Resource level authorization in RESTful service - rest

Let /users/{id} be a resource url in RESTful service.
Basic authentication is enabled and only authenticated users are allowed to access the url.
Example Scenario:
User_1 & User_2 are authenticated users with userId 1 & 2.
Since both are authenticated, both of them are having access to,
But the expectation is User_1 should have access to /users/1 and not to /users/2 or other userId.
How to do resource level authorization in RESTful services?
Note: I am implementing RESTful using Jax-RS (with Apache CXF implementation), helpful if you could explain with Jax-RS.
As Donal mentioned, I am not looking for role based authorization rather resource level authorization.
To give an example, lets say /users/{id}/photos/{photoId} be another resource url. User_1 should be given access to the photos belong to him only. If photoId of 2 belonging to user_2, then we should give http_404 error code for user_1 when a request /users/1/photos/2 is requested.[Since User_1 is also authenticated user he can invoke /users/2/photos/2, so we must identify the user id based on authentication parameters than via resource url]
Only solution I can think of is, include the unique id which determines the authorization in each query like,
with this resources are delivering data that belongs to specific user. [There should be a mechanism to prevent the modification of the unique id in client side which is used to decide on authorization(userId in this case), since all requests are STATELESS request]
Caveat: Each and every query should be intelligent enough to understand the security concerns and include extra join. This is a bad design to tie up security logic to every business function.
I am yet to look into Spring security and how it can be used in this use case.

I would recommend not having the user id in the url (as if it's being 'limited' by a Basic Auth header then you may as well just have it 'specified' by the Basic auth header). This will reduce the risk of introducing a Direct Object Reference Vulnerability -
In this case you could have one of the following urls:
As photos is a sub resource then you could just create the photos with a "sequence number" within the user. In a sql database this would mean having a "compound key" across both user and photo columns.
Your SQL would then look something like:
SELECT * FROM PHOTO_TBL WHERE USER_ID=<BasicAuthUsername> AND PHOTO_ID=<path param value>;
A good explanation of "Basic Auth Headers":

JAX-RS specifies sub-resource where instead of handling request in a method, processing is delegated to other object - sub-resource.
Using sub-resources it's enought to take care of the root resource and nested ones will be secured as well.
In the example you can see UserResource and all it's sub-resources available only to authorized user.
public class UserResource {
private final String userId;
public UserResource(#PathParam("userId") String userId, #Context SecurityContext securityContext) {
this.userId = userId;
boolean authorized = /* authorization code */;
if (!authorized) { throw new WebApplicationException(Status.UNAUTHORIZED); }
public PhotoResource getPhotoResource() {
return new PhotoResource(userId);
public class PhotoResource {
private final String userId;
public PhotoResource(String userId) {
this.userId = userId;
public Response listAll() { /* ... */ }
public Response present() { /* ... */ }


Using DTO or request.param in Express/TypeORM Rest Api

Im creating a REST API with express/TypeORM in Typescript.
My application stores users in mysql database, and users can create boards in the application.
When a user create a board i have to send the userId from the client to the backend to identify which user created this table.
1: I created a DTO:
import { Board } from "../entity/Board";
class BoardDTO {
public board!: Board;
public userId!: string;
export default BoardDTO;
to get the userId from the request.body.
I can send the userId in the request url as a parameter like this:
The question is which one is the better pattern in real life???
get userId from body or from the request.param????

Spring-rest sub resource request on missing parent

I have a User entity and a Post entity with a One User to Many Posts relationship. To get a user resource I make a GET request to this endpoint in the UserController:
If the requested userId does not correspond to a user in MySQL I throw an exception with a 404 User not found error through the UserService class (code below).
public User getUser(Integer id) throws ResourceNotFoundException{
return userRepository.findById(id).map(user -> {
return user;
}).orElseThrow(() -> new ResourceNotFoundException("User with the ID " + id + " is not available"));
Now in order to get a Post resource I use this endpoint on the PostController:
My question: What if I request a Post (whatever this is) on a non existing User? Is the best logic to throw a 404 User not found error again, or Post not found? If so, how can I combine the UserService getUser(id) and the PostService getPost(id) to throw the error?
Actually it depends how do you map the relationship between user and post.
If it is bidirectional relationship and cascade type is ALL then while deleting the user all the posts created by the user also will get deleted.
So if above is the case then you just check for user in DB if not found then show user not found.
Also you should perform the recommended approach to delete a user using soft delete

Authenticate a user based on a token and not through mysql table

round 2: trying to make this clearer:
I have two totally and completely separate services (both laravel 5.3).
One is an authentication service that has access to a user mysql database, permissions and role.
The other is a resource service. It couldn't care less about the user table and does not have access to any user table.
That means that any type of Auth::loginById()... would never work in this service because there is no user table.
I want to use JWT to have users access the resource service API, and have the user Auth to act as if a user is authenticated - but again - all I have are the claims inside the JWT - no user table. The claims include some information about the user - id, name, etc. I want to do something like this:
$userObj = JWTAuth::parseToken()->getPayload()->claims; // { id:4, name: Birdman, email:}
and then have access to the user object like usual
echo Auth::user()->name // Birdman
Has anyone tried anything like this?
I have found that doing this more or less works:
$u = new User();
$u->user_id = (JWTAuth::parseToken()->getPayload()->get('sub'));
$u->name = (JWTAuth::parseToken()->getPayload()->get('name'));
Obviously I can't $u->save() here because again - there is no user database.
I can do this though:
and then I can later call Auth::user()->name properly...
I'm asking if I'm doing something exotic here or is this good stuff. Where will this fail?

How to hide properties on Azure Mobile Service responses?

I have a Mobile Service with Model classes and DTO classes. I mapped these using Fluent API and got it to work to perform CRUD operations, but I have a problem with the JSON responses returned in some instances.
Take for example a User entity with user name and password. To register a user I have my PostUserDTO method like this:
// POST tables/UserDTO
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> PostUserDTO(UserDTO item)
string hashString = PasswordHash.CreateHash(item.Password);
item.Password = hashString;
UserDTO current = await InsertAsync(item);
current.Password = "";
return CreatedAtRoute("Tables", new { id = current.Id }, current);
On the method I read the password property sent from the client and then proceed to hash it with a salt, replace the value in the object sent and save it to the database, then I proceed to empty the password so the hashed result isn't returned.
In this case the best practice would be to omit the password property from the response, this also should happen when retrieving all of the users in the table, I only want to return specific information, some information generated by my server should stay out from the response.
How can I select or alter the information from the responses? Do I have to create other DTOs for every kind of response I desire?

CQ5 querying node which has access for a particular user

In geometrix site if I need to get the results for page which has only user X has access
Following query pulls all the records, but I need to restrict for only X user
What are the parameters that need to be included in the url
ACL mechanism, responsible for authorization (deciding if a user has access to a resource) is quite complicated. Privileges are inherited from ancestor nodes, there are groups (and a group may be member of another group), etc. That's why it is not possible to write a query that will list nodes available for a particular user.
However, you may create a resource resolver working on behalf of any user and use it to query the repository - you'll get only resources available to the resource resolver "owner". Example:
final String user = "my-user";
final String query = "SELECT * FROM [cq:Page] AS s WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE([/content/geometrixx/en]) ORDER BY [jcr:created]";
Map<String, Object> authInfo = new HashMap<String, Object>();
authInfo.put(ResourceResolverFactory.USER_IMPERSONATION, user);
ResourceResolver resolver = resourceResolverFactory.getAdministrativeResourceResolver(authInfo);
Iterator<Resource> result = resolver.findResources(query, "JCR-SQL2");