What is background color of uipicker control? - iphone

I am using a uipicker as an input view for a text control. I also have a toolbar set up as an accessory input view. I would like the toolbar tint to match the picker. I have tried using the magnifier tool on the color chooser to get the RGB for the picker, but when I use these RGB values to set the tint on the toolbar I get get a close, but not exact match.
Is there anyway to figure out exactly the background color of the picker? None of the palettes in the color chooser seem to have this particular shade of gray with a slight hint of blue.

The border consists of a gradient for the top half and a solid color for the bottom half:
As for the 'white' background, the brightest part is a #fafafa to #5f627c gradient.


Why is UISegmentedControl turning the blue parts of my image to black?

Can anyone tell me why my segmentedcontrol changes colors of the image I set for the segments? When I step through the debugger the image contains black text and a blue dot. But when it is rendered in the simulator the dot is black and not blue:
Here is a screen shot of the view hierarchy showing the image I set on the segmented control with a blue dot and to the left the rendered view controller with the segmented control with the dot being black.
I assume this is related to the tint color and possibly how the control handles light and dark mode.
The funny thing is is I set the image to get an image from my image assets, it is fine. But this images was one that is dynamically generated with calls to UIGraphicsImageRenderer.
Thanks to input from Tom Harrington, the problem was I needed to apply the rendering mode to alwaysOriginal for my image - that was the trick!
let chatImage = UIImage.textEmbeded(image: scaledDotImage, string: "Chat", isImageBeforeText: false).withRenderingMode(.alwaysOriginal)

Figuring out the text color based on background view color iOS

I have these Views on which I add UILabels as text, The Views can have a background color that is dynamic and cannot be chosen,
Based on that I need to figure out the font color from only a set of three choices - two black or white or dark grey.
For example on a dark red background, a white font would be more suitable than black, while on a light yellow, perhaps a dark grey or black would be readable,
is there any index i could check from the background UIColor to see the illuminance?
Take a look at my UIColor category and the blackOrWhiteContrastingColor method. This will tell you what will look better out of black or white. You could extend that to support dark grey as well.
Basically the way it works is to look at the luminosity difference between the target colour and black, and then between the target colour and white. It then chooses the biggest luminosity difference.

RGB Value for UITableViewCell SelectionStyle Blue

I am doing some work with a custom UITableViewCell,and I am trying to find out the RGB value of the UITableViewCellSelectionStyleBlue. For long detailed reasons, I will not be using the delivered selection style. Is the blue selection style color solid (it looks to be so) or a gradient? Any help or a point in the right direction to replicate this color/style would be appreciated.
Get an image editing program such as Graphic Converter. With most of these when one entered color selection mode there is usually a pointer that can be hovered over the screen and it will display the color values. I also will take a screenshot, open it in GC and display it at 200% or 400% to get accurate colors and sizes.

Change background color of UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal

I would like to change the color behind the flip from white to a different color or picture. Is that possible?
Change the background colour of the UIWindow in MainWindow.nib. Either "black" or "clear" should both work (I think...)
It's one of the first things I do to any app, otherwise you get bits of white showing on a view rotation (in the very old days of 2.x there were huge patches of white; they've since masked off the screen edges during a rotation, but a few pixels still show through) and when you show/hide the status bar (e.g. for UIImagePicker) and stuff. Black looks a lot better than white for the window background.

Text Engraving effect in UILabel

How can we bring the Engraved effect of a UILabel's Text?
I wanted the effect as provided in the snapshot I have provided.
I could not add the image, so I have added the Link where I have hosted it.
If you're using a light text color, set the shadow to a color darker than your text and move the shadow up 1 pixel.
If you're using a dark text color, set the shadow to a color lighter than your text and move the shadow down 1 pixel.