Circles in the on the iPhone - iOS Programming - iphone

In the Mail application on the iPhone, when edit is tapped, small circles appear next to the cells which allow the user to tap multiple cells.
Is this a built in feature? How can I get this set up in my UITableView in my iPhone application?

Well, sort of. There is an „editing mode“ for UITableViews built-in. Have a look at Matt explaines it pretty well, in my opinion.

This is not available by default in iOS 4. As ckruse mentioned there are a few guides to accomplish the look yourself. If you have a paid iOS Developer account then I suggest you look at the UITableView documentation in iOS 5 ;)


Making my iPhone 5 app compatible with iPhone 4, iPod Touch, legacy iPhone?

I am new to xcode and mobile app design in general, but was able to pull together some resources and make a nice looking app optimizing for iPhone 5. However, I noticed a few problems with compatibility and am hoping someone can suggest to me a quick fix.
First, I take advantage of the entire iPhone 5 screen size, and when loaded on iPhone 4 or earlier the placement of icons is all awry. Would this be fixed by just making the entire view scrollable somehow? And if so, can someone point me in the right direction to accomplish this?
Second, I've noticed that if I am using my app while in a call (and therefore have the green notification bar at the top) it also causes misalignments for my objects. Is there a way to prevent this?
Thanks for the advice.
If you are targeting iOS 6 you should take advantage of Auto Layout. Here is a good tutorial to get started
Add a Default-568h#2x.png launch image.
and check the all screen.

Convert ios4 app into ios5

I have already created an app compatible with ios<5. Which already exists at Workout DJ FREE for Spotify
Now in next version I want this app compatible with ios5 too. For that what do I need to do?
I have planned to go with either of these two options
Make separate xib for each screen
Create all images with more retina display & name it with #(some)X. Like we do #2x for retina display.
I don't think the 2nd option will work at all, will it?
I'm seeking guidance from the ios5 experts.What should I do? Should I go with either of above two options or there is some other alternative that is standard & best.
You shouldn't need separate views for the iPhone 5 and <= iPhone 4.
Just add a new Default screen for the iPhone 5 to trigger automatic view sizing to work on the iPhone 5 and make sure all of your Autolayout or resizing masks are correct.
Yes, you'll want to make sure you supply retina graphics so everything looks good on the retina displays in the iPhone 4 and iPhone 5.
Just follow the below tutorial. You will have idea of how to set design for iPhone 4 & 5 compatible.
There are multiple ways of doing this, try googling it. Maybe try checking out this forum article here:

Universal Apps workflow

So far I've only dealed with iPhone Apps and the time has come to make them universal. I was watching the lecture about universal Apps by Paul Hegarty on iTunesU and some questions poped into my head.
If I understood the concep allright the main difference between an iPad and an iPhone (when coding) is that the iPad allows the splitview controller and one should take advantadge of it, right?
What Mr. Hegarty did was to adapt the code on one App and add conditionals to differ when the App was running on an iPad or an iPhone.
My question is, is that the usual way it is done? I am a very organized guy and I like stuff to be as much structured as possible. So my first though was to create a complete set of view controllers to manage the iPad storyboard rather that have a single view controller filled with code for both devices.
is it possible to do so as well? what is considered to be a good practice?
Thanks in advance!
I think a good practice for a universal app would be reuse as much code as possible. Otherwise, why not create two different apps?
There are not that many differences between iphone and ipad controls except on iPad we can use popover and split view. So I would share the code in view controller as much as I can.
I just published a git for "converting" iPhone app into Universal app. Take a look -

Scrolling the iphone simulator

I am a beginner in iphone development, and I want to make scrolling in the iphone simulator.
How can I make it possible? Can anybody give me code for it?
You should look into the ScrollViewSuite example that Apple gives then. They use scroll views in a couple different ways to show off what they can do.
More information here:

Grid View as demoed in iPad

I'm trying to develop a grid-like application for the iPad. Has anyone seen a control that displays info in a grid? In the demos they use a grid-like layout in both the iBooks store and the pictures application.
Specifically in pictures, they are displaying a dynamic list of data in a grid.
I can work around it, of course, but I'd rather use a control if one exists. Thanks!
You should try AQGridView it does what you need.
Here are few screens of apps that use this library:
The people who know what controls are or or not in the 3.2 iPhone dev tools have all committed to Apple NDA so we can't tell you.
Steve is always watching.
If you have signed the NDA you should go to the Apple boards and ask.
You can however, make a gird like display very simply with the standard UITableview. Just have a tableviewcell subclass that displays columns. It took me about an hour to reproduce the photo picker display using that method.
Nope, you will have to create your own. People have been writing Home Screen compatible views though, so you might want to search for open source projects with that functionality.