunately).
So, I came up with the following fix:
use the latex directive \quad or \qquad:
title(sprintf('residuals,\\quad $max_x(\\vert s-f\\vert) = %.3f$', max(abs(f(g)-runge(g)))));
This will give you more space than a normal space.
EDIT: For this to work you need the interpreter of matlab to be set to "latex" instead of the default "tex". Do this by changing the title to
title(title_string, 'Interpreter', 'latex')
or by setting (globally for that script)
set(groot, 'defaultTextInterpreter', 'latex')

Saving Matlab/Octave plots to pdf/png format from online IDE?

I'm currently using the Matlab/Octave online IDE at and I'm trying to save a graph that I'm plotting to .pdf format. I've done the following:
- octave
- x = [ 1: 10 ]
- y = x
- plot(x,y)
- print -dpdf graph.pdf
I then refresh the the files and folders to the left, double click on the graph.pdf file and am always greeted with a black filled rectangle. I've then attempted to run the following:
- axis("off")
- print -dpdf graph2.pdf
And the graph appears to save to pdf correctly. However, without the axes. Could you please assist me in finding a solution?
P.S. I have already attempted octave --force-gui and graphics_toolkit('gnu_toolkit')/graphics_toolkit('fltk') with no luck.
At the site hosted, the only graphics toolkit available is gnuplot, which support in octave was mostly dropped several versions ago.
gnuplot has the bug you've described. In the link, people got plotting working by rolling back to previous gnuplot versions.
Guess the only way of getting printing working on the site would be signalling about the issue to its administration.
Also, note that octave crudely depicts the copy of the plot in terminal window. That might suffice for correctness check of the plotting code itself.
Alternatively, you can save octave graphics objects with hgsave command, those then can be loaded in octave on another computer to obtain same plot as one that would be drawn there. (Although, at this point there might be no reason for using online interpreter then.)

How to prevent that print changes image resolution?

I tries to create a text image (i think it is called that way) in matlab. That means that I want to create an image containing text. The problem is that there is no matlab function that can do this. The solution is that I use text and then captures the output in the figure.
In the beginning I used getframe to capture the output. This went completely fine as long as I did not do anything else on the screen at the same time. The problem is that |getframe| captures whatever is on the screen at the moment, which have led to annoying bugs. In hope of solving this problem I plan to use |print| instead. However, now I have the problem of image resolution changes when print is used. Do anyone know a solution for this?
This is what I have tried so far:
xlen = 1200; ylen = 700;
im = uint8(255*ones(ylen,xlen,3));
hf = figure('color','white','units','normalized','position',[.1 .1 .8 .8]);
set(gca,'units','pixels','position',[5 5 size(im,2)-1 size(im,1)-1],'visible','off')
text('units','pixels','position',[1 ylen/2],'fontsize',60,'FontWeight','Bold','string','This is text')
print(hf, '-dpng', 'myText.png');
Saving images in matlab can be a real struggle.
I found my solution by using export_fig from the mathlab file exchange (see
Some of the aims of export fig are:
Figure/axes reproduced as it appears on screen
Cropped borders (optional)
Embedded fonts (pdf only)
Ok I have finally found a solution. Matlab uses 150 dpi resolution by default. This is kind of weird since windows use 96 dpi resolution in their operating system and mac uses 72 dpi. However, what I have heard it is recommended to use at least 150 dpi on printed material to get good quality. Anyway, since windows uses 96 dpi, it is clear that you need to set the image resolution to 96 dpi as well to print (refering to matlabs function print) a figure with the right size.
xlen = 1200; ylen = 700;
im = uint8(255*ones(ylen,xlen,3));
hf = figure('color','white','units','normalized','position',[.1 .1 .8 .8]);
set(gca,'units','pixels','position',[5 5 size(im,2)-1 size(im,1)-1],'visible','off')
text('units','pixels','position',[1 ylen/2],'fontsize',60,'FontWeight','Bold','string','This is text')
print(hf, '-dpng', '-r96','myText.png'); % SET RESOLUTION TO '-r96' for windows.

Exporting figures as vector graphics in .pdf-format using HG2-Update and 'painters' renderer is not working properly

I'm using the still undocumented HG2-Update to create my MATLAB plots, because they just look that much nicer.
(Source: Yair Altman)
Actually, using the current version Release 2013b it works quite nicely and there are not much issues. Except one wants to export the figures as vector graphics (renderer: '-painters'), especially as pdf.
I use the commands:
There are rendering issues, the print does not contain the whole figure and some parts are cropped or non-default fonts are not recognized.
But I'd really like to stay with HG2 and I'd still like to use vector graphics. Is there any solution or workaround?
Exporting vector graphics using the yet not official HG2-Update is quite an issue. The .pdf-export is still totally screwed up.
What is working fine is the .svg-export, apart from that the boundary box is not set properly.
The long workaround would be:
Save the plot with '-dsvg' (print-command) or 'svg' (saveas-command) as vector graphic, open the file in the open source application Inkscape and save again as .pdf with the Export area is drawing checkmark set.
Quite complicated, so I found a way to do it via command-line directly from Matlab (Inkscape still required!):
filename = 'test';
inkscapepath = '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Inkscape\inkscape.exe"';
%// save as .svg
%// open and save with "export-area-drawing" set via command line
system( [inkscapepath ' ' filename ...
'.svg --export-area-drawing --export-pdf=' filename '.pdf'])
It takes some time, but works without any known issues for now.
Additionally delete the svg-File afterwards:
delete([filename '.svg'])
I had the same problem and used the workaround from thewaywewalk. Now I discovered the MATLAB function "hgexport" works under HG2 (in R2014a).
An issue still was the paper size. I want to use the same size for all graphs with as little white frame as possible. Here you have to set two sizes:
The papersize is set with set(gcf,'PaperSize',[width height]) and the size of your chart is set through export styles. These are set in "Export Setup" or command line:
exp_style.Width = 'width';
exp_style.Height = 'height';
exp_style.Renderer = 'painters';
Now you can export your pdf:
PS: In HG2 you may also use Latex for tick labels:

Graph Formatting Tools For Octave

I know that Matlab allows for you to format the graph after its created through the interface. However there isn't the same features in Octave. Is there a tool that goes between Octave and GnuPlot? If there isn't such a tool, is there a tool that will generate the formatting options?
I've heard of EasyPlot, but it isn't free.
I've discovered there are some formatting options on the GNU Plot graph after it has been generated through octave. If you press 'm' it's then possible to right click and get a menu with choices to format the plot (line styles/colour/background/print). However, for me it crashes a lot and changing the values doesn't seem to have much effect.
There is some other functionality by using these key presses..
m - allow menu on right-click
a - zoom to full window
p - previous zoom level
r - overlay ruler
g - overlay grid
b - toggle border
1 - toggle output reading format
5 - display radius measure tool (when ruler is displayed)
7 - format aspect ratio (useful to get square plots to not distort scale)
These are just the ones I've found by randomly testing the keyboard (!), so this is hardly exhaustive. But hope that helps.
I've used GNU plot in the past for some visualizations. I didn't find any front end interface to set things like colors or labels but it was easy enough to set some basic things on the command line. This site helped me out:
Octave uses Gnuplot as the default plotting backend, though it supports other options. It also supports most of the graph functions that Matlab does, including ones that change the plot after it was created.