API to get payment history of a customer - paypal

I need to show the payment history and balance amount of a customer from paypal account.
It is possible to do by paypal API or we need to maintained the history. If any one knows let me know.

The transaction Search API appears to fit the bill (though you have probably found this by now)...

The user can either enter his own API credentials, or give you third-party permissions to call the GetBalance API call on his/her behalf: https://cms.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/?cmd=_render-content&content_ID=developer/e_howto_api_nvp_r_GetBalance


Using API or customer permission, Is it possible to get payment from customer account any time?

Using API or customer permission, Is it possible to get payment from customer account any time ?
Actually I have one cloth store,
When my custom make payment first time while purchasing something using paypal wallet/account, i will have set of permission from his paypal account,
Using that i need a functionality when that person buy second time, there account will be auto debited, using their saved paypal token
Is Paypal provide this type of any services or API ?
If yes then tell me some more details i.e. how it works and what is require for that i.e token, API key or any other.
You can refer to the link below for the details to see if this payment method meet your requirement.

Where would I find a PayPal users PayPal_id?

I am working with the PayPal Node.js SDK and I am trying to payout a user. In order to do that I can use either their email, phone number or encrypted PayPal ID. We would prefer to work with encrypted data as much as possible. Where would we find a users paypal_ID?
If any of our code would help us find this information, we can post it just tell us what you need. Thanks in advance to all.
It should be displayed in the account overview page or in the profile. It typically shows your PayPal account email and merchant account ID.
It can also be obtained via the GetPalDetails API, but that's not REST. I'm not sure if REST has an equivalent API yet or not.

How app can get PayPal user transaction info?

Can I get notification with data at specific url when users who connected PayPal to my app throught Oauth2 will get payment? I know it possible with IPN, but then each user need to add my url in their account settings. Is any another way?
Update: Or can I manually get information about last user transactions(completed outside my app)?
There are a number of ways to accomplish what you're trying to do, I think.
You mentioned IPN, and that would be the best way. You can specify the NotifyURL in your standard button code or API requests (depending on how you're setting up the payments) so that IPNs for those payments will be sent to your IPN URL. That way you don't have to have users set that up in their own account.
Alternatively (or in conjunction with), you could use the Permissions API to allow users to authenticate your app to make API calls on their behalf. Then you can use the TransactionSearch and GetTransactionDetails APIs to pull any info you need about their account transaction history.

Is PayPal REST API still lacking an equivalent of GetExpressCheckoutDetails?

We are doing a new PayPal Express integration for an ecommerce store that needs to retrieve the Billing and Shipping Address information after the user logs into PayPal to authorize the payment, but BEFORE we capture the payment.
We need that information so we can create a user account in our store for them, if one does not already exist for them, and so we can properly calculate the shipping charges for the customer.
The following post over a year ago implied that had not been implemented into the REST API yet. Is that still the case?
PayPal REST API equivalent of GetExpressCheckoutDetails
If it has been implemented, would somebody please point out to me how to access that information? If so, I would greatly appreciate it.
If it has not been implemented, does anyone know when it will be implemented?

Get payment history on Paypal API

I need to find a way of getting a Paypal account holders payment history using the Paypal api. If we have a user's consent (i.e. we've already used the Permissions API to redirect them to Paypal, and they've consented to give us permissions to get details of payments to their account), what's the next step?
I've seen a similar question here which talked about using GetTransactionDetails call, but that seems only to get details for a single transaction. Another answer mentioned the Payment.List method, but didn't give an example of how it's used.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I would recommend using the TransactionSearch API. This will let you get a list of transactions (up to 100 at a time). You can then use the GetTransactionDetails API to get more information on individual transactions.