Crystal sub report stored procedure parameter - crystal-reports

I'm using Crystal reports designer Version 11.
I have a report which calls a subreport and I have set up linked parameters.
The subreport is using a stored procedure.
I can't see how I feed to the parameters passed to the sub report into the stored procedure that is returning the data.

This is really late to the party, but I'm researching the same problem (I think) and have found a solution. In the main report, right-clck on the sub report and "Change Subreport Links".
In the top section, choose your parameter in the main report and click the right arrow to add to the "Field(s) to link to". In the bottom, sub-report section of the window, change the left side "Subreport parameter field to use" drop-down. It defaults to creating a new parameter in the sub report and you don't want to do that. You want to use an existing paramter (that was automatically added by using the stored procedure). In the drop-down choose that parameter that was auto created by the stored procedure.
Doing this means that you can have a parameter in the main report that you can automatically pass to the subreport which means you don't have to enter the same value for two separate parameters.
I hope this helps. It works great for me.

I understand this question is old but have found no satisfactory answer elsewhere. The simple solution I found is to implement the stored procedure from within a crystal command just like any other command sql. I could not get the parameters to show up in the bottom left drop downs no matter what. Something similar to below where ZNG_PROACTIVE_STREET_SWEEPS is the name of the stored procedure and the two parameters are what the stored procedure takes in.
[dbo].[ZNG_PROACTIVE_STREET_SWEEPS] #StartDate ={?begindate}, #EndDate = {?enddate}

After considering and then some searching, I take back my original answer.
Once you have parameters defined for the SQL Command, they are visible/available as parameters from outside the report. When you set up the links from the calling report to the subreport, the subreoprt parameters will be visible and available and you can link fields from the main report to those parameters.
A recent post in someone's blog covers the same activity with subreports driven from SQL Commands
Using SQL Commands and Parameters
I hope this helps and I hope that my original answer did not negatively affect your progress on your report.
Original answer
You cannot pass parameters to a stored procedure from report objects. The stored procedure will respond to CR Designer when you first reference the SP when you define the report. CR creates links to stored procedure parameters from the data source interface only, not from the report.
You will see an entry in the Parameters objects, but it will be read-only -- you can place it in the display section, but you cannot set it from report formulas, passed values, etc. Using formulas to process data before calling the stored procedure will not work, nor will trying to pass data through subreport links from the main report.
Using other design tools, you can have code that controls the data source interface, and processes data that is passed in parameters, but in CR Designer, you are pretty much left with the bare minimum options. You can right-click on the parameter and do things like set default values, set prompting text, set a pattern / mask for the format, but that's about it.


Crystal Reports - Subreport with stored procedure as datasource creates a new param and doesn't pass it to the stored proc

Using Crystal Reports XI, I have a main report. In this report, I have a Formula Field named XXXCompanyFilter. This is set programmatically at run time and I want to pass it to a subreport.
I add a subreport that has a stored procedure as an input parameter. The parameter is named #co.
A Parameter Field is automatically created in my subreport called #co.
I return to my main report and right-click the subreport and choose Change Subreport Links. I choose the Formula Field XXXCompanyFilter from the Available Fields list and move it to the Field(s) to link to: list.
At this point I expect to be able to choose the subreport's #co parameter in the Subreport parameter field to use: drop down, but it is not there. I have unchecked the Select data in subreport based on field: checkbox.
I've tried selecting the ?Pm-#XXXCompanyFilter option, and that (I think) causes a new subreport parameter to be created:
After that, I do get the new subreport parameter to show in the drop down:
However, this new parameter doesn't seem to do anything, and I'm still prompted to enter the #co subreport parameter whenever I run the report. If I enter a value for the #co parameter the report returns the data I expect.
I've created several subreports to see if the behavior changes. I've tried it with the subreport wizard and with subreports I've created normally. I always get a 2nd, non-useful subreport parameter and the #co parameter is never set, so I am prompted for it.
I feel like if I could select the #co parameter in the drop down list it would work as needed.
I've checked out multiple SO posts, and I've googled the issue but everything I find says I'm doing it right. What am I doing wrong, or what do I need to do to make the #co parameter available in the drop down?
I solved this by specifying a database field in the Available Fields list when creating the subreport link and following the instructions in my original post.
Apparently it just won't work if you specify a Formula Field in the Available Fields list. I can't find any documentation on this but that's the conclusion I come to after reaching a solution by trial and error.

Ssrs run only one of the subreports based on parameter

I have a report, and the report has 5 subreports. There is a parameter named "SubreportNumber". I want to run one of the subreports, based on that parameter. Just one of them should run. Effectivity is important in my case. Is this possible?
I'm using an IIF statement to hide (using visibility) my reports based on a parameter value, as described above.
Then I take the same approach when specifying the sub-report parameters.
This can basically be done on any one of the parameters, if the report should be showing then pass the parameter, else pass nothing. (If you pass NOTHING as a parameter to the report, it won't run the report, ie. performance increase...)
Example for Year parameter below:
=IIF(Parameters!SubreportNumber.Value = "1","YEAR(NOW)", Nothing)
You can hide the reports you dont want based on your parameter.
To do this: Go the Report's property, under visibility section. Set Show or hide report based on expression. You can write an expression to hide report depending upon your parameter.
This will just hide the reports. Make sure there are no stored procedure or they will be execute irrespective or whether the report is visible or not.

Two SQL query inside single JasperReport

We are generating reports based on iReports and JasperReports for web application.
Using iReports I found I am struck with big problem.
I want to use two SQL query to fill up my main report...
In query designer I can only write one query..
For another query I cannot use sub-reports...
How do I write second query which will return different fields and include them in my report..
Please guide...
I cannot use sub-reports...
Yes, adding a table to your report is as easy as adding a field. Just drag it from the palette and drop it in the report where you need to have it.
Add a new Table data source. I assume this was done.
Once the data source is configured, you could design your table UI using the wizard.
just click on next or finish to close the wizard.
To add a parameter in data set (if needed), Navigate to your data set using the report inspector. Expand your data set. You would find the parameters menu. Right click to add the new parameter.
Now right click on your table and select edit table data source. Here you will find options to pass parameters to your table from the main report. Passing parameters to your table should be as simple as you do in sub reports. Select the parameter just created from the drop down list box and pass the required value.
In the Data set run Dialog box that appears, please make sure of the data set and the report connection you are using.
You are done configuring the table with this, next you will place the fields in the cells of table for displaying the data.
You are getting your document has no pages since the main report query does not return any rows i guess. For your table to be executed your main report must return at least a row
Hope this helps you.
Good Luck!!
As far as Ireports are concerned, the main report can comprise only one query. And if you wanna use multiple queries in your report, it is possible in the following ways.
Sub Report
Table Dataset.
sub Dataset.
since you don wish to use a sub report, you can go for a Table Dataset. Anything you would do with a sub report is possible with table dataset too(Except for returning variables). You can use sub datasets with charts and graphs. Table set will be of use to you i hope.

Iterate through data table in Crystal Report

How can i create function to iterate through datatable to read value from table
Function GetVal(integer id)
//iterate here and match value from table using id
return value;
and call this function on report field
i am using crystal report 11
any clues??
Option 1: Make your function (or equivalent SQL query) outside of Crystal and link to it like any other source. The practicality of this option depends on the details of your report.
Option 2: Crystal doesn't have a built-in Get() function that I can find. So, you'll have to get creative with subreports. For example, let say's say you want to get {TargetFld} from {LookupTable} based on {CriteriaFld}:
Make a subreport. Use {LookupTable} for your data source.
When entering subreport links, choose {CriteriaFld}.
In your subreport, make a formula. Use it to create a Shared variable and set the value to whatever value you want to pass back to the main report.
Position the subreport 1 section above the section where you need to use this value. (Otherwise it won't evaluate when you expect it to).
Create the Shared variable in the main report.
Use it as normal.
If you're not familiar with subreports or shared variables, I suggest first looking them up in the Crystal help files (F11). This will make alot more sense that way.

crystal report problem

what is the equivalant command like in vb for EOF(), MoveNext, Moveprevious commands in crystal reports
There are no equivalent answers in Crystal Reports, at least not in the versions I have used. Crystal Reports more or less simply dumps the data out into the report.
That said, if you are in a detail row, and you want to find out what the next value of a field will be, you can use:
You can also find out the previous column value by using this:
Keep in mind that Next() won't work on the last record, and Previous() won't work on the first record.
I'll have to double-check, but I believe there is an OnLastRecord function that returns TRUE if you are on the last record.
First, welcome to SO!
Second, you sound new to Crystal Report's purpose is to display data, not perform the kind of calculations you're talking about. CR usually goes record-by-record through the data, displaying (or suppressing) each record, and adding group headers & footers.
To answer your question, LittleBobbyTables does give a few good pointers. To see the entire list of functions available to you, there is a list in the Formula Editor (see pic below). Press F1 for detailed descriptions of each command.
You can also:
Create a "Running Total Formula" that will evaluate each record and give a calculation in the group footer.
Do the calculations outside of Crystal Reports and only feed the end result in (perhaps with an unlinked join to your primary table).
The most complex option is to make a subreport that does the calculation and feeds the result back to the main report
Can you give us some more details about what you're trying to do?