What class is used in this iphone app - iphone

I've been long time searching for a way to achieve placing pins on an image just like the mapview, but have not been able to do this yet. I thought someone could give a clue as what kind of class is used in this picture.As you can see everything is like MKMapView with Annotation pins and callout except for that it's not a map but an ordinary image. How can I achive the same thing?

Yeah, basically a matter of creating the pin image, then placing image views of that image over your background image. Create the image view, set it's position as needed, and call addSubview from the background image.

You can try a simple way, first find out the position of the user tap on the image or screen. Then place that pin image on that tap position in such a manner the height of the pin image should point the y axis of the tap. If you want to store that data then store it in some array or file and you can also save that image (the map containing pins) as png.


How to achieve dynamic UIView masking?

I'm trying to achieve a sort of dynamic UIView masking effect. Here is a sketch:
So as you can see, I'm trying to create a UIView that can effectively cut through an image to reveal the image behind it. I already know how to return an image with a mask statically, however I would like the "revealer" to be draggable (I'll use pan gesture) and live.
Does anyone have any ideas or starting points on how to achieve this? Thanks
(NOTE: My demo says White layer, but I'd actually like to show another image or photo).
masking an image is not that difficult.
This link shows the basics.
But personally I think i would make 2 UIImage views and crop the content of the draggable UIView. I'm not sure but I would expect that clipping and panning the second image will be less computationally expensive then applying the mask and will get you a better frame rate.
So I would do: UIImageView of the full image. A UIView on top of it with a white and some transparency setting to make it look white, then a UIImageView with the image either places or cropped so that only the correct section is showing.

Custom Map iPhone

I trying to figure out how to create a Custom Map like the following:
I just don't know where to start from, do I use UIWebView or MapKit?
Any help will be appreciated.
What we did in our app is use a UIImageView on a UIScrollView. You need to take a screenshot of the object you will map on the google-map and precisely draw your overlay over it. Also you need to take the top left coordinate and bottom right coordinate of the screenshot you took from the map. Then put the overlay image inside an imageview, image view on scrollview, and scale your coordinate system on the scrollview with the coordinates you took from the map. Now you can precisely plot POI-s on your overlay. A note: The first thing we did is we overlaid the g-map with custom image view but it was really slow when scrolled, so don't even try it. Good luck with coding.
[EDIT] you take a large screenshot of an area on google map like this

UI Button with Image Smaller than Touchable Area

I've not much response so am adding some more info.
My buttons are not rectangular, nor organised in a grid so I need a way of creating what looks like a button (and shows that it has been pressed visually, as per a standard UIButton) but where the touchable area is different to the image area.
I am using a transparent PNG and that element works fine. I've added the buttons in Interface Builder and am wondering if that is the problem.
However, if I change imageEdgeInsets, it distorts the image display, which is obviously not what I want.
Bizarrely, if I increase the dimemsions of the button, it doesn't change the image, but if I decrease them it does.
I have tried different combinations of mode (scale to fill etc), but to no avail.
I am aware that there is an image and background image property, but in IB there is only one.
Essentially, I don't understand how the geometry works and the Apple documentation doesn't seem to help.
Surely, I can't be the only person to try to do this. Any help would be warmly welcomed.
Many thanks,
Try setting the buttons setting to Aspect Fit. This will fill the button with your image so a smaller image than the button size would leave the space around the image.
Also set the button type to custom.
In the end, I stumbled across Ole Begemann's Non-rectangular buttons class. It just does what I need - to be able to create buttons where the touchable area follows the visible element of a non rectangular image.
#Helium3 - thanks - that allowed me to use a larger touch area, bit not a smaller one.

Zoom Image and store the visible Image

I am working on module where I need to perform following activities.
Select image from Library.
Show that image.
Zoom that image.
Save the Zoomed portion or visible portion on the view.so that final image will get saved with zoomed.
I have covered 1,2,3 and struggling with 4
Does anyone have idea about this?
If I understand you correctly, you want to save image that appears on the screen after zooming? To do that you can use CGImageCreateWithImageInRect function.

how to swap images using Cocoa Touch

I am trying to build 15-puzzle game.
Here I need to swap a blank image with a clicked on image. I would like to know how to swap these images.
I have stored the co-ordinates of the two images,but don't know the format to identify the blank image and then set its origin to clicked image.
Present each tile as a CALayer. To swap two tiles, set each layer's position to the other's position.