AudioToolbox/OpenAL ExtAudioFile to play compressed audio - iphone

I'm currently using OpenAL to play game music. It works fine, except that it doesn't work with anything except for raw WAV files. This means that I end up with a ~9mb soundtrack.
I'm new to OpenAL, and I'm using code directly from Apple's example ( to get the buffer data.
Question: Is there any way to modify this function so it reads compressed audio and decodes it on the fly?
I'm not so worried about the audio file format, just as long as it can be played and is compressed (like mp3, aac, caf). The only reason I want to do this (obviously) is to reduce file size.
Edit: It seems that the problem is not so much in OpenAL as the method I'm using to get the buffer. The function at uses AudioFileOpenURL and AudioFileReadBytes. Is there any way to get the framework to decode the audio for me using ExtAudioFileOpenURL and ExtAudioFileRead?
I have tried the code here:, but I don't know what to make of it. The function I use to get the buffer is at, and I haven't really modified it, so that's what I need to build on.
I've started a bounty because I really need this, hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.

You'll need to use audio services to load other formats. Bear in mind that OpenAL ONLY supports uncompressed PCM data, so any data you load needs to be uncompressed during load.
Here's some code that will load any format supported by iOS:
If you want to stream compressed soundtrack-type audio, use AVAudioPlayer since it plays compressed audio straight from disk.

You don't need any third party library to open archived files. With a little help from AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h framework you can open and read the data of a .caf file which is a very good choice by the way (better than mp3 or ogg) in terms of performance (minimal CPU impact during decompression). So ,when the data gets to OpenAL it is already PCM, ready to fill the buffers. Here is some sample code on how you can achieve this:
-(void) prepareFiles:(NSString *) filePath{
// get the full path of the file
NSString* fileName = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:filePath ofType:#"caf"];
// open the file using the custom created methods (see below)
AudioFileID fileID = [self openAudioFile:fileName];
preparedAudioFileSize = [self audioFileSize:fileID];
if (preparedAudioFile){
preparedAudioFile = nil;
preparedAudioFile = malloc(preparedAudioFileSize);
//read the data from the file into soundOutData var
AudioFileReadBytes(fileID, false, 0, &preparedAudioFileSize, preparedAudioFile);
//close the file
AudioFileID fileID;
NSURL * url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:filePath];
OSStatus result = AudioFileOpenURL((CFURLRef)url, kAudioFileReadPermission, 0, &fileID);
if (result != noErr) {
NSLog(#"fail to open: %#",filePath);
else {
return fileID;
UInt64 outDataSize = 0;
UInt32 thePropSize = sizeof(UInt64);
OSStatus result = AudioFileGetProperty(fileDescriptor, kAudioFilePropertyAudioDataByteCount, &thePropSize, &outDataSize);
if(result != 0) NSLog(#"cannot find file size");
return (UInt32)outDataSize;

based on Karl's reply above, I made a minimal single c++ function which opens a file and gives you back a buffer of pcm audio ( suitable for OpenAL ) and all the info you need to create an OpenAL sound ( format, samplerate, buffersize etc ).
the two files you need are here:
hope it helps!

Try if this works:

You might try to use a third party library to load a mp3-ogg into a char* buffer, and then give this buffer to openAL. That would solve the file size problem.
For ogg, you should find the libraries on their website
For mp3, I honestly don't know where to find a lightweight library which could do that. But that should exist.


Playing audio from a continuous stream of data (iOS)

Been banging my head against this problem all morning.
I have setup a connection to a datasource which returns audio data (It is a recording device, so there is no set length on the data. the data just streams in. Like, if you would open a stream to a radio)
and I have managed to receive all the packets of data in my code. Now I just need to play it. I want to play the data that is coming in, so I do not want to queue a few minutes or anything, I want to use the data I am recieving at that exact moment and play it.
Now I been searching all morning finding different examples but none were really layed out.
in the
(void)connection:(NSURLConnection )connection didReceiveData:(NSData)data {
function, the "data" package is the audio package. I tried streaming it with AVPlayer, MFVideoPlayer but nothing has worked for me so far. Also tried looking at mattgallagher's Audiostreamer but still was unable to achieve it.
Anyone here can help, has some (preferably) working examples?
Careful: The answer below is only valid if you receive PCM data from the server. This is of course never happens. That's why between rendering the audio and receiving the data you need another step: data conversion.
Depending on format, this could be more or less tricky, but in general you should use Audio Converter Services for this step.
You should use -(void)connection:(NSURLConnection )connection didReceiveData:(NSData)data only to fill a buffer with the data that comes from the server, playing it should not have anything to do with this method.
Now, to play the data you 'stored' in memory using the buffer you need to use RemoteIO and audio units. Here is a good, comprehensive tutorial. You can remove the "record" part from the tutorial as you don't really need it.
As you can see, they define a callback for playback:
callbackStruct.inputProc = playbackCallback;
callbackStruct.inputProcRefCon = self;
status = AudioUnitSetProperty(audioUnit,
and playbackCallback function looks like this:
static OSStatus playbackCallback(void *inRefCon,
AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags,
const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp,
UInt32 inBusNumber,
UInt32 inNumberFrames,
AudioBufferList *ioData) {
for (int i = 0 ; i < ioData->mNumberBuffers; i++){
AudioBuffer buffer = ioData->mBuffers[i];
unsigned char *frameBuffer = buffer.mData;
for (int j = 0; j < inNumberFrames*2; j++){
frameBuffer[j] = getNextPacket();//this here is a function you have to make to get the next chunk of bytes available in the stream buffer
return noErr;
Basically what it does is to fill up the ioData buffer with the next chunk of bytes that need to be played. Be sure to zero out (silence) the ioData buffer if there is no new data to play (the player is silenced if not enough data is in the stream buffer).
Also, you can achieve the same thing with OpenAL using alSourceQueueBuffers and alSourceUnqueueBuffers to queue buffers one after the other.
That's it. Happy codding!

How to provide audio buffer to AudioQueue to play audio?

In my application, I am receiving audio data in LinearPCM format, which I need to play.
I am following iOS SpeakHere example. However I cannot get how and where I should provide a buffer to AudioQueue.
Can anyone provide me a working example of playing audio buffer in iOS via AudioQueue?
In the SpeakHere example playback is achieved using AudioQueue.
In the set up of AudioQueue, a function is specified that will be called when the queue wants more data.
You can see that in this method:
void AQPlayer::SetupNewQueue()
Here's the line that specifies the callback function:
XThrowIfError(AudioQueueNewOutput(&mDataFormat, AQPlayer::AQBufferCallback, this,
CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopCommonModes, 0, &mQueue), "AudioQueueNew failed");
If you take a look at AQPlayer::AQBufferCallback, you'll see where it gets the data from. In this example, the data has been written out to a file on disk. That's a good solution if you want to save memory, or if there's a possibility the audio file could be quite large.
Anyway, looking at AQPlayer::AQBufferCallback, you'll see a call to a function AudioFileReadPackets. That's what reads in the audio packets from the file on disk. It reads them straight into the buffer that AudioQueue will use:
OSStatus result = AudioFileReadPackets(THIS->GetAudioFileID(), false, &numBytes, inCompleteAQBuffer->mPacketDescriptions, THIS->GetCurrentPacket(), &nPackets,
That buffer is inCompleteAQBuffer->mAudioData.
Finally, the callback function must enqueue the buffer as follows:
if (nPackets > 0) {
inCompleteAQBuffer->mAudioDataByteSize = numBytes;
inCompleteAQBuffer->mPacketDescriptionCount = nPackets;
AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer(inAQ, inCompleteAQBuffer, 0, NULL);
THIS->mCurrentPacket = (THIS->GetCurrentPacket() + nPackets);
Note first that it has to check that we have some packets to play. It also has to specify how many bytes are in the buffer.
Then, this line here:
THIS->mCurrentPacket = (THIS->GetCurrentPacket() + nPackets);
That keeps a track of where we are overall in our audio buffer. In other words, as more data is copied in from the file, we need to position the mCurrentPacket forward to that the next copy puts data in the correct place.

Capturing and manipulating microphone audio with AVCaptureSession?

While there are plenty of tutorials for how to use AVCaptureSession to grab camera data, I can find no information (even on apple's dev network itself) on how to properly handle microphone data.
I have implemented AVCaptureAudioDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate, and I'm getting calls to my delegate, but I have no idea how the contents of the CMSampleBufferRef I get are formatted. Are the contents of the buffer one discrete sample? What are its properties? Where can these properties be set?
Video properties can be set using [AVCaptureVideoDataOutput setVideoSettings:], but there is no corresponding call for AVCaptureAudioDataOutput (no setAudioSettings or anything similar).
They are formatted as LPCM! You can verify this by getting the AudioStreamBasicDescription like so:
CMFormatDescriptionRef formatDescription = CMSampleBufferGetFormatDescription(sampleBuffer);
const AudioStreamBasicDescription *streamDescription = CMAudioFormatDescriptionGetStreamBasicDescription(formatDescription);
and then checking the stream description’s mFormatId.

MP3 streaming on iOS

I want to use OpenAL to play music in an iOS game. The music files are stored in mp3 format and I want to stream them using a buffer queue. I load audio data into the buffers using AudioFileReadPacketData(). However playing the buffers only gives me noise. It works perfectly for caf files, but not for mp3s. Did I miss some vital step in decoding the file?
Code I use to open the sound file:
- (void) openFile:(NSString*)fileName {
NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
CFURLRef url = (CFURLRef)[[NSURL fileURLWithPath:[bundle pathForResource:fileName ofType:#"mp3"]] retain];
AudioFileOpenURL(url, kAudioFileReadPermission, 0, &audioFile);
AudioStreamBasicDescription theFormat;
UInt32 formatSize = sizeof(theFormat);
AudioFileGetProperty(audioFile, kAudioFilePropertyDataFormat, &formatSize, &theFormat);
freq = (ALsizei)theFormat.mSampleRate;
Code I use to fill in buffers:
- (void) loadOneChunkIntoBuffer:(ALuint)buffer {
AudioStreamPacketDescription packetDesc[STREAM_PACKETS];
UInt32 numPackets = STREAM_PACKETS;
AudioFileReadPacketData(audioFile, NO, &loadSize, packetDesc, packetsLoaded, &numPackets, data);
alBufferData(buffer, AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, data, loadSize, freq);
packetsLoaded += numPackets;
Because you're reading bytes of MP3 data and treating them as PCM data.
You almost certainly want AudioFileReadPacketData(). EDIT: Except that still gives you MP3 data; it just gives it in packets and (possibly) parses packet headers.
If you don't require OpenAL, AVAudioPlayer is probably the better way to go (according to the Multimedia Programming Guide, there's also Audio Queue services if you want more control).
If you really need to use OpenAL, according to TN2199 you'll need to convert it to PCM in the native byte order. See oalTouch/Classes/MyOpenALSupport.c for an example of using Extended Audio File Services to do this. Note that TN2199 says the format "must ... not use hardware decompression" — according to the Multimedia Programming Guide, software decoding is supported for everything except HE-AAC since OS 3.0. Also note that software MP3 decoding can use a significant amount of CPU time.
Alternatively, explicitly convert the audio using AudioConverter or (possibly) AudioUnit with kAudioUnitSubType_AUConverter. If you do this, it might be worthwhile decompressing everything once and keeping it in memory to minimize overhead.

AVAudioPlayer - Metering - Want to build a waveform (graph)

I need to build a visual graph that represents voice levels (dB) in a recorded file. I tried to do it this way:
NSError *error = nil;
AVAudioPlayer *meterPlayer = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc]initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:self.recording.fileName] error:&error];
if (error) {
_lcl_logger(lcl_cEditRecording, lcl_vError, #"Cannot initialize AVAudioPlayer with file %# due to: %# (%#)", self.recording.fileName, error, error.userInfo);
} else {
[meterPlayer prepareToPlay];
meterPlayer.meteringEnabled = YES;
for (NSTimeInterval i = 0; i <= meterPlayer.duration; ++i) {
meterPlayer.currentTime = i;
[meterPlayer updateMeters];
float averagePower = [meterPlayer averagePowerForChannel:0];
_lcl_logger(lcl_cEditRecording, lcl_vTrace, #"Second: %f, Level: %f dB", i, averagePower);
[meterPlayer release];
It would be cool if it worked out however it didn't. I always get -160 dB. Any other ideas on how to implement that?
UPD: Here is what I got finally:
alt text
I just want to help the others who have come into this same question and used a lot of time to search. To save your time, I put out my answer. I dislike somebody here who treat this as kind of secret...
After search around the articles about extaudioservice, audio queue and avfoundation.
I realised that i should use AVFoundation, reason is simple, it is the latest bundle and it is Objective C but not so cpp style.
So the steps to do it is not complicated:
Create AVAsset from the audio file
Create avassetreader from the avasset
Create avassettrack from avasset
Create avassetreadertrackoutput from avassettrack
Add the avassetreadertrackoutput to the previous avassetreader to start reading out the audio data
From the avassettrackoutput you can copyNextSampleBuffer one by one (it is a loop to read all data out).
Each copyNextSampleBuffer gives you a CMSampleBufferRef which can be used to get AudioBufferList by CMSampleBufferGetAudioBufferListWithRetainedBlockBuffer. AudioBufferList is array of AudioBuffer. AudioBuffer is the a bunch of audio data which is stored in its mData part.
You can implement the above in extAudioService as well. But i think the above avfoundation approach is easier.
So next question, what to do with the mData? Note that when you get the avassetreadertrackoutput, you can specify its output format, so we specify the output is lpcm.
Then the mData you finally get is actually a float format amplitude value.
Easy right? Though i used a lot of time to organise this from piece here and there.
Two useful resource for share:
Read this article to know basic terms and conceptions:
Sample code:
You can copy most of the above mentioned code from this sample directly and used for your own purpose.
I haven't used it myself, but Apple's avTouch iPhone sample has bar graphs powered by AVAudioPlayer, and you can easily check to see how they do it.
I don't think you can use AVAudioPlayer based on your constraints. Even if you could get it to "start" without actually playing the sound file, it would only help you build a graph as fast as the audio file would stream. What you're talking about is doing static analysis of the sound, which will require a much different approach. You'll need to read in the file yourself and parse it manually. I don't think there's a quick solution using anything in the SDK.
Ok guys, seems I'm going to answer my own question again: No a lot of concretics, but at least you will know what Apple docs to read.