How exactly are TMX map files base_64-encoded? - iphone

I am writing a game for iOS that uses .tmx map files. I am creating the maps in the application 'Tiled' and then at some point before they get to iOS, I'm parsing them with Perl.
When I save the files as straight XML, it's a cinch for perl to parse them. However, cocos2d insists that the files be base64-encoded. The 'Tiled' map editor has no problem saving files with this encoding scheme, and iOS reads them just fine, but it's presenting problems for my perl code.
For some reason, the standard MIME::Base64 decode_base64() method in perl is not cutting the mustard here- when I decode the strings, I get one or two binary characters-- question marks in diamond boxes and such.
And the vague documentation for the TMX file format makes it unclear if there is some other encoding going on before or after the base64 encoding which might be causing this problems. I looked at the cpp source for the encoder, and I saw lots of references to Latin1, but I couldn't decipher what's going on in detail.
I noticed that when I tried doing my own tests with MIME::Base64, encoding and then decoding a test string, the encoded text looks dramatically different than that which I see coming out of the TMX files-- for instance, my base64-encoded text for a short string looks like this:
But the base64-encoded text coming from the TMX files looks like this:
Any suggestions on what else I might try in attempts to decode a string that looks like that?

I think this page might be what you're looking for. It suggests that first you decode_base64, then (if the compression="gzip" attribute is present) use gunzip to uncompress it, and finally use unpack('V*', $data) to extract the list of 4-byte little-endian integers.


How "Expensive" is Perl's Encode::Detect::Detector

I've been having problems with "gremlins" from different encodings getting mixed into form input and data from a database within a Perl program. At first, I wasn't decoding, and smart quotes and similar things would generate multiple gibberish characters; but, blindly decoding everything as UTF-8 caused older Windows-1252 content to be filled with question marks.
So, I've used Encode::Detect::Detector and the decode() function to detect and decode all POST and GET input, along with data from a SQL database (the decoding process probably occurs on 10-20 strings of text each time a page is generated now). This seems to clean things up so UTF-8, ASCII and Windows-1252 content all display properly as UTF-8 output (as I've designated in the HTML headers):
my $encoding_name = Encode::Detect::Detector::detect($value);
eval { $value = decode($encoding_name, $value) };
My question is this: how resource heavy is this process? I haven't noticed a slowdown, so I think I'm happy with how this works, but if there's a more efficient way of doing this, I'd be happy to hear it.
The answer is highly application-dependent, so the acceptability of the 'expense' accrued is your call.
The best way to quantify the overhead is through profiling your code. You may want to give Devel::NYTProf a spin.
Tim Bunce's YAPC::EU presentation provide more details about the module.

Sample parser code for the CEDICT

Does anyone have a sample code for parsing the CEDICT file? CEDICT is a Chinese-English Dictionary. For instance, currently, if I open it in a text editor, a line in the CEDICT file looks like:
不 不 [bu4] /(negative prefix)/not/no/
I would like to see it as:
不 不 [bu4] /(negative prefix)/not/no/
I found Textwrangler to do this for me as a text editor. What I now need is sample code that achieves the same.
The thing is, it's just an encoding problem. If the line looks like
不 不 [bu4] /(negative prefix)/not/no/
It's because the text editor doesn't know/realize that the text is encoded as UTF-8. Text Wrangler, or its big brother BBEdit, are very good at guessing encoding, and can even be asked to display text in a specific encoding.
Since we don't know what you want, in the end, to achieve, it's hard to tell you exactly what has to be done, specifically. What I can say is that your app (which language are you using anyway?) needs to be Unicode aware (and be able to read/manipulate UTF strings).
I wrote a couple of apps based on the CEDICT, one for Mac OS X, one for Android. Parsing and indexing the CEDICT is not very hard.
Regarding the parsing itself of the CEDICT, it's nothing complicated. I don't do Objective-C, never have, never will, but the process would be the same in any language:
Read a line. Say your own example: 不 不 [bu4] /(negative prefix)/not/no/
You have four fields: Trad. Ch., Simp. Ch., Reading, Meaning(s).
These fields are space separated. Of course the 4th field may contain spaces, so be careful.
Store (I used an sqlite db) the 4 fields in to db.
You might want to remove the slashes from the definition field, replace them with something else.
You have now converted the CEDICT to a database. That's the easy part. As for tokenizing Chinese, good luck with that, mate. Better minds than mine are still banging their heads on this one.

UTF-8 incorrectly displayed in Lua/ Corona

In Lua, for an iPad Corona project, I'm requesting a UTF-8 server text file (containing Chinese characters) using network.request, but the result when displayed in the console or in the app shows as "garbage". Google Chrome, for instance, displays the same UTF-8 page fine, as I'm setting the http header when the server sends this (using PHP) to 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8' (and there's no BOM, byte order mark either). The "garbage" I'm seeing in Lua looks similar to when I "force" Chrome to render the page as ISO-8859-1 using the options menu.
Does anyone have any help or pointers?
If all else fails, how would I convert the "garbage" string back to its UTF-8 origins within Lua?
Thanks for any help!
Lua doesn't know anything about UTF-8; Lua strings are just sequences of bytes. It sounds like Corona itself is parsing the strings as ISO8859-1. The most likely cause for this is them doing something really stupid and naive like treating each byte of the string as a Unicode code point.
I'm afraid I don't know Corona, so can't provide any specific solutions, but I'd suggest looking to see what functions it's got that involve encodings --- there may be a specific function to render a string with a particular encoding, for example.
Can you show the code for your network.request() call?
If you're downloading a html page, you should use
I had this exact same problem, except with Japanese characters. Although Lua doesn't support UTF-8, Corona acts like it does. What that means is that... if you pass a UTF-8 String to display.newText(...), it should display properly. Now, if you output to the console, it will actually print out the raw bytes of the String. And, if you try to print the length of the string, it will actually print out the number of bytes.
So, in summary, Lua treats all strings as an array of bytes. It knows nothing about UTF-8. Some Corona API methods, when passed UTF-8 strings, will display the strings correctly.
I had issues when I mixed UTF-8 with plain ASCII characters, which I believe confused Corona (what I mean is that I mixed English characters with Japanese characters... still all UTF-8, though). I have a hunch that each character in the string must be of the same length in bytes for Corona to display it properly. Try printing out one character at a time to see if that helps. Please feel free to post comments here if you run into trouble. I'd like to figure this issue out myself, too.

How to figure out what and encoded string contains

I have a string that looks like this
My initial guess was that this was a Base64encoded file of some sort. Any ideas on how I can figure out if/which type of file it is? It should contain MIME info I guess but how would I save it to a file without fragmenting it.
It's base64. When you decode it, you get a gzipped file, which consists of a boatload of hex characters (literally, as ASCII 0xNN hex characters). They're mostly in the A-Z,a-z range.
I'd paste it here, but from this, I suspect this is part of some exercise you're doing, so I think I'll leave it to you to figure out.
P.S. For edification, I determined the binary output was a gzipped file by using the unix file command, to identify the "magic" bytes, which showed that it was gzipped. Use your decode_base64 function or whatever it is, then dump the return value into a file and gunzip it.

Are there any special variations of uuencoding / uudecoding?

I have written a small program which can encode/decode a text with uuencode/uudecode. The code is based on the algorithm described on Wikipedia. It works fine when I encode/decode a string. But I have found a uuencoded file which I can't decode. This website can decode the file, but when I encode it again I don't get the same file. In addition, when I decode only one line of the file I don't get readable text (neither with my program nor with the decoder I linked before). But in uuenoding all lines are independent from each other - this must be able.
Do someone know whether there are some special variations of the uuenoding, which are not described on Wikipedia? I can decode some strings so my decoder can't be totally wrong. Perhaps someone has written his own decoder, so I post the whole file:
begin 666
I found the solution! The problem was that I did not notice the first line. This line holds information about the data encoded - a file named So the decoded data is a ZIP file which I just had to unpack.
I got a text file named Restricted.txt which contains the readable data.
The problem was so easy, but it took me days to see its solution.
That's a good change over to packing algorithms - perhaps the next thing I do is writing my own program which can pack/unpack zip files.